Home Teeth and mouthDental health Causes of Yellow Teeth & Solutions for Them

Causes of Yellow Teeth & Solutions for Them

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Beautiful teeth are not only a great aesthetic appeal, but at the same time, they become a reflection of our health and well-being. Even though our teeth are not perfect, wearing a clean smile free of tartar and cavities indicates that we care about the essential aspects of our hygiene, showing that we are caring people. But a white smile has also become highly coveted. However, our genetics and habits can work against us, preventing us from having the teeth we want.

If you wonder why your teeth are yellow, keep reading because, in this FastlyHealarticle, we clarify the most common causes of this condition.

What does the color of our teeth depend on?

Like any other aspect of our physical appearance, the color of our teeth is determined by genetics. However, certain circumstances can modify it over the years.

The tooth’s shade will depend on the color of our dentin and the amount of enamel on the teeth. Dentin is a layer that surrounds the inner part of the teeth and is characterized by being opaque and yellowish; depending on its color, this will influence the final tone of our teeth. On the other hand, the enamel, a translucent mineral layer, is in charge of protecting the dentin, bringing shine to the tooth, and preventing wear; the more enamel we have, the whiter the teeth tend to be.

Milk or temporary teeth are whiter than permanent teeth; this is because the dentin layer of this type of tooth is thinner, being much whiter than the dentin of fixed teeth. Together with a more translucent layer of enamel, this makes it easier to appreciate the whiteness of the teeth of the first years, which can also be affected by incorrect hygiene habits and some health conditions.

The color of the dentin is predetermined by genetics. However, the care of our dental enamel is conditioned by various eating and hygiene habits, which can also be affected by the medication we take or the diseases we suffer from, mainly when they occur during teething.

The importance of genetics

With the previous explanation, it is clear that genetics is responsible for the tone of the dentin and therefore determines the color of our teeth by making them whiter or tending a little more towards yellowish tones.

However, various conditions can cause our teeth to stain, turn more yellow over time, or even darken completely. When there are changes in tooth coloration, specialists divide their causes into two large groups:

  • Intrinsic causes occur when the substance that generates dental pigmentation is found within the tooth itself or is part of its structure. This group includes conditions that affect dentin.
  • Extrinsic causes manifest when the substance that stains the tooth is deposited in the enamel; that is, it is superficial.

Habits that stain tooth enamel and cause yellow teeth

Among the extrinsic causes of yellow teeth are various habits that can affect the whiteness of the teeth, giving rise to a more yellowish tone.

The most common triggers for this condition are:

  • Frequent intake of foods that stain the teeth

Drinks such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, or red wine have pigments capable of sticking to the enamel of the teeth and staining them noticeably when ingested in large quantities. Limiting its consumption is very important to guarantee dental health.

  • Excessive consumption of acidic foods

Eating a diet rich in acidic foods such as citrus fruit or vinegar can cause erosion of tooth enamel, causing it to weaken and thin, making teeth look more yellow

  • Smoke

Smoking is highly detrimental to respiratory health, but it also causes significant staining of the teeth due to the accumulation of nicotine and tar in the enamel. Giving up cigarettes and starting a professional teeth whitening treatment may be the right solution to this problem.

  • Poor dental hygiene

The accumulation of plaque and dental tartar product to poor brushing, lack of flossing, or due to the absence of an annual professional cleaning can end up affecting the enamel. When the teeth are full of plaque, there is a greater chance that food particles will remain in the enamel, increasing the feeling of dirt and the yellowish appearance.

Wear of tooth enamel also affects its color.

As we age, our teeth turn more yellow; this is basically due to the wear of tooth enamel, which reduces the brightness and whiteness of the teeth. This condition can be triggered by the erosion of tooth enamel produced by the ingestion of acidic foods or by other conditions such as bruxism and bite problems.

Trauma, another cause that affects the color of the dentin

If you have recently received a solid blow to the mouth and, as a result of the injury, you have noticed that one or two teeth have become darker, it is likely that this is due to the trauma that has affected the dental pulp, altering the color of the tooth. Tooth in a meaningful way. This is one of the intrinsic causes of color change in teeth.

In these cases, a blow to the teeth can cause:

  • Calcification of the pulp of the tooth.
  • Internal bleeding can be reabsorbed when the damage to the tooth’s pulp is not severe, which will cause the piece to change color until it acquires the usual tone.
  • Necrosis or death of the dental pulp because the blow has been much more decisive than the tooth can bear.

It is recommended to visit a dentist to find a timely solution to save the tooth or improve its appearance.

Responsible for medication for yellow teeth

Another intrinsic cause of this problem may be the consumption of certain types of medication, which depending on the stage in which it has been ingested and the duration of treatment, can affect the coloration of the teeth.

Among these substances, we find:

  • Antibiotics such as tetracycline and doxycycline taken during the tooth formation can cause the dentin to darken during this stage. The intensity of the yellow color will depend on the extent of the treatment, the dose ingested, and the location of tooth formation. This effect occurs mainly in children because it affects the tooth during its construction.
  • Certain antidepressants, high blood pressure, or allergy medications can also cause yellow stains on the teeth.

Diseases that alter the color of the teeth

When yellow teeth occur in children and during teething, the causes that are commonly evaluated are the intake of antibiotics, trauma, and also the presence of various diseases that can interfere with their coloration. Among them are:

  • Dentinogenesis: an abnormal formation of dentin; it is a condition of hereditary origin.
  • Amelogenesis: an abnormal formation of tooth enamel; it is also a genetic alteration.
  • Presence during the dental formation stage of alterations in metabolism, hormones, liver, or blood can cause a change in tooth pigmentation.

Go to your dentist

Since the answer to why my teeth are yellow is very diverse, visiting a specialist for a complete check-up is essential. A dentist will be able to tell you if the stains are superficial and affect only the enamel, if there are problems with the dentin, and the best treatments or aesthetic solutions to improve the appearance of your teeth.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why my teeth are yellow , we recommend that you enter our Teeth and mouth category .


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