Home Women's HealthAlterations in menstruation Anovulation: symptoms, causes and treatment

Anovulation: symptoms, causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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While anovulation is not a disease in and of itself, it is an indication that something is happening to the body. It is a gynecological disorder that causes the ovaries not to release eggs regularly, which causes ovulation not to take place. Women who do not ovulate for each menstrual cycle are not exclusively related to menopause, but it can also cause infertility. As the woman with anovulation disorder has affected the production of eggs, a lack of viable eggs released during the menstrual cycle triggers difficulty in getting pregnant.

Currently, there are enough treatments to counteract the effects of this gynecological disorder, which affects between 6% and 15% of women who are of childbearing age. On this occasion, at FastlyHealwe want you to know everything about anovulation: symptoms, causes, and treatment.

Symptoms of anovulation

There are several symptoms of anovulation, and one or more may occur, but not necessarily simultaneously. These may be:

  • That there is an absence of the menstrual period, known as amenorrhea. This symptom appears in 20% of women with anovulation, Or the opposite may happen. That is, you suffer from excessive menstrual bleeding.
  • Irregular menstruation: several menstrual cycles of the year last more or less than usual.
  • An absence or nonexistence of pain and tenderness in the mammary glands. This usually happens to 20% of women with this genetic disorder.
  • 40% of women with ovulatory problems suffer from infrequent and light menstruation, oligomenorrhea.
  • Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are reduced, such as breast tenderness, headache, constipation, bloating, among others.
  • Infertility. As the ovum detachment does not occur, the woman may have difficulties conceiving.

Causes of anovulation

Anovulation can be caused by:

  • Hormonal imbalance occurs in 70% of women who suffer from anovulation. The ovaries suffer from a hormonal alteration that causes the androgen level to be higher than average. On the other hand, the hormonal imbalance causes a low production of follicles to ensure the development of an egg, making it difficult for the woman to get pregnant.
  • High level of pituitary hormones: having an increased amount of pituitary hormones causes the lack of ovulation or that it exists in a very distinctive way. This means that the hormone necessary for ovulation is not present in the body.
  • Alterations of the hypothalamus: the hypothalamus is in charge of controlling the pituitary gland, which regulates the secretion of some hormones. This disturbance of the hypothalamus can affect the ovaries and, consequently, ovulation. Only 10% of women with anovulation suffer from alterations in the hypothalamus caused by stress.
  • Other reasons: losing weight or gaining drastically can be the reason for hormonal imbalance, generating anovulation. On the other hand, breastfeeding can also cause changes in the menstrual cycle and affect the ovulatory phase, causing it not to be done correctly.

Treatment for an ovulation disorder

The treatment of anovulation is exclusively oriented to curing the cause that generates it. For example, if anovulation is due to an alteration in the hypothalamus due to stress problems, medications will likely be given to calm this. It is essential to consult a doctor so that he can grant the best treatment for each patient. Some drugs cause ovulation, but it is only recommended for some particular cases that the specialist will identify.

Women who carry out treatment to achieve pregnancy in cases of anovulation also carry out hormonal therapy through estrogens and progesterone to prepare the endometrium for the implantation of embryos by assisted reproduction.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

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