Home Pregnancy and baby healthPregnancy Air travel during pregnancy: Is it safe?

Air travel during pregnancy: Is it safe?

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Pregnancy is not a disease; even though specific preventive measures have to be taken depending on which cases, waiting for the birth of a child should not impede enjoying your day-to-day life.

The holidays before the birth are special days; they will be the last that you can enjoy alone or with your partner because the following year, you will already be immersed in the care of your baby.

It is expected that, as these dates approach, pregnant women doubt the convenience or not of traveling by plane, that they wonder if flying can harm the fetus or if I can travel by plane if I am pregnant, is it true that pregnant women can’t fly or is it one of the pregnancy myths?

That is why at FastlyHealwe bring you this article so that you can solve all your doubts and take your vacations or make your business trips with all the peace of mind that you and your baby are safe.

Can I travel by plane if I am pregnant?

If you do not have a risk pregnancy, a normal pregnancy is not a contraindication to traveling by plane. Although they should be avoided during the first and last weeks of pregnancy, this is not so much due to the dangers of an airplane trip as because, on those dates, a miscarriage or a miscarriage is most likely to occur. Premature birth and on the plane, the woman could not receive the necessary medical treatment.

In most cases, air travel is safe for pregnant women. It does not imply a greater risk for the mother or the baby unless it is a risky pregnancy or if you have had previous losses of blood, any premature delivery or diabetes, or hypertension.

So with everything, you must communicate to your doctor the wish to travel by plane so that he can evaluate if there is any risk according to your type of pregnancy and can give you some necessary indications for your health and comfort.

From what weeks should you not fly?

  • In uncomplicated and straightforward pregnancies, on long-haul flights, you can travel by plane until week 36.
  • In the case of multiple pregnancies and on long-haul flights, the deadline to be able to fly is shortened until week 32.
  • It is not advisable to travel in case of pregnancy with complications or when the mother’s health is not ideal.
  • You should not travel if there are obstetric problems, risk of miscarriage, or premature delivery.
  • It is not recommended to travel during the last month of pregnancy or the two weeks after pregnancy.

What to do before the trip?

Although there are no problems with traveling by plane while pregnant, the truth is that, like almost all actions in your daily life, doing it pregnant involves extra discomfort. The preparation of the flight will require more time so that when it is time to take off, you will not have to worry about anything other than enjoying the views:

  • Reserve a front row or aisle seat with room for you to move your legs and near the sinks so you can quickly get in and out of bathroom time.
  • Contact the airline before buying the ticket, and find out if you need any special requirements to fly while pregnant.
  • From the 28th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to bring a medical report that certifies that your health is optimal, that you have a pregnancy without complications, and the estimated date of birth; in addition, the medical certificate must state if there is any history of problems in childbirth or abortion, blood type, Rh, changes in the placenta or a history of hypertension.
  • Have the medical certificate at hand when boarding if they ask for it.
  • For the flight, choose loose and wide clothing that does not hinder your circulation with which you feel comfortable.

Tips for a pregnant plane trip

There are a series of indications that you must consider enjoying a good trip. At FastlyHeal, we give you some tips to make your trip as comfortable as possible:

  • Being so long in a confined space can cause swelling in the legs and cramps, something that added to the normal development of pregnancy can cause deep vein thrombosis. To avoid this, it is recommended that every 1 hour of travel, you walk for about 10 minutes to reactivate the circulation in the legs.
  • If you get scared or scared, think that everything is safe, that there is no reason to worry.
  • Wear your seatbelt whenever prompted, placing it below your pelvis, not above your belly.
  • When we travel by plane, most people suffer symptoms, to a greater or lesser extent, due to changes in height and pressure differences—nausea, vomiting, pain, plugging of the ears, etc. It would help if you did not confuse the symptoms of air travel with pregnancy complications, do not worry about it.
  • The best time to fly while pregnant is the second trimester. In this stage of pregnancy, nausea has usually disappeared, and the risk of miscarriage has decreased, but you will not have gained so much weight or be so swollen that you feel very uncomfortable.
  • In the following FastlyHealarticles, we give you some excellent tips to prevent hemorrhoids and nausea during pregnancy.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Can, I travel by plane if I am pregnant? We recommend that you enter our Pregnancy and baby health category .

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