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Why does my belly button itch in pregnancy

by Alivia Nyhan
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Like the rest of a woman’s body, the skin will change during pregnancy. This area of ​​the body will also be affected by all the hormonal changes that occur in the body, and some of the symptoms that can be suffered during pregnancy are itching, the appearance of spots, and stretch marks.

Itching or pruritus is widespread, and 20% of pregnant women suffer. This symptom can affect the skin of the whole body and especially that of the belly. As the belly increases in size, the navel tightens, and in most cases, it becomes bulging, which is why many pregnant women report itchy. At FastlyHealwe will answer the question Why does my navel itch during pregnancy? So you know why it happens.

Why does my belly button itch in pregnancy?

The itching or itching suffered by many women during pregnancy has to do with all the vascular, hormonal, immune, and metabolic changes that occur in this particular period for women and that undoubtedly affect the skin. There are many adjustments that the body must make to accommodate the baby; among them is the increase in the amount of estrogen, something that decisively affects the itching of the navel during pregnancy. That is why an itchy belly button is often a symptom of pregnancy.

Another cause that we must consider when answering the question of why my navel itch in pregnancy is that pregnant women dehydrate more quickly, and their skin is also dehydrated; the dryness of this can also cause itching, in addition to favoring the appearance of infections. Usually, the itching of the belly and around the navel begins when the stomach is increasing in size and the skin is stretching. The navel, in particular, tests, and towards the end of the pregnancy, it can be bulky and protrude. This should not cause concern as everything will gradually return to its place after the baby is born.

Itchy belly button: when to go to the doctor

In addition to the itching considered normal, a product of hormonal changes, the pregnant woman may also feel itchy due to other conditions of some severity. These conditions can cause generalized itching, but the itching is usually much more intense in certain areas.

Itchiness, although it can be an unpleasant symptom, should generally not be a cause for concern for mothers. It can be a warning sign in some cases, such as when lesions arise and the itching becomes excessive. In those cases, it is worth consulting a specialist as it may be some diseases such as the following:

Intrahepatic cholestasis

Disease produced by the liver affects pregnant women, especially in the last trimester. When this disease is suffered, itching is extreme on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet and can spread to the extremities, trunk, and face; in severe cases, it can even affect the ears and the eyelids and mouth. This condition is necessary to treat as it involves risks for the baby and the mother.

Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy

It is the most common dermatosis in pregnant women. It occurs in 1 in 150 pregnant women, and it is striking that it is twice as frequent if the baby is a male. It usually occurs in the first pregnancy and is not recurrent in subsequent ones. This condition produces lesions located in the very itchy stretch marks. The affected areas are the belly, the buttocks, and the extremities. It does not carry significant risks for either the mother or the baby.

Gestational herpes

It is a condition that affects women during pregnancy (between the second and third trimesters) and the puerperium. Symptoms are severe itching accompanied by lesions or blisters around the navel that can then spread to the trunk and extremities. It is not often that it affects other areas. It is an autoimmune disease that does not carry risks for the mother but is associated with premature births and low-weight babies. In 10% of cases, the baby can be born with this localized rash, which will disappear in a few days. This disease can recur when menstruation returns when oral contraceptives are taken and subsequent pregnancies.

Itching around the navel in pregnancy: how to avoid it

A specialist should be consulted whenever there is itching or itching in the pregnant woman. If it is normal itching caused by increased estrogen during pregnancy, there is little you can do to prevent the cause of it. So you have to try to minimize the symptoms. In general, it is recommended to hydrate all the body’s skin very well, especially that of the belly.

If there is no disease or pathology and the doctor has not recommended any specific medication, some recommendations can be followed to avoid an itchy navel in pregnancy :

  • Wear loose clothing made with new fabrics, preferably cotton.
  • Take lukewarm baths, avoiding boiling water.
  • Use plenty of moisturizing cream or essential oils, and always comment with the doctor if they are safe.
  • Minimize harsh chemicals, whether they are laundry detergents or body soaps.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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