Home Skin CareSpots on the skin White spots on arms: causes, treatment and remedies

White spots on arms: causes, treatment and remedies

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Do you have white spots on your arms, and you don’t know why? You should not be scared. In this article, you will know that this usually occurs when dead skin cells are trapped below its surface or, failing that, by the accumulation of skin proteins under it, resulting in depigmentation. or discoloration of this part of the skin.

The dermatologist is the specialist in charge of precisely determining the causes of white spots on the arms; however, if you want to know more about this topic, we invite you to continue reading this FastlyHealarticle on white sites on white sites the components: causes, treatment, and remedies.


A common reason why white patches can appear on the skin is vitiligo. Vitiligo white spots appear when the cells that produce skin color have been destroyed, probably associated with cellular self-destruction. That is, the immune system mistakenly damages healthy cells.

The arms are pretty exposed to the sun, which is an essential factor associated with the development of white spots due to this disease.

In addition to the autoimmune factor, vitiligo can also be associated with genetics, but it is approximately between 10 and 30 years that the discoloration of the skin becomes noticeable. Its incidence varies from 1 to 2% of the population and is much more frequent in women.

As a treatment, your dermatologist will indeed indicate topical corticosteroid creams, some with a non-steroidal formula, UV light, and, in severe cases, surgery will be required to remove the upper layer of the skin that is affected, thus eliminating the annoying stains.

White spots on the arms from the sun

Sunspots are those white areas that appear due to the loss of skin pigment due to sun exposure. Before appearing on the arms, the back or the face tends to manifest on the legs.

In addition to the spots that measure 1 to 3 mm, other significant symptoms are not usually evident. Among the factors associated with the presence of sunspots include:

  1. Lack of melanin, which is the pigment that gives skin its color.
  2. Genetics.

You should know that the spots on the arms caused by the sun usually appear after 40 years of age. More than treating them because it represents a severe health problem, they are treated because they involve an aesthetic issue for those who manifest them.

In this case, the specialist may indicate dermabrasion, a specialized procedure in which the skin is exfoliated with topical anesthesia with a device that polishes or removes its outermost layer. This can go in conjunction with topical creams, such as hydrocortisone or retinol.

He had

Ringworm is a fungus that lives on the skin’s surface and can grow or increase uncontrollably. It usually manifests as lighter and sometimes darker spots than the rest of the skin, and, usually, it generates scales that itch pretty intensely.

These fungi grow in groups and slowly, so much so that sometimes the person does not notice the infection until their skin tans, and that is when the symptoms become noticeable.

White spots on the harm caused by this fungus are usually treated with soaps, shampoos, and antifungal creams. The latter can be purchased with a prescription, such as ketoconazole. If topical treatment is not practical, antifungal pills may be indicated.

Other causes of white spots on the arms

In addition to those previously written, there are other causes associated with the presence of white spots on the arms, including:

Pityriasis alba

It is a common skin problem, not carcinogenic, standard between 3 and 16 years of age, with long evolution and usually asymptomatic, characterized by the presence of hypochromic spots, that is, frequently ill-defined white spots that tend to be reflected on the face. Neck, shoulders and arms, approximately 0.5–2 cm.

Its cause of appearance is unknown; however, it is usually related to a type of atopic dermatitis.

This dermatological condition usually resolves independently without the need for any specific treatment. In some cases, the treating doctor will indicate topical therapies to treat the symptoms, such as inflammation and itching.

You can see more information in Pityriasis alba’s article: causes and treatment.

Oh thousand miles

This is another common skin condition characterized by causing painless, white patches on the skin approximately 1 to 4 mm in length. They are of 2 types: the primary milia, which is reflected when the keratin is trapped under the skin and forms a fluid-filled sac or elevation. The secondary is associated with trauma or drug effects.

Among the treatment options necessary in the case of milia, creams with retinoids are included as the first line of pharmacological treatment.

Home remedies for white spots on arms

Some natural remedies can help you promote skin regeneration, such as:

  • Milk: applying it with a cotton ball on the skin’s surface will allow you to eliminate dead cells and cleanse and renew your skin. For a good effect, it is recommended to apply it at night and remove it the next day.
  • Aloe vera: it is beneficial to treat any skin condition. Apply its gel two times a day, and in a short time, you will notice how your blemished skin improves.
  • Plantain: make an infusion with two tablespoons of plantain in 200 ml of boiling water, and let it rest so that you can apply it by massaging the area of ​​the stains, do this two times a day.

It is always advisable to use sunscreen and avoid exposure to the sun between 10 in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon. If the spots do not disappear, do not delay visiting the dermatologist to determine the cause and the best treatment for you.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to White spots on the arms: causes, treatment, and remedies, we recommend entering our Skin, hair, and nails category.

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