Many people’s daily blood comes out of the nose, which can be scary since the amount of blood that can come out of this area is very abundant. If you do not know why it may be happening to you or someone close to you, it is normal for this situation to generate concern, some fears, and doubts.
As we know that many people suffer from this discomfort, in this FastlyHealarticle, we will try to solve the doubts generated by nosebleeds, and we will know why blood comes out of the nose every day.
Table of Contents
What is nosebleed
The nose is the initial or final part of the respiratory tract; through its holes or nostrils, the respiratory action is carried out that allows us to take air from the outside to lead it to our lungs. In this route, the air circulates through different places, through the nasal passage in which there is the septum and the olfactory membranes until it reaches the pharynx, larynx, trachea, lung, bronchi, where the oxygenation action is carried out and, later, the route is repeated in reverse to eliminate excess and toxic elements.
The nasal cavity is covered by mucous tissue cells with many venous endings, which means that bleeding in the area may involve the extraction of a lot of blood. Nosebleeds are hemorrhages, that is, ruptures of small veins that cause a wound from which blood comes out and is expelled through the nasal cavities or fossae.
Nosebleeds Often: Causes
Many reasons can answer the question of “why do I get blood coming out of my nose every day or often” but below, we are going to present the most common ones:
- Rhinitis or allergy is one of the most frequent causes of nasal bleeding. Both rhinitis and allergy generate a reaction in the mucous tissues that can cause small lesions in the inner layer, which can cause minor or extensive bleeding through the nostrils.
- Physical injury: another aspect that we may face is a bodily injury in some area of the nasal cavity that, due to the constant use of the site for breathing, taking air, and, consequently, contact with external elements, the injury may not heal properly. The damage may remain as an open wound. This can cause bleeding for several days until it heals.
- Lack of humidity: if we live in an area where the air is arid, it can cause a tear in our nasal cavities every time we take in air. This can cause the breakage of the blood vessels that are very superficial in the area.
- Hypertension: an excess of arterial pressure can generate daily nosebleeds since, as we have explained, it is an area in which there are many terminations of small veins that could be damaged by an excess of blood pressure, piercing by this excessive force and generating a bleed.
- Polyps: the nasal area is composed of a cellular tissue covered by mucosa that, on occasions, can create the degeneration of the area through the accumulation of cells in a specific place, creating small polyps or cysts. The contact of these polyps against the wall can cause a small wound and hemorrhage that causes us to bleed.
- Cancer tumor: like benign polyps, a malignant cell generation can appear in the form of cancer that collides with the walls of the cavity, creating hemorrhages that are shown in nosebleeds.
- Leukemia: one of the symptoms of suffering from leukemia is the common bleeding from the nose due to the poor formation of elements in the blood that can cause bleeding.
- Liver problem is another disease that shows one of its symptoms through nasal bleeding. A liver problem can affect blood pressure and cause nosebleeds that turn into common or daily nosebleeds.
- Use of drugs: which involve a dissolution of the blood and make it more liquid as anticoagulants, those that reduce platelets, aspirin, or corticosteroids.
- Abusive use of nasal decongestants: applied through the nasal passage. These products, which, in theory, should help us breathe better, if used abusively, can cause tiny wounds in the nose that lead to bleeding after application.
- Cocaine or other toxic substances taken through the nose: snorting poisonous substances such as cocaine implies that tiny crystals with a very high acid component pass through our nostrils, which can cause wounds when contacting the skin and infections and irritations on the walls of the cavity, which can cause daily bleeding.
What to do if I get blood coming out of my nose every day
First of all, we want to recommend that if you are suffering from nasal bleeding daily, you go to your doctor so that he can do an examination of the area and analyze what the causes that cause it may be and, thus, eliminate the doubts of a possible severe disease.
If you have not yet visited your doctor and are experiencing a bleeding episode, you should first remain calm and know that the situation is under control and does not have to be serious. Second, you should sit down and lean your head forward. Take a piece of paper or a tissue to avoid staining yourself, and the visualization of the bleeding is not so aggressive. We should not place cotton or gauze inside the nose; we will apply our index finger and thumb on top of the soft area of the nose, that is, on the sides of the nostrils, and we will squeeze for five minutes. With this application of force, what we try is that platelets accumulate in the wound, and the bleeding stops naturally.
After five minutes, we will leave the nose free, and we will see if the blood continues to come out. If so, we will repeat the performance until it stops. Once the bleeding has stopped, avoid breathing through your nose for the next few hours, do not blow your nose loudly or apply any product to your nostrils.
We hope that this FastlyHealarticle about why my nose bleeds every day has been of use to you, and do not hesitate to consult your doctor in this situation.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.