Home Immune systemImmune system diseases Thyroiditis: types, causes and symptoms

Thyroiditis: types, causes and symptoms

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The thyroiditis is inflammation of the thyroid gland, located just below the nut and handles produce hormones responsible for controlling metabolism and function of various organs. It produces two thyroid hormones called thyroxine and triiodothyronine , which originate from the absorption of iodide extracted from food together with the amino acid tyrosine. These hormones are stored and released when the body requires them and regulate functions such as heat and energy production . In addition, thyroid hormones influence cholesterol, heart rate, body weight, muscle strength, menstrual regularity, memory, among others. In FastlyHealwe will explainwhat are the types, causes and symptoms of thyroiditis .

Types of thyroiditis and their causes

There are three main types of thyroiditis :

  • Chronic thyroiditis . Also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis , it is due to a condition of the immune system that causes the destruction of the body’s own tissues . Antithyroid antibodies attack the thyroid gland and it is disabled for the production of hormones. The disease usually starts slowly and it can take years before it is detected. This type of thyroiditis is more common in women and in people with a family history.
  • Subacute thyroiditis . This type of thyroiditis is less common and is the result of an upper respiratory illness , such as a simple cold , flu, or mumps. It is more present in women who have had a viral infection of the respiratory tract. It is characterized by an enlarged thyroid and is accompanied by pain and fever .
  • Acute thyroiditis . It is rare and arises as a result of a bacterial infection that causes inflammation of the thyroid gland, which can accumulate pus and suppose pain and fever. Those with weak immune systems from old age or AIDS are at increased risk for thyroiditis.
  • Postpartum thyroiditis . It is caused by antibodies that attack the thyroid after delivery, and symptoms of hyperthyroidism followed by hypothyroidism .

As you can see, depending on the type of thyroiditis, the causes of it vary, so they will be addressed differently in each case.

Symptoms of thyroiditis

In the same way that we explained that the causes vary according to the type of thyroiditis, the symptoms will also present differently on each occasion.

Chronic thyroiditis

The symptoms of chronic thyroiditis are as follows:

  • Fatigue.
  • Constipation.
  • Dry Skin.
  • Hair loss.
  • Irregular and abundant menstruation.
  • Increase in body weight.
  • Change in the size of the thyroid gland.

Thyroiditis subaguda

The main symptom that characterizes this type of thyroiditis is pain in the neck , which can spread to the ears and jaw, and an enlarged thyroid gland.

  • Difficulty swallowing food and drinks.
  • Fatigue, weakness
  • Fever.
  • Ronquera .

In case of hyperthyroidism , that is, an excess of thyroid hormone, other symptoms may appear:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Heat intolerance
  • Irregular menstrual periods.
  • Nervousness, palpitations.
  • Sweating
  • Temblor.
  • Weightloss.

In case of hypothyroidism , which implies a low production of hormones:

  • Constipation.
  • Fatigue.
  • Cold intolerance

Thyroiditis aguda

The symptoms of this type of thyroiditis usually appear more quickly, so it can be detected more quickly:

  • Swelling of the neck
  • Pain.
  • Fever.
  • Fatigue.
  • Shaking chills.
  • Hoarsely.
  • Difficulty swallowing food and drinks.

How to prevent thyroid and when to go to the doctor?

There is no effective thyroid prevention method. Preventing viral and bacterial diseases, such as colds, flu, and good oral hygiene , can help prevent thyroiditis from being a secondary consequence of these ailments. However, it is difficult to prevent this ailment through some actions that we can perform, although there are some foods that provide us with iodine , necessary for the thyroid gland to produce hormones:

  • Meat. Especially in beef and pork liver.
  • Fortified cereals.
  • Seafood and seaweed.
  • Fruits and vegetables. They absorb iodine through the soil.
  • Food supplements.

In principle, we should not worry about excessive consumption of iodine, since it is eliminated through the urine.

However, you should go to the doctor when you feel some of the symptoms previously exposed, because a thyroid that in its initial phase involves pain in the throat and some fever, can be confused with another ailment linked to pain in that area, such as tonsillitis or pharyngitis . The doctor will inform you if it is a thyroid and if so, what type it is and the treatment you should perform.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Thyroiditis: types, causes and symptoms , we recommend that you enter our Immune System category .

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