Home Ear, nose and throatThroat diseases and infections Inflamed uvula: causes and treatment

Inflamed uvula: causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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Uvulitis is the inflammation of the uvula, that small bell-shaped tissue that we can see hanging on the back of the roof of the mouth. When the uvula becomes inflamed, other parts of the mouth are also inflamed, such as the throat, top of the mouth, or tonsils. Generally, when this part of the mouth becomes inflamed, it is due to an infection, a viral condition, a sore throat, or an allergic reaction due to the consumption of some food.

Uvulitis can cause a rather annoying discomfort that, in most cases, prevents swallowing food correctly and adequately modulating the voice when speaking. Has your bell ever caught fire? Do you want to know why uvulitis occurs? We invite you to continue reading this article by FastlyHealwhere you can learn a little more about inflamed uvula: causes and treatment.

Dry throat and dehydration

Dry throat is one of the leading causes of the swollen uvula and one of the least harmless. The throat tends to dry out when the person sleeps with their mouth open. They breathe with their mouth and not with their nose, which is very common in people with respiratory problems or suffering from deviated septum or sinusitis. As we will explain later, it is common to have an inflamed uvula from snoring.

Dehydration is also a cause of uvulitis since when we drink little water, our throat is forced to stay hydrated with saliva, which causes inflammation of the uvula and also irritation of the throat. This is more common in people who live in arid climates, as they are more likely to consume less water than usual. Remember that the recommended amount to keep your body hydrated is two liters of water a day.

Pollution and smoking

Cities with a high level of pollution tend to have atmospheres that irritate not only the eyes and nose but also the uvula of the mouth. This same allergic or irritant effect can be caused by smoke from vehicles and industrial plants. In these cases, the inflammation is usually temporary until the body gets used to the triggers. However, constant exposure to pollution and smoking can be detrimental to health in the long term.

Snoring may be the cause.

Many people with swollen uvula are unaware that they snore and find out when they sleep with their partner or share a room. In general, people who snore tend to suffer from uvulitis very frequently because the mouth’s movement when snoring irritates the uvula and inflames it; remember that snoring occurs just when the back of the throat and tongue collides with the palate and uvula.

Snoring happens precisely when the passage of air is obstructed during inhalation and exhalation; this buccal breathing also intervenes in the irritation and inflammation of the uvula since, as we explained previously, it stimulates the dryness of the wedding.

Viral or bacterial infections

They are the most common cause of uvulitis: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sore throat, flu, or colds tend to inflame the uvula due to the viral or bacterial process that is affecting the body. The uvula also becomes inflamed as a defense mechanism of the body to fight microorganisms that may be trying to attack it. For this reason, any infectious process in the nose, throat, or mouth can cause uvulitis.

Other causes of uvulitis

  • Suffer from reflux
  • Nasal drops.
  • Allergy to foods such as shellfish.
  • Reaction to certain medications.
  • Consumption of citrus fruits or scorching foods.
  • Mouth canker sores.
  • Alcohol abuse.

Treatment of swollen uvula

Treatment of the swollen uvula consists of adequately treating the condition that causes it. The most common way to reduce inflammation of the uvula is by consuming anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen, which helps the tissue return to its standard size while reducing pain, which allows the person to swallow and speak again normally.

Similarly, when uvulitis is caused by an allergy, it will be necessary to take some steroids or antihistamines to help stop the advance of the reaction in the body and thus avoid significant complications. Likewise, when an infection inflames uvulitis, treatment with antibiotics to treat the disease and eliminate the bacteria will be essential. Once the condition has healed, the uvulitis will return to its standard size.

Home remedies for swollen uvula

  • Do gargle warm salt water helps considerably reduce swelling of the uvula and the entire oral cavity. This home remedy is one of the most effective in reducing inflammation of the gums, tonsils, palate, throat, and uvula, thanks to the iodine content of the salt and the warm temperature of the water.
  • Dry mouth can be fought with a lot, a lot of water. Remember to keep the uvula hydrated by drinking at least two liters of water a day. Taking warm infusions of chamomile with honey will also be of great help.
  • Belladonna is a homeopathic remedy subscribed explicitly for all types of throat inflammation, which is why it also helps fight uvulitis naturally.
  • Chicken broth is a great option to keep the body hydrated and a meal that will be easy to swallow with an inflamed uvula.

Tips for treating uvulitis

  • Avoid smoking; you can take advantage of this discomfort to quit smoking.
  • Do not consume alcoholic beverages.
  • Avoid icy and scorching drinks.
  • Do not eat citrus foods or fruits.
  • If the uvulitis is more than three days old, there is pus in your throat, and you have a lot of difficulties swallowing, go directly to your ENT.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Inflamed uvula: causes and treatment , we recommend that you enter our Ear, Nose and Throat category .

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