Home Teeth and mouthMouth Ulcer Sores under the tongue: Causes and treatment

Sores under the tongue: Causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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On the tongue, under it, or in any other part of the oral cavity, lesions can appear that are defined as sores or canker sores. These lesions are usually round or oval. Sometimes they have a whitish color in the center, and their size can vary. Canker sores under the tongue are typically superficial lesions, and there is no evidence of suppuration (discharge) or other obvious signs of infection.

The most worrying part is why do these lesions usually occur? It must be clarified that the presence of sores in the oral cavity is not contagious. Still, they are usually extremely painful and annoying, making it difficult to drink or chew any food. Usually, sores under the tongue appear in childhood and adolescence, decreasing their appearance over the years. Sores under the tongue: why they come out and how to cure them; keep reading the following article by FastlyHealand to find out!

Sores under the tongue: why do they come out

Sores under the tongue can appear for different reasons; it is a common problem that does not discriminate between sex and age. Still, if certain predisposing factors interfere, the sores under the tongue are related to easy-to-treat and specific issues. They very rarely reflect a severe health problem. The appearance of sores under the language can be connected to various situations, such as:

  • Injury with a sharp element: this is one of the reasons why sores can occur under the tongue. This is common in people with orthodontics with braces or dentures; manipulating or introducing objects to the mouth can cause this type of lesions that become ulcerative and extremely painful.
  • Hormonal changes: are also related to the appearance of sores under the tongue or in the mouth; this happens during menstruation or when subjected to intense stress.
  • Decreased defenses: many diseases are linked to lowered defenses; one of them is herpes. Likewise, any infectious process can be related. This can lead to the appearance of sores under the tongue and manifesting a series of symptoms typical of the disease, be it viral or infectious, but not the sores or canker sores themselves.
  • Vitamin B and C deficiency: they hurt oral health, presenting sores in any part of the oral cavity. The lack of nutrients produces a deficiency state of this group of vitamins both sees them and can be conditioned to the appearance of ulcers or sores in the mouth.
  • Aphthous stomatitis: another disease related to the appearance of blisters or canker sores in the mouth, tongue, or under them is known as aphthous stomatitis; this is usually not contagious and manifests itself by presenting white lesions with a red border; this cause is related to the former such as vitamin B12 deficiency, hormonal changes, and stress.
  • Autoimmune diseases: they are also related as one of the causes for which sores can occur in the oral cavity; among them, HIV and lupus stand out. In this case, the immune system attacks the healthy cells of the body instead of protecting them.

Canker sores under the tongue: other factors

Other causes that are also related to the appearance of canker sores under the tongue are:

  • Poor digestion causes an alteration in the pH of the mouth.
  • I am consuming citrus foods like pineapple, lemon, and kiwi.
  • Allergy to some foods.
  • I eat very hot or very spicy foods.

A study published about oral pathologies in HIV-positive patients [1] describes that of the 92 patients studied, 61 men and 31 women, 85% of the men did not present any disease, and the remaining 15% presented canker sores. 97% of women did not give any pathology, and 3% presented canker sores, concluding that the presence of mouth sores is relatively low in these patients.

On the other hand, a study [2] was carried out about the risk factors associated with canker sores in patients between 18 and 50 years of age; studying 50 patients, 64% were male, and 36% were female, resulting in The most relevant risk factor for the appearance of canker sores or sores is stress with 46% followed by trauma with 18% and hormonal changes in 6%, in addition, the floor of the mouth or under the tongue has an incidence of 6%.

Sores under the tongue: common symptoms

The common manifestation that accounts for sores under the tongue is the pain that occurs when eating or drinking something, especially hot or spicy food or drinks. A round or oval lesion is evident with a red border and a whitish center.

Usually, the duration of the sores in the oral cavity tends to last between 3 and 5 days. If the sores extend for more than ten days, it is essential to see a doctor.

Home remedies for sores under the tongue

There are effective ways to improve the symptoms caused by the appearance of sores under the tongue; there is no specific medicine to cure them. Still, they reduce their duration, even though the mouth is a humid place where the healing process is much more difficult. Among the home remedies for sores under the tongue are:

  • One of the best options to prevent infections is to rinse your mouth with warm salt water; this will considerably alleviate the annoying symptoms of sores under the tongue.
  • Make a chamomile tea. This infusion can be used to rinse the mouth. It is recommended to prepare it with boiled water and a teaspoon of chamomile flowers, let it cook for 3 minutes, and once it has settled, proceed to rinse your mouth with this infusion.
  • Another option that can be used is to apply ice directly to the sore under the tongue, this will not make the sore heal, but it will allow the areas to become numb so that the discomfort diminishes for a specific time.

How to prevent sores under the tongue

The best way to prevent the appearance of sores or thrush under the tongue or any part of the oral cavity is essential:

  • Eat varied and healthy, something that should include the daily intake of fruits and vegetables.
  • It is essential to maintain good oral hygiene without overlooking proper tongue hygiene.
  • Do not put sharp objects in your mouth or bite your nails.
  • If you wear orthodontics or dentures, follow the basic rules to prevent sores.
  • Do meditation, yoga, or physical exercise exercises.

Oral health is essential for all people; comply with basic hygiene measures, and you will avoid suffering from these annoying conditions such as sores or canker sores.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Sores under the tongue: why they come out and how to cure them , we recommend entering our Teeth and mouth category.

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