Home Teeth and mouthMouth Ulcer Gum sores: causes and how to cure them

Gum sores: causes and how to cure them

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Although when talking about pain in the mouth it is practically natural to think of cavities, we have all suffered from other types of pain in this part of the body that are very different, but much more frequent, such as those caused by sores. Sores can appear in virtually any part of the mouth, being common on the gums and inner cheeks, and there are many possible causes for their appearance, ranging from an accidental bite to nutritional deficiency and even serious illness. Although they are small and harmless, the pain caused by these wounds is often disproportionate to their size, since a single small sore can cause very great pain. In this FastlyHealarticle we will explain everything aboutgum sores: causes and how to cure them , among other details, so that you have more tools to combat these wounds, if you are one of those who suffer from them frequently.

What are sores

The sores on the gums is a very common problem with the vast majority of people. They are lesions or ulcerations that appear on the oral mucosa for different reasons, they can vary in size, from very small to large, and as they are found in the mucosa, which is moist, they tend to take time to heal. They are red with white or yellowish spots surrounding them, they can bleed and become infected.

In general, when they are located in the gums, they cause the mucosa of these to turn red and become very sensitive and hurt a lot, because they are inflamed.

Causes of gum sores

The exact reason for the appearance of gum sores is not really known , but it has been associated with a large number of triggering situations, among which the most common causes are:

  • Traumatic injury: the sores can appear on the gum due to a traumatic injury, such as blows or orthodontic objects, when injured with food or objects or, if it is located elsewhere in the mouth, such as the tongue or cheeks, it can also be by bites.
  • Stress: It is often closely linked to the appearance of sores in the mouth due to a weakening of the immune system, which makes injuries in the mouth more likely, as well as more difficult to treat.
  • Allergic reactions: either to an ingested food, an oral hygiene product or materials used for dental procedures, such as restorations, fillings or prostheses.
  • Nutritional problems: the mucosa of the mouth is highly susceptible to the appearance of lesions, such as sores, when there are deficiencies in different types of nutrients. For this particular case, it is usually related to vitamin deficiencies, especially B complex vitamins .
  • Other causes of gum sores: intake of citrus or acidic foods, weak immune system, gastrointestinal diseases, autoimmune diseases.

In more advanced cases, the sores can also appear as a result of oral herpes , oral cancer, oral candidiasis , leukoplakia, gingivostomatitis, etc.

Gum sores are not spread from person to person by kissing or sharing glasses or other objects. As for its prevention, it is difficult to handle it because it can appear for many reasons, however acidic, hot and spicy foods can be avoided, and be careful when eating food, in addition to having adequate oral hygiene.

Treatment for gum sores

In general, gum sores last for no more than two weeks , they subside on their own and if they last more than two weeks or the size is very large, it is advisable to see a doctor for a check-up and if necessary. necessary a biopsy to know why the long duration.

The drug treatments commercials that can be used to recover from the wounds are:

  • Drug treatments such as antihistamine, antacid, corticosteroids prescribed by the treating physician to help improve the condition.
  • Using mouthwashes goes a long way to soothe mouth discomfort and will also limit the growth of bacteria. Avoid using a large quantity because it can cause a burning sensation in the affected area of ​​the gum.
  • In case of vitamin deficiency you can consume vitamin supplements in tablets to improve the condition.

Home remedies to cure gum sores

Among the home remedies that can be used to promote the recovery of sores on the gum we have:

  • Salt: It is the most common application method to heal gum sores. It has an antiseptic function and is used by mixing it with a little warm water and then rinsing in the mouth.
  • Sodium bicarbonate : it is another possible treatment to cure them, it acts as an antiseptic and in the same way it must be mixed in water to make rinses.
  • Ice: the application of ice, in addition to healing the sores little by little, reduces the inflammation that it produces and thus alleviates the discomfort.
  • Hydrogen peroxide: it has an effect called oxidant that, when reacting with the infection, cures it. It should be applied with cotton and also improves discomfort quickly.
  • Milk magnesia: modifies the composition of the pH and limits the appearance of bacteria, this same function is performed by yogurt and other dairy foods.
  • Foods that contain vitamin B12: such as liver, octopus, fish, beef, crab, vegetables, cereals, etc.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Gum sores: causes and how to cure them , we recommend that you enter our Teeth and mouth category .

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