The liver is one of our vital organs that can be affected frequently. It is the second largest organ and is in charge of executing important functions for the proper functioning of the body, which could be basically summarized in three: purifying the blood in order to eliminate toxins, synthesize and store carbohydrates and lipids and metabolize them. fats. The causes by which the liver can be affected are several, the most common being a diet rich in fat and the habitual consumption of alcohol , and one of the most frequent consequences is fatty liver. When our liver is in poor condition, we often witness a series of symptoms that can alert us to its condition. Therefore, at FastlyHealwe help you detect the signs that your liver is sick .
Table of Contents
Causes of poor liver
The main functions of the liver are to synthesize, store and eliminate glycogen, synthesize and store fats from the food we eat, and other functions such as secreting bile or the metabolism of bilirubin. All of them are considered important so that we can enjoy good health, and when some of them are not executed normally, that is when we can talk about our liver being damaged. The main causes why our liver can be sick are:
- Medications . Some medications are more aggressive than others, and their prolonged use can cause an over-effort on the part of the liver to eliminate and neutralize the chemical substances that compose them.
- Fat feeding . Adopting bad eating habits, such as eating large amounts of food in a few shifts or eating fatty foods, can influence the functioning of this organ and accumulate fat in it, leading to a well-known condition called fatty liver. Likewise, a diet low in protein can also be harmful to the liver, since it requires them to regenerate its tissue.
- Accumulation of toxic agents . Regular consumption of alcohol, preservatives, insecticides, and other elements toxic to the body affect liver function by altering it.
All these are causes that in the long run can end up producing signals that alert us that our liver is sick.
Signs that my liver is sick
It may be that you have thought for a few days or even weeks that something is not working well inside you, and if you have been able to detect that the problem is in the liver, these are some of the signs that may indicate that this organ is sick:
It is usually one of the most common symptoms of a diseased or bad liver. Especially after each meal, we feel a heavy stomach, nausea, and even dizziness or vomiting. However, we must be aware that it is a common symptom that does not have to be related to problems in this organ.
Another of the signs that indicate the poor state of our liver, but that in most cases does not have to be related to it, but with a simple poor digestion. In the case that it is the result of a damaged liver, we can suffer from gastric acid, as well as diarrhea caused by the malfunction of the digestive and purifying system.
Pain in the upper abdomen
It is the place where the liver is located, so we can feel localized pain in that area as a result of its poor condition. However, there is the possibility that the discomfort radiates to other areas such as the back or below the ribs. This pain can also be accompanied by abdominal swelling, burning, and even fever, which could indicate the presence of an infection that would require immediate medical attention. In these cases, the most common is biliary colic or inflammation.
Color change in urine and stool
When the liver does not work well, some of its functions are impaired and there may be excess calcium in the stool that makes it appear whitish. In addition, it is likely that there is an excess of bilirubin accumulated in this organ that results in urine or dark stools.
Another of the most common signs that your liver is sick, precisely because of the accumulation of bilirubin that we explain at the end of the previous point. This symptom is one of the most visible and occurs due to the difficulty of the liver to eliminate bilirubin from the body, used in digestion, and which is not eliminated after finishing digestion. As a consequence, our eyes and skin can take on a yellowish appearance.
Sensitive skin
The accumulation of bile under the surface of the skin causes itching and discomfort due to the reaction of the blood in the presence of toxins that have not been cleared.
Psychological changes
Mood swings, depression, difficulty concentrating and memorizing. When our liver is sick, the accumulation of toxins in the blood can influence the brain in some way.
Other changes
Bad breath or a stained tongue are other signs of a diseased liver.
What to do if I detect any of the signals?
As we have clarified in some of the points in the previous section, you should not get upset or draw hasty conclusions when you detect any of the symptoms for which your liver may be ill. Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting can be symptoms caused by a specific digestive problem. However, signs such as jaundice or the color of the stool are related to major problems and directly related to the liver, so it is necessary to go to a hepatologist to perform a review of the liver and check its status.
In addition, at FastlyHealwe recommend a series of healthy habits to contribute to the good health of your liver:
- Drink water regularly to help cleanse your liver and kidneys.
- Avoid consuming large amounts of sugar , since the liver converts them into fat and cholesterol, which can affect the health of this organ.
- Avoid artificial sweeteners , as they are toxic to the liver and can cause hypoglycemia.
- Try not to eat fatty foods , such as fried or frozen regularly.
- Avoid drinking large amounts of alcohol or consuming alcoholic beverages regularly.
- Be vigilant with the consumption of medications and always consult a specialist before taking prescription drugs. Also, don’t abuse over-the-counter medications.
- Choose to eat fresh foods , especially fruits and vegetables. Apples, kiwis, cherries, spinach, and artichokes help cleanse the liver. In addition, you can choose to prepare infusions to cleanse the liver .
- Eat foods rich in antioxidants , such as lemons, oranges, blueberries, and tomatoes.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Signs that my liver is sick , we recommend that you enter our Digestive System category .
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.