High urea: causes

by Alivia Nyhan
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Urea is a substance produced in the liver from the breakdown of proteins in the body and is mainly discharged through urine. We can find this substance throughout the entire body. In the blood, the average values ​​of urea range between 7 and 20 mg/dl, and if it exceeds this value, it can bring complications throughout the body; with figures more significant than 100 mg/dl, it is already a difficult situation, poisoning the body systems and it is potentially fatal.

Excess urea can occur due to several factors, both kidney, and other patient conditions. The main symptoms seen are vomiting, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, diarrhea, and weight loss. The accumulation of urea in the body is something serious that the doctor must treat immediately, identifying what causes this condition. For this reason, at FastlyHealwe want you to know everything about high urea: causes.

Very high protein diet

People trying to lose weight or gain muscle mass tend to eat high-protein diets, which in the long run pose several risks, including increased urea in the body. When there is an excess of proteins, the organism initiates a series of processes to break them down, resulting in a toxic compound transformed into urea in the liver.

Therefore, as there is a more significant amount of urea, the kidney must retain more water to eliminate it, also causing some degree of dehydration. A specialist must indicate the appropriate diet for your weight, lifestyle, and condition. Do not modify the intake, and in case of any discomfort, you should go for an evaluation.

Low water consumption

Another cause of high urea is the habit of not drinking enough water a day; this is necessary to carry out the various functions of the body and is constantly eliminated in many of its processes, such as breathing, in urine, through the skin and feces, so there must be a continuous entry of this fluid.

If there is not enough water in the body, urea cannot be disposed of properly and builds up, as the kidney requires large amounts of fluid to remove it. On average, it is recommended to drink between 2 and 2.5 liters of water a day for good health; however, the amount you should consume will depend on your body weight, the activities you do, your age, and your gender.

Intense exercise

Exercising excessively and for a long time increases urea in the system since the breakdown of proteins in the liver is accelerated. Certain compounds are sent to the muscle, which will use it as a source of energy so that later through a cycle, they finish in urea.

To reduce urea values, it is only enough to practice moderate exercise; remember that a professional must indicate an exercise routine and must be adjusted in the best way to your condition.

Renal problems

A decrease in urine output or its production can result in the accumulation of urea in the blood; this may be due to kidney stones or obstruction of the urethral duct or at the base of the bladder.

Other kidney factors can prevent urine production or poor urea excretion, such as an enlarged prostate, urinary tract infections, and inflammation of the kidney or glomerulus. In addition, diseases such as cirrhosis and diabetes or high blood pressure problems increase the risk of damage to the functions and structures of the liver and kidneys, favoring the accumulation of urea in the body.

It is necessary that before any symptom of discomfort that probably involves the kidney or you observe changes in the color of the urine, you go immediately to the doctor and remember that an active response in time can avoid complications of the condition.

Other causes

Complications such as heart failure, surgical neuropathies, or gastrointestinal bleeding can unleash a high concentration of urea, either by altering the filtration or excretion by the kidneys or by the intestinal bacterial breakdown of proteins.

It has also been observed that other conditions can cause high urea, such as trauma, fever, or burns. In these situations, a metabolic response attracts all the nitrogen in the body to the liver and other places with high metabolic activity to produce energy directly or obtain it through degrading proteins.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to High Urea: Causes , we recommend that you enter our Digestive System category .

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