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Reasons why chewing gum is bad for your health

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The gum, also known as chewing gum, is made with a plastic base neutral. However, until now, the sage of a tropical tree known as chicle has been used, which gave the name to this popular product.

Chewing gum already existed hundreds of years ago, but then other ingredients were used to make it, such as different species of plants. Its consumption became popular over the years, being able to be purchased in countless establishments and being manufactured by other brands. However, the effects of chewing gum have not been known until relatively recently, and even then, some are not clear if it can be harmful or not. In this FastlyHealarticle, we explain why chewing gum is bad for your health.

Gastrointestinal disorders

One of the most common effects of chewing gum is increased air intake. This can lead to abdominal bloating and pain. Likewise, when we start chewing gum, our body interprets that food is being ingested, so the secretion of enzymes and acids begins. However, the absence of food can mean that acids irritate the stomach lining.

This is one of the reasons why chewing gum is bad for your health and can lead to abdominal bloating and heartburn. Some people have also suffered from diarrhea from the artificial sweeteners chewing gum.

It damages our oral health.

Another reason why chewing gum is bad for your health is the negative effect on the teeth. Chewing gums that contain sugar are rich in simple carbohydrates, promoting the development of cavities. The presence of sugar in the teeth can lead to cavities and causes progressive wear of tooth enamel. In addition, sugar-free gum also hurts our oral health since it contains artificial sweeteners and acidic preservatives that lead to excessive decalcification that can end up pulverizing the teeth.

Many dentists recommend consuming sugar-free gum after meals, and although this has been shown to reduce the risk of cavities, we must consider the danger it poses to the state of our tooth enamel.

It hurts our jaw

When we chew gum, we exert continuous pressure on the jaw. This does not have to be harmful when we consume gum promptly. However, when we habit subjecting our jaw to the work of chewing something that does not decompose, we may be causing damage. The most common is Temporomandibular joint disorder, a condition in which the joints in the jaw area deteriorate. It can cause facial pain and discomfort in the area behind the neck. These discomforts can also be related to the appearance of migraines more frequently in some people. The constant pressure of chewing gum can lead to headaches.

We invite you to consult this article on home remedies for migraines.

Increase the desire to consume junk food

One of the gums used by some people is to reduce their appetite. However, one study found that chewing gum had the opposite effect. Study participants increased their consumption of junk food, such as cookies, chips, and candy, rather than healthy foods. Likewise, the consumption of menthol gum was also related to a lower choice of fruit and vegetables .

A second experiment proposed that participants chew gum before each meal. Although the individuals ate less food, they chose foods with high-calorie content and low nutritional levels. Therefore, although they ate less, they ate poorer quality food.

Can release mercury into the body

The dental fillings are made of silver and mercury metal. When people with these components in one of their teeth chew gum frequently, it can cause a release of mercury in the body. Ingesting specific amounts of mercury can lead to kidney problems.

A study published by the Journal of Dental Research revealed that individuals who chewed gum experienced higher levels of mercury in their blood and urine. Another study in Germany obtained the same results, stating that chewing gum is an important influence on mercury levels in urine in people who have dental fillings.

Adverse effects of artificial sweeteners

As we have explained previously, opting for sugar-free gum does not reduce the risks when consuming this product. Artificial sweeteners in sugarless gum can be harmful, especially aspartame. This toxic ingredient has been linked to some cancers, brain tumors, weight gain, and congenital disabilities. Although chewing gum is not ingested, its ingredients penetrate the body.

As we chew gum, aspartame and other potentially harmful ingredients in artificial sweeteners are absorbed by the lining of the mouth and tongue. The same is true for sucralose and saccharin.

Loaded with synthetic ingredients

Sweeteners are not the only ingredients we should be concerned about. Butylhydroxytoluene is a preservative that has been banned in some countries outside of the United States. Sometimes used in chewing gum, it is one of the reasons why chewing gum is bad for our health since it has been linked to hyperactivity, toxicity, and liver damage.

One of the main ingredients in chewing gum is the neutral plastic base, of which the exact compound is unknown. It is believed to be made up of resins and other ingredients that manufacturing companies do not disclose. There is also some concern about vinyl acetate, a possible carcinogen included in the elements of some brands of gum.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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