Home Women's HealthAbortion Pregnancy after abortion: Chances, safety, and risks

Pregnancy after abortion: Chances, safety, and risks

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on
pregnant after an abortion

miscarriage is, without a doubt, a complicated experience that can affect both our partner and us emotionally. Sometimes, no clear explanation allows us to know why the loss occurred. However, most women can become pregnant again usually, even after several spontaneous losses. Of course, the final diagnosis should come from the hand of your gynecologist if you have suffered a loss and wonder if you can get pregnant after an abortion. At FastlyHealwe answer it in detail.

After an abortion, will I be fertile right away?

Abortion is an experience that generates physical and emotional consequences. Until the hormonal levels are not balanced again, we will be able to perceive certain anomalies regarding our menstrual cycle. After a loss, it is expected that there are delays in menstruation and that even it takes up to 40 days to come again. However, the ovulation cycle is immediately restored. Despite the abortion, we will continue to be fertile in the days of ovulation, running the risk of pregnancy if we do not protect ourselves adequately.

It is essential to clarify that, due to the body’s changes during pregnancy and while it stabilizes, it can be challenging to know how much we are ovulating, especially if there are delays in menstruation. This is why it is recommended to protect yourself with condoms, which will prevent an immediate pregnancy since we need to recover physically and mentally.

After the abortion, how long to wait to search again?

Each case is different, and depending on the type of loss experienced or how advanced the pregnancy was at the time of the abortion, each couple will face the situation differently. This particularity can influence medical recommendations on how long to wait to try a new pregnancy.

When in doubt whether you can get pregnant after an abortion, the answer, as we have explained in the previous step, is yes, since you will continue to ovulate even after the loss. However, regarding how long to wait to try it again, experts agree that it is advisable to wait at least three months to ensure complete physical and mental recovery.

The World Health Organization recommends waiting six months to ensure adequate emotional recovery. However, a study published in The British Medical Journal conducted with more than 30,000 women who have aborted suggests that pregnancy be sought before six months to decrease the chances of another abortion or complications.

Consulting with your gynecologist about this specific aspect can help you and your partner know the most advisable in your particular case.

After the abortion

What birth control methods to use in the meantime?

To avoid an early pregnancy for which they are not yet ready, it is essential to protect themselves adequately. The contraceptive methods that you can use in these cases are:

  • A condom is one of the simplest and most effective alternatives to prevent pregnancy that does not interfere with your body at the hormonal level. It is advisable to use it until your hormones are regulated and your period begins to come.
  • Contraceptive pills, your gynecologist will be able to tell you which ones to take even after the abortion, so it is essential to consult with your doctor.
  • An intrauterine device or IUD is a method of prolonged protection that must be placed and removed by a gynecologist. Please consult with the specialist about how long after the abortion you should wait for its application. It is not recommended for those couples who wish to attempt a new pregnancy within a few months of the loss.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Can, I get pregnant after an abortion? We recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.

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