Home men's HealthPenile diseases Pearly papules on the glans: causes and treatment

Pearly papules on the glans: causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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Pearly papules on the glans

The pearly papulosis of the penis or pearly bumps, scientifically called Hirsuties papillaris genitalis, are small bumps that can be located on the glans of the penis, forming a kind of lines or rows around it. Although many believe that it is some condition, the truth is that it is simply an anatomical peculiarity that up to 40% of men present in their genitals and that, therefore, do not require medical treatment. The removal of pearly papules may be desired solely for aesthetic criteria and for experiencing slight discomfort and even insecurity when having sexual intercourse.

In the following FastlyHealarticle, we will explain the causes and treatment of pearly bumps on the glans and answer the most frequent questions around this condition.

What are pearly bumps on the penis?

The pearly papules on the penis are small bumps or bumps that usually appear around the glans, that is, on the end or head of the penis. However, sometimes they can be thought of as being present in the scrotum, a bag of delicate and rough skin covering the testicles. Actually, in those cases, it is called Fordyce spots. The latter are sebaceous glands that look like small pimples and are also benign and painless.

These bumps are usually tiny in size, ranging between 1 and 3 mm, are rounded, and can have a flesh color, whitish, or be almost transparent, in many cases presenting a shiny appearance. Generally, they appear on the glans forming a row or several along with the crown of the glans and on the sides of the frenulum.

Contrary to what many may believe, pearly papules do not cause pain or constitute an infectious disease. Still, it is a benign condition and is nothing more than an anatomical peculiarity that some men present on their genitals.

pearly bumps on the penis

Why do pearly papules appear on the glans?

It is essential to clarify that pearly papules are not a condition that appears on the male genitalia over time, but are present on the penis of all men from birth but that in some they develop and acquire a larger size and, due to On the contrary, in others not. As we have commented, it is a harmless physiological peculiarity between 20 and 30 years of age, although it can also manifest a little earlier, during adolescence. In addition, it is a reasonably common peculiarity since up to 48% of men can present it, and it is observed more frequently in those who have not been circumcised.

The causes of pearly bumps on the glans are unknown, and you are not sure why they become enlarged in some men and not in others. Several theories suggest that they have a hereditary nature. On the other hand, others maintain that they could occur because the glans suffer a saturation in the sweat glands and the pores present in the skin, although, as we say, none of it has a proven scientific basis on which to build.

The specialists assure us that they are entirely harmless, have no risk of malignancy, are not contagious, and their appearance is not related to any venereal disease or sexual relations or poor hygiene habits.

Treatment of pearly papules on the glans

Pearly bumps on the glans do not go away on their own. Although they do not constitute a disease that must be treated medically, they can pose a cosmetic problem for many men and cause insecurity, especially when having sexual intercourse and being a bit bothersome by touch.

The only possible way to remove pearly papules on the penis is by removing the prominent tissue through cosmetic surgery techniques. The best option for this is through the CO2 laser. With this method, the protrusions are vaporized with great precision so that the lesions disappear without damaging the skin of the penis and preventing scars from appearing later. This treatment can last between 20 and 30 minutes, depending on the number of blemishes each patient presents. It is not a painful procedure, but the area will remain a little red in the following days, and sexual intercourse should be avoided for the first 10 or 15 days. Likewise, an antibiotic cream will be recommended to prevent possible infections.

On the other hand, it is essential that the home remedies indicated make pearly papules disappear ineffectively. There is no natural product that can eliminate these lesions. In addition, many of them can be counterproductive and cause damage and irritation to the genitals. Likewise, these bumps are not pimples that can be pressed or burst, since in this case, the only thing they would cause is inflammation of the foreskin (posthitis), irritation of the foreskin, pain, wounds, and infections.

However, although they do not disappear by themselves, cases have been observed in which their visibility is considerably reduced as one advance in age.

Are pearly papules contagious?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions among men with penile papules. As we have already advanced, they are not a sexually transmitted disease, and they are benign lesions, so they are not contagious, nor can they be transmitted during sexual intercourse.

When the pearly bumps on the penis are more significant, they tend to be confused on many occasions with genital warts or condylomata acuminata, lesions caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), and they have nothing to do with the latter. Genital warts, unlike pearl papules, are usually scaly and appear in an area forming a kind of cluster and being accompanied by other symptoms. So that you can clear up your doubts and know the differences between these two types of lesions, we advise you to consult the article Genital warts: contagion, symptoms, and treatment.

If you have any doubts in this regard, do not hesitate to consult with the urologist so that through a physical examination and the appropriate tests, they can confirm what type of injuries it is.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Pearly papules on the glans: causes and treatment, we recommend that you enter our category of Male reproductive system.

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