Home men's HealthPenile diseases Sclerosing lymphangitis: treatment

Sclerosing lymphangitis: treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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Sclerosing lymphangitis or non-venereal sclerosing lymphangitis of the penis is a rare disease. It is a delicate and inflammatory process in the distal lymphatic vessels of the penis. It is associated with very intense sexual activity that has caused some minor trauma during sexual activity or masturbation or with enterovirus or tuberculosis infections.

In most cases, it is asymptomatic, so its diagnosis will be made through the physical indications shown by the patient, although few go to the doctor. Treatment will go through relieving inflammation and reducing sexual activity. In this FastlyHealarticle, we will talk about sclerosing lymphangitis: treatment.

Sclerosing lymphangitis: what it is and causes

Having too active sexual activity can cause disease or discomfort in the penile area. It does not mean that all those men who have sex regularly will suffer some, but it can happen. One of these conditions is sclerosing lymphangitis, which affects the penis. It is a relatively rare disease, and patients who suffer from it do not know it is a condition, so most do not go to the doctor unless there is discomfort.

It is based on a subcutaneous or semi-hard venous cord that appears on the back of the penis as a kind of translucent knot. It is more likely for men between 18 and 45 to be sexually active.

It does not have a specific cause but is often related to very intense sexual activity in which trauma to the limb has occurred, either during sexual intercourse or masturbation. Many consulted patients had stated that they had increased their training before the inflammatory process began. It has also been linked to an infection such as enterovirus, genital herpeschlamydia, or other fungal or bacterial infections.

It is not considered an infectious disease, but there are still many questions to be resolved around this pathology that, although it is associated with very intense activity, if it were only the cause, it would be a much more common condition than it is not a rare disease.

Sclerosing lymphangitis: symptoms

Sclerosing lymphangitis is a painless disease in most cases and asymptomatic, so its diagnosis is difficult unless the patient goes to the doctor and the physical signs are seen.

An inflamed cord usually appears that surrounds the limb through the coronal groove and is sometimes attached to the distal skin of the penis. Edema of the foreskin may also occur.

The member does not look red or irritated, but it can cause discomfort or pain during erection, making masturbation and sexual intercourse difficult.

Sclerosing lymphangitis: treatment

Sclerosing lymphangitis usually resolves independently but can take from a few days to several months.

It usually appears several days after the trauma has been caused, not just after, so many patients do not know it. However, as in most cases, it is asymptomatic, and patients do not seek consultation. You must go to your doctor if this happens to you since although it disappears on its own, it could cause problems and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

The diagnosis is clinical. The doctor will explore the area to see the cord that has formed. The location of this is variable but is usually kept parallel to the crown of the glans. In some more severe cases, ulcers also appear in the vicinity. However, it is scarce for inguinal lymphadenopathy, that is, swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin.

It is not a disease with a cure, so the treatment will be based on relieving pain. For this, anti-inflammatories or even anticoagulants are used. In addition, it is recommended to reduce sexual activity or even have a period of abstinence as this will cause the condition to regress. Lymphangitis may come back over time and become chronic.

In some cases, local creams and heparin are used only in acute and chronic phases. And in persistent cases, thrombectomy is also indicated.

However, as we have said, the process is usually resolved without the need for drugs and through sexual abstinence.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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