The presence of blood in semen is a rare condition called hematospermia or hemospermia. Although it may seem very alarming, it does not involve any severe disease most of the time. Some of the causes of hemospermia can be trauma, infection, or inflammation of some parts of the male reproductive system. Depending on the rationale that causes blood in the sperm, it may be accompanied by other symptoms such as painful ejaculation, fever, blood in the urine, or swelling in the scrotum. In most cases, no treatment is required since the blood disappears spontaneously after a while. If you want to know more about this condition, at FastlyHealwe, explain the causes of the presence of blood in the semen.
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Male reproductive system
Before discussing the different causes associated with blood in semen, we must be clear about the other parts of the body and, specifically, the male reproductive system that could be affected.
First, the testicles are located inside the scrotal bag and are responsible for producing sperm and a hormone known as testosterone. The epididymis is at the top of the testicles, where sperm mature for about two weeks. When ejaculation occurs, semen is transported from the testicles to the penis through the vas deferens. The urethra allows ejaculation to culminate by expelling the semen to the outside.
On the other hand, the prostate is the organ responsible for producing seminal fluid to nourish and protect sperm and is located in front of the rectum. Lastly, the penis comprises the corpus cavernosum. This tissue fills with blood and allows erection. At the same time, the corpus spongiosum has a small column at the bottom of the penis, and its function is to prevent the ureter from being compressed during erection.
Now that we know which parts can be involved in the appearance of blood next to the semen, we will see the causes that may be causing this situation.
Prostatitis and urethritis
Prostatitis is swelling and irritation of the prostate caused by a bacterial infection in most cases. This infection can be caused by a sexually transmitted disease (STD) such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. These diseases are usually spread in more significant quantities when certain conditions occur, such as practicing anal sex without a condom or in promiscuous people.
In the case of urethritis, inflammation occurs in the urethra, the tube that carries urine and semen, expelling them to the outside. In addition to being caused by sexually transmitted diseases or bacteria responsible for urinary infections such as E.coli, it can also be a consequence of the herpes simplex virus. In the case of genital herpes, it can affect the genitals, buttocks, and anus.
In addition, other causes linked to the presence of blood in the semen can also lead to prostatitis, so we will see that there are different associated causes.
Epididymitis and orchitis
As we explained in the previous point, there are direct causes of the existence of blood in the semen, but they can also be the cause of other ailments; this is the example of epididymitis. It is an inflammation of the epididymis and is one of the causes of bleeding in ejaculation, but it is also a condition that can lead to prostatitis. In this case, the cause is also usually a bacterial infection, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. The use of some medications can also be related to epididymitis.
Orchitis is inflammation of one or both testicles caused by infection. This infection is usually caused by the mumps virus, an inflammation of the salivary glands that can affect other body parts. The people most prone to suffer from this inflammation are children and adolescents. Like epididymitis and prostatitis, inflammation of the testicles can also be related to sexually transmitted diseases. On the other hand, some causes not linked to sexually transmitted diseases are age, urinary tract problems, or surgery.
Prostate and testicular tumors
A series of symptoms accompany the presence of a tumor in the prostate. We can find urinary incontinence, interruption of the urine stream, or increased frequency of urination. When it is in a more advanced stage, one of the symptoms is blood in the semen.
On the other hand, the testicular tumor is presented by inflammation in one of the testicles or both and can also cause hemospermia as one of the symptoms. Testicular cancer occurs in the form of small, hard lumps attached to the testicle. Therefore, it is essential to learn how to perform a testicular exam to detect them.
Trauma and surgery
During ejaculation, semen must pass through a series of ducts before reaching the urethra and being expelled to the outside. In some cases, the blood vessels present in these ducts can rupture, which would explain why the semen is expelled with blood. This situation can occur when trauma occurs from a blow to the testicles. Likewise, some surgical interventions can also cause homospermia, such as a prostate biopsy or a vasectomy.
When to go to the doctor
You shouldn’t be alarmed if you have witnessed blood in the semen. The first thing you should look at is if there are other symptoms along with hemospermia, such as abdominal pain, pain in the testicles, etc. In addition, if you are over 40 years old, there is a greater risk of suffering diseases related to the prostate, so you should go to the doctor.
If you do not present any more symptoms along with the blood in the semen and you are not older than 40 years, wait a few days to see if the blood ends up disappearing.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.
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I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.