A systemic pathology is known as lupus, this means that it is a disease that affects the whole body, so it is not located in a particular organ. This disorder is developed by an alteration in the immune system, which becomes confused and begins to attack cells and tissues of the body that are entirely healthy. For this reason, the joints, blood vessels, skin, and specific organs begin to be damaged, which can be complicated depending on the type of lupus.
Although certain hereditary, hormonal and environmental factors can influence the appearance of this pathology, it is still not entirely sure, and its exact causes are not known. Despite this, there are numerous other doubts about this alteration, so one of the most frequent questions is, is lupus a fatal disease? To find out this answer and learn more about this condition, we recommend that you read the following FastlyHealarticle.
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Types of lupus
Although it alters the immune system, lupus is divided into four varieties depending on the possible trigger, affected area, and symptoms. Therefore, the types of lupus that exist are:
- Systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE is considered the most common type of lupus. It is a mild to severe developmental pathology and can cause various alterations such as alopecia, sensitivity to light, and different kidney disorders. Although people of any age can suffer it, it is most frequently between 15 and 44 years old.
- Cutaneous lupus erythematosus: Although anyone can develop it, the highest incidence of this type of lupus has been registered in the Asian and African-American populations. It causes excellent sensitivity and inflammation of all blood vessels. This type of lupus is subdivided, at the same time, depending on the form of the lesions that can be found on the skin.
- Medicated lupus: its symptoms can be very similar to cutaneous lupus, which is why many people often confuse it; however, it is essential to consult a specialist to ensure the type of disorder and its treatment. In this case, it consists of an exclusive reaction to a drug, generally those used to treat high blood pressure, tuberculosis, and heart disorders.
- Neonatal lupus is a rare type of lupus and is because a mother can transfer the antibodies of the pathology to the fetus. Hence, it usually occurs only in cases where the mother has already suffered this alteration. In general, the symptoms disappear after six months, although the doctor may carry out treatment before the child’s birth if you have this family history.
Symptoms of lupus
The lupus symptoms can vary considerably depending on each patient and the type of lupus they are experiencing. This is why some cases have mild symptoms while others suffer more seriously. As it is a chronic pathology, it must be controlled by a specialist from time to time.
Despite the above, there are specific symptoms manifested in almost all lupus patients. Among them, the following stand out:
- Joint pain
- The fatigue is not decreasing despite several hours of rest.
- Skin rashes that may be shaped like butterflies.
- Hypersensitivity to light could worsen if the patient is exposed for long hours to sunlight.
- Alopecia, which may be due to the drug being taken.
- Respiratory disorders such as inflammation of the pericardium ( pericarditis ) and the lungs are also frequent.
- Kidney disorders may appear, such as the appearance of blood in the urine or hypertension; however, this usually occurs in one-third of lupus patients.
- The most common is the development of painless mouth sores.
- Blood disorders such as anemia.
- Some people may also suffer from poor concentration and memory problems.
Is lupus a deadly disease?
As it is a systemic pathology, a specialist must make a plan with the most indicated treatment for each patient with lupus. The person must undergo some control as soon as they feel one or more detailed symptoms since the medicine must be carried out on time.
Life expectancy with lupus
Although lupus is not considered a universally fatal disease, 10% of patients with this pathology may die. There is a 10% chance of dying from lupus, depending on the condition. The general health of the person and other aggravating factors. This occurs mainly when people do not perform the correct treatment, and it is not controlled with close monitoring by the appropriate specialist. Likewise, certain mild or moderate cases of lupus and others of greater intensity are the most difficult to treat and control.
Because in this alteration, it is the body’s defense system itself that attacks healthy cells, following treatment is essential to reduce the possibility of dying from lupus, since as it evolves, it can damage vital functions such as those of the kidney. . In general, medication for a non-life-threatening lupus patient, which is mild or moderate in intensity, may include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to decrease pain and inflammation. Also, your doctor may recommend certain medicines to help prevent the disease from spreading and may prescribe some corticosteroids to regulate the activity of the immune system.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any type of condition or discomfort.
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I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.