Home Immune system Hypersplenism: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hypersplenism: causes, symptoms and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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It is known as hypersplenism, to a state of the spleen of hyperfunction, that is, hyperactive, mainly causing an enlarged spleen. This organ is located in the upper part of the abdomen on the left side, and its primary function is to help filter damaged cells from the blood flow. So if the spleen is overactive, it means that it removes cells from the bloodstream that are still useful and very quickly, which can be a disorder in itself, leading to different complications, or it can be the result of some other disease. On the other hand, the spleen also helps the body fight infections, so a problem in this organ can make you more prone to infection. This is why you must always be healthy, and for that, you must undergo regular medical check-ups.

If you don’t know much about hyperactive spleen pathology, at FastlyHealwe offer you all the information about hypersplenism: causes, symptoms and treatment.

Causes of an overactive spleen

The origin of hypersplenism can be due to an exclusive affection of the spleen; it initiates or affects it directly. It is considered that the hyperfunction of this organ is the primary pathology; for example, pathogens infect it and alter its function. On the other hand, when there is a disease, and as it progresses, it involves other parts of the body such as the spleen, hypersplenism is considered a secondary result.

Although hypersplenism can be caused by numerous alterations, most cases occur secondary, so people with malaria, cirrhosis, tuberculosis, lymphoma, and different inflammatory diseases of the connective tissue, among others, can suffer hypersplenism because of these disorders, so you must go to the doctor for proper treatment.

Main symptoms of hypersplenism

The spleen, by eliminating blood cells that could still be used by the body, causes reactions such as weakness, fever, stomach pain on the left side, a sudden feeling of fullness after eating, rapid heartbeat, and sudden bleeding, often from the nose. In addition, there are other symptoms of an overactive spleen that develop and that you could present, including:

Diagnosis of hypersplenism

Although one of the main symptoms of hypersplenism is an enlarged spleen, this anomaly may be due to other conditions that are not related to the alteration of the function of this organ, so it is essential to perform a series of tests to determine if you are suffering from this condition. The doctor may opt for a complete blood test or a direct test on the spleen to know the red blood cell count and the affected areas, which also helps to determine if there is any damage to the liver that could be causing the spleen alteration according to at the level of certain enzymes or bilirubin. These tests, along with other microscopy tests, are also used to confirm hyperfunction of the spleen due to a parasitic infection, such as malaria.

Also, in some cases, when the enlarged spleen is not palpable or identifying what is causing the hypersplenism and giving an accurate diagnosis of the cause, it is necessary to undergo a CT scan, MRI, or ultrasound.

Treatment to combat hypersplenism

The treatment of hypersplenism is limited to curing the underlying disease-causing this disorder. This is why you must visit a doctor so that he can give you the correct treatment and, in this way, prevent the destruction of blood cells and an enlarged spleen.

If a traditional treatment cannot reverse the situation, the professional will likely decide to remove the spleen, that is, to perform a splenectomy. This is usually used in the case of primary hypersplenism, in conditions of the spleen due to leukemia and lymphoma, due to a significant reduction in the number of platelets, and because cancer has spread from some other organ to the spleen.

Can hypersplenism be prevented?

Although the condition cannot be prevented, as it is often another disorder, some underlying causes of an enlarged spleen can be avoided. This is the case, for example, of certain anemias and cirrhosis of the liver due to alcohol.

The prognosis of hypersplenism will always depend on what is causing it and the progression of the alteration. An enlarged spleen can lead to further complications if not treated timely and correctly.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Hypersplenism: causes, symptoms and treatment , we recommend that you enter our Immune System category .

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