Home Skin CareSkin diseases Itchy legs: causes and home remedies

Itchy legs: causes and home remedies

by Alivia Nyhan
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Itching, better known as itching or itching, is a sensation on the skin by our body to draw attention to the area in question and, generally, implies that something is happening in that region. The clearest example would be an insect bite. Our natural response to this sensation is to scratch ourselves to eliminate the cause of the itch; however, this action often is not enough to relieve it because the phenomenon is caused by more complex reasons than usual and may require the drug application. With this FastlyHealarticle on itchy legs: causes and home remedies, We want to explain the various causes of itching in the lower limbs so that you know how to assess what it may be due to, at the same time that we offer you some easily accessible alternatives to treat it.

Stinging in the legs from dry skin

It is perhaps the most common cause of itchy legs due to its frequency. In most cases, dry skin results from irritation on the skin of the legs that can have different origins, such as exposure to soaps or other irritating products and frequent baths with hot water. Still, there is also the possibility of having an inherited predisposition from parents to having drier skin. It can be a consequence of aging as the skin loses its ability to stay hydrated over time.

Itchy legs from dry skin: home remedies

You can choose different natural alternatives to keep the skin hydrated, specially indicated for those with unfavorable reactions to sales products:

Itchy legs from poor hygiene

The accumulation of different substances and materials on the skin of any part of the body can cause irritation that manifests itself in itching. In the legs, it is no different, and it is a situation that can be worsened by wearing tight clothing or if the dress you use is also dirty or contaminated. Poor hygiene causes layers of dead skin to accumulate on our skin, making our body unable to get rid of impurities, causing irritations and other problems.

An excellent way to improve hygiene by removing layers of dead skin is to apply a homemade scrub made from almond oil and sugar, which should be rubbed on the affected skin.

Itching in the legs: infections

One of the consequences of poor hygiene is an infection of the skin by different microorganisms, with itching as one of its symptoms. For instance:

  • Contamination or obstruction of the hair follicle, the place on the skin where the hairs are inserted, can produce a folliculitis that appears as a pimple around an inch.
  • Another possibility is the contamination of wounds produced by diseases such as dermatitis.
  • Dermatomycosis is the medical name for fungal skin infections, which we will discuss in more depth in the next section.

Many products at home can have excellent antiseptic effects, such as garlic has shown a significant impact against microorganisms when consumed or applied or crushed directly to the affected region. Honey can also be used to treat infections thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and regenerative effects.

In the following FastlyHealarticle we talk about home remedies for folliculitis.

Fungus on the skin

Another type of infection can cause constant itching in the affected region. The most common is known as jock itch, which forms plaques that can vary from red to brown and that appear mainly on the inner thighs and in the region near the genitals.

To combat ringworm, there are several home remedies. Early treatment with isopropyl alcohol, of the type conventionally used for cleaning wounds, can be started. Other options can be the application of apple cider vinegar on the skin, which has the characteristic of fighting fungus and promoting recovery, or the combination of garlic and olive oil to create an effective paste against skin fungi.

Scabies – causes itchy legs.

Scabies, a skin infection better known as Scabies, is a condition that is caused by a parasite that lodges and feeds on the skin. Scabies is a contagious skin disease that can affect both humans and animals at home; highly infectious through direct contact with clothing or bedding and is characterized by causing constant itching that intensifies during the nights and in the heat.

The oil tea tree has in its composition a molecule that helps fight the parasite that causes Scabies, so it is a pretty effective remedy. Vinegar also has an effect against the parasite since it makes the environment of skin toxic for it and kills it over time. Applying the water from boiling onions can be favorable since onions have analgesic properties and fight the parasite, thanks to their sulfur content. For more information, in the following article, we will talk about natural remedies for Scabies.

Itchy legs: circulation

It is a condition caused when the pumping of blood through the veins is not effective enough to carry blood from the legs back to the heart, causing it to pool in the legs and particularly in the ankles. This causes the legs to swell and itch, with the possible appearance of cracks in the skin, in addition to itching in the ankles.

To cure gravitational eczema, it is essential to go to the doctor to assess the circulation condition, who will indicate the appropriate treatment. On the other hand, the manifestations of this condition on the skin can be improved using different methods to hydrate the skin, such as those described above.

Runner’s itch

When a person who has gone a long period without exercising decides to start jogging, the first few days of exercise can be accompanied by an itch in the leg. This is because the blood vessels of those who have not exercised for a long time may have a more challenging time opening and allowing more blood to pass in response to physical demand.

Over time, the body adapts to new physical habits. The vascular response becomes more efficient, so the itching will be more minor and less frequent and intense if exercise routines are maintained.

Dermatitis and itchy legs

Dermatitis is the name given to inflammation of the skin. There are many types of dermatitis, but they are almost always caused by an inherited disorder or nutritional deficiencies, which cause the appearance of scales and irritated areas on the skin, accompanied by the sensation of itching.

Given that dermatitis has an essential nutritional component because it manifests in people with vitamin deficiencies, it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet to meet all the skin’s needs.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Itchy legs: causes and home remedies , we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair and nails category .

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