Home Skin Care Infectious cellulitis: symptoms and treatment

Infectious cellulitis: symptoms and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The appearance of skin lesions can cause concern for people who suffer from them when they do not know what they are due to. The so-called infectious cellulitis is among the types of apparent lesions on the skin that can affect anyone. Although my name, many people can associate this condition with the accumulation of fat on the skin, they do not have much relationship between them; infectious cellulite is a condition that can have quite essential consequences on the health of the affected person, and it will require an evaluation by a doctor; That is why in the following FastlyHealarticle we will explain in detail what is the true meaning of infectious cellulitis, its symptoms, and treatment.

What is infectious cellulitis?

The skin is a layer of tissue that covers the human body. Its primary function is to protect it from bacteria, temperature, and any substance that may be harmful, and for this, it consists of three layers. Although there is a certain amount of bacteria in the skin under normal conditions, when that amount of bacteria exceeds the response capacity of the immune system, a series of problems can occur, among which is infectious cellulitis.

Infectious cellulitis is an inflammation of the skin tissues as a result of a proliferation of bacteria, which not only affects the most superficial part but can even cover the deepest layers of it and even the tissues that are immediately below this, and that it can produce all the reactions and be as dangerous as any other infectious process.

Causes of infectious cellulitis

Infectious cellulitis arises due to an infection by bacteria; among the most common bacteria are Streptococcus and Staphylococcus.

The skin typically has these bacteria, but their infiltration occurs when a break in the skin layer. This rupture can result from cutaneous wounds due to trauma, ulcers produced in people with diabetes, injuries that have not been disinfected or made inadequately, insect bites, and animal bites. Another situation that can produce these infections is an alteration in the immune response caused by diseases or medications.

In addition to these causes, there are also a series of risk factors that can favor your condition:

  • Advanced age.
  • Having suffered burns.
  • I have had recent surgeries.
  • Suffering from diseases that cause skin wounds, such as chickenpox or herpes.

Symptoms of infectious cellulitis

As it is an infection, it has a clinical picture of the same condition, and the usual symptoms of infectious cellulitis are the following:

  • Feverish pictures.
  • General malaise from the same infection.
  • Pain or tenderness in the area during palpation.
  • The presence of redness and edema characteristic of a sudden-onset lesion grows in the first 24 hours, although this inflammation can take days to spread.
  • Heat in the area.
  • The skin becomes tight.
  • Loss of villi around the injury.
  • Also, the affected person may have chills, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and sweating.

Diagnosis of infectious cellulitis

In general, the diagnosis is clinical; the general practitioner may first observe the presence of the reddish lesion and the heat and swelling of the skin. He will do a diagnostic examination of the nodes to see if there is inflammation of them and, in addition, if there is fluid suppuration from the wound, which may be due to a collection of pus. Relating these signs and symptoms to a situation that has produced a loss of continuity of the skin, such as a cut or a burn, can guide the diagnosis towards infectious cellulitis.

Blood tests are beneficial to detect any alteration of the defense cells that may indicate the presence of a bacterial infection. In addition, for the cases in which the wounds are suppurating their content, the realization of a bacterial culture can guide the treatment plan towards a more effective antibiotic against the bacteria in the wound, making the laboratory studies a pretty valuable tool.

Treatment of infectious cellulitis

The treatment for infectious cellulitis begins with a consultation with the general practitioner, who will be responsible for diagnosing and indicating the type of antibiotic and the dose that should be taken that generally are derived from penicillin, but this depends on the severity and characteristics of the wound, the type of bacteria present in the infection and the presence of conditions, for example for those allergic to penicillin, more antibiotic options should be considered.

It may also be necessary to order pain relievers to soothe pain in the area. Self-medication should be avoided; if infectious cellulitis is suspected, see a doctor immediately.

Another possible option for treating infectious cellulitis is using home remedies. However, it is not advisable to put aside the use of antibiotics. An example of this is garlic, which is recommended for these cases since ingesting three cloves of garlic helps combat the condition, as it has an antibacterial action. It is also recommended to drink large amounts of water and yogurt because it increases the immune system’s capacity.

Infectious cellulitis prevention

To avoid the appearance of this condition, it is best to maintain proper skin hygiene. If wounds occur, treat them immediately after suffering them and keep the area well clean to avoid the infiltration of bacteria.

Food plays a vital role in strengthening the skin, so a healthy diet is crucial to reduce the chances of the appearance of infectious cellulite.

The hydration constant is recommended, using moisturizers and avoiding dryness; you should also keep your skin clean every day and prevent the accumulation of dirt, which only produces increased bacteria. It should be taken into account and avoid unnecessary cuts, such as strenuous scratching due to an insect bite or badly cutting a nail.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Infectious cellulitis: symptoms and treatment , we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair and nails category .

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