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How to get rid of itchy bumps

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Everyone at some point in our life has suffered from itching caused by the presence of hives. Some people are more susceptible than others to suffer this alteration due to the predisposition that one has to these injuries.

Multiple causes can give rise to these injuries; that is why particular caution must be taken with food intake and the chemicals we contact with, such as perfumes, disinfectants, soaps, or allergens present in the environment.

The itching that accompanies these lesions causes both physical and emotional discomfort and irritability, which is why it is the most important symptom to treat once these skin lesions appear. Do you want to know how to get rid of itchy bumps? In the following FastlyHealarticle, we will explain it to you!

What are hives

Hives are red lesions that appear on the skin; they can range from small to large and have extensive itchy spots. These can occur immediately, within minutes, or after an event that triggers the disturbance.

These hives can appear on the skin due to allergic reactions to foods, medications, or substances. Their appearance is lighter than the skin or reddish, and they are characterized by itching in the area where the lesion is located. The presence of these lesions can last approximately 24 hours, but it can be prolonged, something that will depend on the patient who presents it and the cause that triggers it.

Causes of the appearance of hives

Multiple causes trigger the appearance of hives on the skin; among them are:

The allergic reactions: there are a lot of substances that can trigger allergic reactions, such as:

  • Medicines such as antibiotics.
  • Poland.
  • Animal dander.
  • Insect bite.
  • Foods like shellfish, fish, milk, eggs, nuts, or certain fruits like strawberries, pineapple, or peaches.

There are also physical causes that can trigger the presence of hives; among them are:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Exposure to extreme temperatures.
  • Diseases such as leukemia, lupus, and autoimmune disorders can trigger skin lesions.
  • Exposure to contaminated water.
  • Infectious processes such as mononucleosis.
  • Emotional stress

Symptoms of hives

The main symptoms that are evident at the skin level are:

  • Itch.
  • Irritation.
  • Presence of reddish patches or rashes on the skin.

There may be the appearance of more severe symptoms that can generate an alarm, such as:

  • The presence of edema in the face, lips, tongue, throat, and respiratory tract, could cause edema of the glottis and put the patient’s life at risk due to the obstruction of the airways, thus making it impossible to breathe.
  • The appearance of complicated welts that can turn into open sores and that last longer than usual.
  • Palpable lymph nodes, fever, weight loss, and compromise of the patient’s general condition.

All these symptoms could be the warning of a significant problem, so you should go to an emergency center if you notice them.

Treatment to get rid of itchy bumps

Once these lesions appear, it is essential to see a doctor; the dermatologist is the specialist in charge of making the diagnosis and indicating the medical treatment to follow.

Usually, the most bothersome symptom for the patient is itching, which is difficult to control in many cases. In most cases, this is eliminated by taking oral antihistamines, which are drugs used to counteract itching and the presence of lesions. These medications can be combined with steroids to treat lesions caused by allergic reactions.

In cases where the symptoms are very intense, this medicine will be indicated topically in creams or lotions to soothe the skin and reduce lesions and itching.

Itching is the most uncomfortable symptom for the patient; for this reason, a shower with cold water is recommended, and applying lubricating creams to reduce itching and the pharmacological treatment indicated by the dermatologist.

Tips to Avoid Itchy Hives

Some tips and prevention measures to prevent the appearance of itchy bumps and speed your recovery include the following:

  • Maintain hygienic measures such as washing hands with soap and water to prevent contamination of the hives.
  • Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing during the presence of these lesions since it would increase the irritation and itching of the hives.
  • Scratching with the nails should be avoided to prevent complications such as rupture of the welt and contamination giving rise to an infectious process that could aggravate the injury.
  • The ideal is to avoid the intake of certain foods, medications, or extreme situations with changes in temperature that could trigger the presence of hives, erythema, and itching.

Finally, do not hesitate to go to your trusted doctor; he will help you solve this situation in the best way.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any kind of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to get rid of itchy bumps, we recommend that you enter our Skin, Hair, and Nails category.

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