Home Skin CareFolliculitis Folliculitis on the scalp: causes

Folliculitis on the scalp: causes

by Alivia Nyhan
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We know as Folliculitis the inflammation of the hair follicles. Hair follicles are a kind of small bags in which hair grows and grows. That is why Folliculitis can manifest itself in all parts of the skin where there is hair, that is, also on the scalp.

If it occurs on the scalp, the affected person notices a slight itch in the area, accompanied by various discomforts that increase in intensity due to the development of pimples created in the follicles. Generally, this infection has a bacterial cause, but as we will explain in this article, the reasons can vary.

Next, at FastlyHeal, we will talk to you about Folliculitis on the scalp: causes, symptoms, and some of the best natural remedies that you have at your disposal to treat them.

Folliculitis on the scalp: what is it

Folliculitis is the medical term for infection and inflammation of the hair follicles. This condition can affect hair and skin anywhere on the body, including the scalp. Scalp folliculitis is characterized by the appearance of small, white, or yellowish bumps that resemble acne.

Pustules can itch quite a bit and can even be quite painful. In severe cases, the development of large wounds can produce large scars in which even the hair does not come out. The easiest and most homemade way to remedy scalp Folliculitis is oatmeal, which we will explain later. In addition, it helps soothe an itchy and inflamed scalp, but the solution to this problem is somewhat embarrassing and can vary according to the severity and underlying cause.

Folliculitis on the head: causes

This condition can be caused by several factors, of which the infection of the hair follicle caused by bacteria, yeasts, and mites is usually one of the most common. Such infections can damage the hair follicles and drive the development of bumps or pimples on the scalp. This condition can be more common on an oily scalp.

The excessive production of sebum, which is the fatty secretion of the sebaceous glands, increases the chances of contracting a bacterial infection. Apart from bacterial and fungal infections, other factors can also contribute to the development of scalp folliculitis, such as:

  • The excessive sweating.
  • Excessive heat and humidity.
  • Exposure to chemicals.
  • Wearing tight-fitting hats.
  • Overuse of antibiotics.

Folliculitis on the scalp: how to avoid it

Taking into account the causes of Folliculitis on the scalp, there are a series of tips that you can follow to prevent it from appearing or to alleviate its symptoms once you are already suffering from it:

  • You must wash your hair daily, rubbing to prevent sebum from accumulating and causing the appearance of Folliculitis.
  • Some conditioners are counterproductive as they can cause fat to get.
  • You should always use water-based products, this type of shampoo is more challenging to clog pores.
  • Do not wear hats, caps, or caps as they make it difficult for the skin to breathe and cause the pores to clog.
  • You should brush your hair daily; in this way, you will be exfoliating your skin naturally and avoid clogging the pores.

Home remedies for Folliculitis on the scalp

If you suffer from Folliculitis on the head, you must visit the dermatologist; he will be the one to decide which treatment you should follow and which is the most effective for your particular case. But beyond the strictly medical treatment and always consulting with the dermatologist, there are a series of home remedies that you can use to treat scalp Folliculitis:


As we have already explained before, this is undoubtedly the best natural remedy for Folliculitis on the scalp. Oatmeal can relieve itching, reduce inflammation and balance the excess sebum that usually causes the appearance of pimples. In addition, your hair will look cleaner, healthier, and hydrated.

You must mix half a cup of water with two tablespoons of this flour and stir until you obtain a paste with a homogeneous consistency that does not have lumps. Subsequently, you should apply it to the scalp, massaging the area firmly but gently for a few minutes and letting it act for 20 more minutes. Once that time has elapsed, you will remove it with warm water, neither cold nor hot. Discover in the following article the benefits of oats for the skin.

Calendula hair rinse

In addition to oatmeal, calendula is another natural product you have at your disposal to treat this skin condition. This is a medicinal herb that, due to its antibacterial, soothing, and healing properties, will help to overcome this condition and calm its symptoms. So much so that the salicylic acid contained in its flower is one of the main components of shampoos used to treat Folliculitis.

To use it, you have to infuse a handful of calendula petals with boiling water. After 10 minutes, you will strain the liquid, and, when it has tempered, you will pour it on your scalp, leaving it to act for 20 minutes. If you want more information, these are the health benefits of calendula.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Folliculitis on the scalp: causes, we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair and nails category .

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