Home Medical dictionary Definition of batiesthesia

Definition of batiesthesia

by Alivia Nyhan
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Like so many other stories, this one also has its origin in ancient Greece. If you ask anyone how many senses humans have, most of them will tell you that 5, perhaps six, are the most intuitive.

The definitive list of the senses: hearing, sight, taste, smell, and touch, comes to us from the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who thus defined the perceptions of the human being in his treatise De anima. But even though at the popular level, this list has remained unchanged during the more than 2,000 years that separate us, the truth is that science has been discovering more and more things about our body and our sensations, so now we can affirm that falls too short.

Although there is no complete unanimity in the scientific world, and the figures go up and down depending on who says it, we can say that we have many more senses than the Greeks gave us and traditionally believed.

Next, we will deal with one of these human senses that had been overlooked and are now being studied; if you want to know the definition of batiesthesia, we encourage you to continue reading this article by FastlyHeal.

What is radiesthesia

Sensitivity or esthesia is the ability of our body to perceive in the form of sensations the different stimuli of the world that surrounds us at the same time as the stimuli that arise from our body.

The batiesthesia, or sense of fragmentary attitudes, is the bodily sense that makes us know the exact position of the various parts of our body. This sense, which has its receptors and origin in the joints, muscles, and tendons, allows us to become aware of our body’s movements and changes of position.

To understand a little more about this sense and the context where it is framed, it is convenient to understand the classification of these new senses that are added to those we already knew to be able to perceive ourselves and everything that surrounds us.

interoceptive and exteroceptive

The senses that we have must be divided into a first and primary classification; interoceptive and exteroceptive; this is between those who have a stimulus that comes from their own body and those who receive inspiration from the outside.

Exteroceptive receptors, which provide you with information about what happens outside our body, are mainly in the skin, warn us of changes and modifications in temperature, alert us to pain, and provide tactile information.

On the other hand, batiesthesia is a sense that is part of the significant classification of interoceptive since it provides information on internal stimuli of the organism, in this case, the position of the body itself.

How to determine bath aesthetic sensitivity

There are tests to determine how sensitive your body is to bathiesthesia. To explore the meaning of segmental attitudes, or batiesthesia, you must be blindfolded or closed to minimize your subjectivity. You cannot see anything of what they will do to you.

The doctor must choose a specific joint, usually done with the knees, and move it very slowly in different positions, without making sudden changes of direction; after a while, he must stop and ask the patient where that joint has been left—been moving. Another way to do it is, instead of indicating the position in which it is, make it imitate with the joint on the opposite side the posture and place in which it has been.

The precision and accuracy of this small test give us an approximate answer to the level of sensitivity and proprioception that that person has.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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