Home Ear, nose and throatEar diseases and infections Clogged ears: Causes, symptoms, and safety

Clogged ears: Causes, symptoms, and safety

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

There are occasions where the ear can be affected by the presence of water inside it, a widespread condition in children, youth, and adults who practice swimming or go to the beach very frequently without any protection. The water that enters the ear can create a moist environment conducive to the growth of germs and bacteria that possibly give rise to infectious processes, which put the ear’s normal functioning and, especially, hearing at risk.

When water is detected in the ear, the liquid must be evacuated to avoid complications that could put the affected person’s hearing at risk. If you want to know cow water unclog ears safely and effectively, keep reading this article, FastlyHeal.

A feeling of having water in the ear: causes

The causes of the sensation of water in the ears are very varied. Among them are:

  • Prolonged showers without hearing protection.
  • Diving in the sea or swimming pools without protectors such as caps or earplugs causes the incoming water to be dammed inside.
  • Infectious processes of the ear, nose, or throat can give rise to the secretion of fluid that accumulates in this area.
  • Ear trauma that causes the tympanic membrane to rupture results in the secretion and accumulation of fluid in the auditory cavity.

Symptoms of water in the ear

The presence of water in the ear can be detected as follows:

  • Liquid sensation in the ear: This is perceived as a murmur inside the ear.
  • Itch.
  • Discoloration of the pinna.
  • She hears loss.

If the water is not evacuated over the days, it may occur:

  • Pain: this sign indicates that an infectious process may be starting in the auditory cavity. It can be felt in the head or when chewing.
  • Nausea and dizziness
  • Enlargement of the lymph nodes near the ear.
  • Itch.
  • Fluid coming out of the ear can become yellow like pus.
  • Total impairment of hearing.

How to unclog the ears of water

There are different ways to unclog the ears of water. In the first instance, it is recommended:

  1. Tilt the head to the side that is affected, hold air in the mouth and begin to jump until the evacuation of the water contained in the ear is achieved.
  2. You can also put some warm water inside the ear that is plugged by using a syringe without a needle. This allows the area to expand. In this way, the formed air bubble is eliminated, thus making the water housed inside the ear escape easily.
  3. In the same way, you can open your mouth as wide as possible, as if you were yawning or moving your jaw. Only then do the muscles increase the outer ear cavity, and the water can come out.

When any of the techniques mentioned above do not work, you can use some of the following measures to help unclog your ears of water:

  • Chewing gum sets the jaw muscles in motion. In this way, the ear moves, and the inside water can escape.
  • Also, lying on the side where the ear is plugged can help the water drain.
  • The evaporation technique consists of using a hand dryer. This is turned on and placed in the minimum air and temperature at a safe distance from the ear. The dryer is moved back and forth, distributing the air throughout the ear. With this, the water found inside the ear canal is evaporated.

If none of the above works, it is best to go to the pharmacy to provide you with a few drops to remove the water from the ear or to the doctor to prevent an infection from developing.

When to go to the doctor

It is important to note that the above measures can be helpful when there is an accumulation of water in the ear after bathing or going to the pool or the beach. Now, suppose the sensation of having water in the ear appears without having had previous contact with the water. In that case, it is essential to go to the doctor and avoid trying any of these measures to unclog the ears, as it is likely to indicate an ear infection. Quickly consult your doctor if you also have any of these symptoms:

  • Earache.
  • Difficulty hearing correctly.
  • Fever.
  • General discomfort.
  • Vomiting

Can I unclog the ear with hydrogen peroxide?

The use of hydrogen peroxide is not indicated to remove water from the ear because its use may be recommended in cases where a plug of earwax causes the obstruction. This is where hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide can be used, as it helps to dissolve the accumulated earwax in the ear cavity. Of course, in the case of using it, it is essential to previously dilute it in 50% physiological saline and make sure that there is no tympanic perforation. You can apply three drops of this mixture about three times a day for five days before removing the wax plug.

In conclusion, we can say that hydrogen peroxide can cause some problems in cases where an infection or damage to the ear is present, so it is not recommended to use it to unclog the ear that is full of water.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

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