Home Ear, nose and throatEar diseases and infections Blood in the ear: causes and treatment

Blood in the ear: causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The presence of blood in the Ear generates a lot of concern for those who suffer from it. However, it is a much more common condition than it may seem. The specialist, that is, the ENT, is the one who can define what is the cause for which there is the discharge of secretion (blood) through the ear canal and, in the same way, is the one who will determine what the treatment is ideal to use in case this happens.

The Ear is a sensitive area. Therefore the presence of blood represents an alarm sign for all people, even for the doctors themselves. In addition to blood in the ear canal, there may be other manifestations such as ringing, severe headache, and dizziness, which should not be overlooked at the time of evaluation. In FastlyHealwe will explain to you what are the causes for which there may be bleeding in the Ear and also what treatment can be used for this condition.

Blood in the Ear: perforated or ruptured eardrum

Before knowing the reason why bleeding may appear in the Ear is, it is essential to see this part of the body. The Ear is a sensitive organ whose function is to maintain balance and transmit sounds to the brain through its different parts; the outer, middle, and inner Ear, once it converts them into electrical impulses.

The most common reason for otorrhagia or bleeding in the Ear is the presence of a perforated and ruptured eardrum. The eardrum is considered the natural barrier to prevent bacteria or materials from outside from entering the middle and inner Ear. In addition to bleeding, the most likely thing to happen is hearing loss when this condition occurs.

The tympanic membrane allows to generate the vibrations perceived through the sound waves and convert them into the nerve impulses that will go directly to the brain; this is why there is perforation or rupture of the eardrum hearing affection.

Other causes of blood in the Ear

Associated with the rupture of the eardrum, there are other causes for which blood may appear in the Ear, including:

  • Invasion of a foreign object: the presence of a foreign object through the auditory canal can generate some injury to both the channel itself and the tympanic membrane; this is why otorrhagia could be evidenced.
  • Blow to the Ear or head: Likewise, any injury to the head or the Ear can manifest itself through the discharge of secretion (blood) through the external auditory canal, that is, through the hole that communicates the Ear to the outside.
  • Use of swab: the use of this curious object can cause damage to the tympanic membrane if it is not used correctly.
  • Otitis: the infectious inflammatory process of the Ear in any of its parts may be related to the manifestation of bleeding in the Ear.
  • Altitude: sudden changes in size can cause rupture of the tympanic membrane and, in turn, manifest through blood in the Ear.
  • Loud noises – Deafening sounds can pierce the eardrum.
  • Fungi: the presence of fungal diseases in the ear canal can sometimes manifest with otorrhagia.
  • Blood pressure: Increased blood pressure can be a reason for bleeding in the Ear.
  • Cancer – A cancerous lesion in the ear canal or middle canal may be the reason for blood in the Ear.

When to visit the doctor

Usually, blood in the Ear is evident when waking up, noticing it on the pillow; from this first moment, it is essential to go to the doctor for an evaluation.

The United States National Library of Medicine [1] indicates that it is a medical emergency when there is the presence of:

  • Dizziness
  • Hearing loss
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • White or yellow discharge.

In addition, these are the cases in which you should go immediately to the doctor:

  • After trauma or blow, there is the discharge of any color.
  • When the blood exit through the Ear remains for more than five days.
  • When there is severe Ear or headache
  • In the presence of blood outflow with fever, headache, and redness of the Ear.

Blood in the Ear: treatment

The ENT is the one to establish which is the ideal treatment for the person depending on the individual aspects of each patient.

  • In the case of tympanic rupture, the doctor will indicate rest to the patient; this lesion remits by itself. It is seldom necessary to perform a surgical procedure to improve this condition [2].
  • In case of injury from foreign objects, the doctor will indicate cleaning it with antiseptics.
  • If there is a foreign body in the ear canal, the specialist is the only one in charge of removing it, indicating the necessary treatment with analgesics and antibiotics. Do not attempt self-extraction for any reason; this may worsen the situation.
  • In the case of infectious pathologies, antibiotics will be necessary most of the time. It is treated with amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid, amoxicillin, and ampicillin every 8 hours minimum for seven consecutive days; analgesics such as paracetamol or diclofenac potassium are also used in case of Intense pain.
  • Hot compresses will also be used to relieve pain and improve symptoms that appear after the presence of blood in the Ear.

It is a delicate area to treat; therefore, in the event of any strange manifestation, it is essential to go to the doctor; all people should take into account that the only thing that should exist in the Ear is cerumen or wax; in such a way that any other type secretion is strange and can lead to severe complications in this organ so essential for humans.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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