Home Digestive systemLiver diseases Cholestasis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Cholestasis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

by Alivia Nyhan
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Our liver is a vital organ for our body because it performs a relatively large number of functions. One of these functions is the production of bile for its deposit in a structure called the gallbladder, which will then be poured into the initial part of the small intestine to contribute to the digestive process of fats.

Some people, however, may suffer from a condition that prevents the proper flow of bile from the liver to the intestine, which is usually a condition that accompanies other conditions that can be pretty serious. In this FastlyHealarticle, we will address this topic to explain everything related to CholestasisCholestasis: symptoms, treatment, and consequences.

What is CholestasisCholestasis

By this term, it is known as a condition in which the flow of bile that is produced in the liver and that is conducted towards the small intestine to be excreted and where it contributes to the digestion of fats is reduced or stops altogether, which produces a series of consequences, both in the digestion of food and because bile accumulates in the liver. Bilirubin, which is part of its composition, passes into the bloodstream.

Causes of CholestasisCholestasis

The retention or decrease in the flow of bile can occur due to alterations inside or outside the liver, for which the causes are usually classified according to where it appears:

  • The conditions that cause cholestasis within the liver typically cause destruction or alteration of the organ, such as in cases of liver cirrhosis, hepatitis caused by viruses, inflammation of the hepatic bile ducts, and cancer in the liver. Cholestasis may occur in pregnant women due to the hormones that are produced.
  • Extra cholestasis liver is caused usually by obstruction of the bile ducts pro outside the liver are, such as when a blockage occurs by stones, tumors, or biliary cysts, a narrowing of the pathway as a result of cancer that grows nearby, and can also be caused by tumors or inflammation of the pancreas.

Cholestasis symptoms

The main symptom of CholestasisCholestasis is jaundice, which refers to a change in skin tone to a more yellowish color. This is due to excess bilirubin, a pigment that is part of the components of bile, and due to a decrease in bitterness, this pigment passes into the blood, producing a change in skin color.

Due to the excess of bilirubin in the blood, the kidneys must do the work of excreting it, which is why the urine turns a dark brown color. Excess bilirubin can also precipitate pigment deposits on the skin, causing itching that can be pretty intense.

As there is a decrease in the passage of bile to the intestine, which forms an integral part of the digestion and absorption of food, especially fast, the stool may turn a paler color and have a foul odor due to excess fat. In them. The low amount of bile can also decrease the absorption of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K, which can alter the process of bone formation or regeneration and clotting.

Diagnosis of CholestasisCholestasis

To diagnose CholestasisCholestasis, clinical signs and symptoms, blood tests and imaging studies must be correlated.

  • Through the clinical study, the presence of:
  • Enlargements in the abdominal area
  • Change in skin color
  • Changes in urine color
  • Pain

The characteristics of some symptoms can help determine whether the cause of CholestasisCholestasis is intra-hepatic or extra-hepatic.

The amount of bilirubin in the blood is evaluated through blood studies, which does not help diagnose CholestasisCholestasis for sure. Still, it does provide us with information on whether it is very or not very advanced. The presence of certain enzymes that are usually elevated in cases of CholestasisCholestasis, incredibly alkaline phosphatase, can also be determined.

Imaging studies are done through endoscopies, in which contrast media are generally used to visualize the bile ducts. X-rays, MRIs, or ultrasounds may be used.

Cholestasis: treatment

In general, the treatment of CholestasisCholestasis consists of solving the problem that causes the condition.

  • When it is produced by an obstruction of the bile ducts, the ducts must be cleared using particular medications through surgeries or endoscopy with surgical instruments.
  • When it is due to a liver condition, it is necessary to determine what caused the liver condition and focus the treatment on that condition. In this way, the CholestasisCholestasis should also improve. For example, when hepatitis occurs, CholestasisCholestasis usually disappears when the inflammation of the liver subsides.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to CholestasisCholestasis: symptoms, treatment, and consequences, we recommend entering our Digestive System category.

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