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Chills in pregnancy, is it normal?

by Alivia Nyhan
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A woman’s body undergoes various changes during various stages of her life; however, when the most transformations are manifested, the woman is expecting a child. As such diverse symptoms appear during the 9 months of gestation, many mothers feel afraid and do not know precisely when to call the doctor. However, a consultation must be made in the event of any alteration suffered so that the woman can feel safe and calm that everything is going well.

There are specific symptoms that may be more urgent than others depending on the pregnancy stage and the mother’s general health. For this reason, in the following FastlyHealarticle, we will develop an essential factor that affects many pregnant women, such as feeling chills. If you want more information, consult this article in which we explain everything about colds in pregnancy. Is it normal?

Most common pregnancy symptoms

There are specific symptoms that are frequent and common that should not alarm future mothers. Despite this, it is essential to consult for any questions or concerns. At the same time, women must seek frequent medical visits during the 9 months of gestation to ensure that their pregnancy is in perfect condition.

Among the most common symptoms of pregnancy are:

  • Nausea is more common during the first trimester.
  • Constipation.
  • Discomfort in the lower abdominal area is very similar to period pain.
  • Chronic tiredness
  • Cramps and discomfort in the back.
  • Cellulitis.
  • Insomnia.
  • The feet, legs, face, and different parts of the body swell.
  • Increases the secretion of sweat and saliva.
  • The urge to urinate increases.

Here you can know what the first symptoms of pregnancy are.

Chills in pregnancy and other warning symptoms

The presence of specific symptoms should awaken the woman to go to a medical center, and they can help her immediately. This is why the mother must learn to identify these types of symptoms. Among the warning signs in pregnancy are:

  • Vaginal hemorrhages: when blood is lost from the vagina, it is essential that a visit with the specialist is made, no matter what period of the pregnancy the future mother is in.
  • Colorless fluid is leaking: apparent fluid leaking from the vagina is also a warning sign. This is because it could be a sign of ruptured membranes, so it is considered an emergency if it occurs before week 37.
  • Contractions: the contractions of the muscles of the uterus that represent a warning sign are those that last more than an hour and are very painful.
  • They slow down the child’s movements: if the woman does not feel the baby’s movements for 24 hours, it is essential to visit a doctor. The same occurs when the expectant mother does not feel kicks after week 24, often requiring an ultrasound to determine the baby’s condition.
  • Chills: chills can be a sign of infection, mainly if they are accompanied by fever, diarrhea, or itching when urinating, so they require immediate specialist attention so that the correct treatment is carried out.
  • Fainting: if you suffer frequent fainting, especially if they continue after the fourth month of pregnancy, it is essential to worry since they can be expected, from time to time, during the first trimester but not after this.

Other alarming symptoms that require immediate attention are:

  • Chest pain.
  • Cough with the presence of blood.
  • Palpitations or having a faster pulse than average.
  • Mental confusion, sudden dizziness, or lightheadedness.
  • High fever that does not go down.
  • Persistent severe abdominal pain.
  • Difficulty breathing normally.
  • Discomfort when urinating
  • Visual problems occur.

We recommend that you consult this other article on Danger signs in pregnancy that you should not ignore.

Are chills during pregnancy always a cause for concern?

Chills are a mechanism that the body uses to regulate body temperature when it feels cold. It involves rapid muscle contractions to generate heat, often accompanied by bristling hairs, so it is not uncommon for a pregnant woman to become. If you expose yourself to a cold or windy environment without proper clothing, you will feel chills. Likewise, this mechanism can be present in some situations of strong emotions such as fear or happiness, without being related to a gain of heat or another condition in the state of health.

In these cases, chills in pregnancy are ordinary. Still, when this mechanism occurs together with other symptoms such as high body temperature or diarrhea, it is essential to go to a medical consultation as soon as possible since it is the common symptomatology of infection, the most common urinary tract infection during pregnancy. However, it could also be a gastrointestinal infection or a respiratory tract infection. Despite this, if the pathology is treated in time and correctly, it does not compromise the fetus’s life. Still, if there is a greater risk with self-medication due to the effect of certain medications, it is essential to follow the obstetrician’s instructions.

On the other hand, the future mother can feel chills that are not normal in pregnancy and perhaps sweating without an infection. Some related disorders are anemia, low blood pressure, intake of certain drugs, nutritional deficiencies, or hormonal changes from stress or anxiety. In any situation, it is essential that you always consult a specialist to rule out possible complications and that the woman can continue with the pregnancy calmly and safely.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

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