Home Bones, Joints and MusclesLeg injuries and diseases Causes of pain in the thighs and how to relieve it

Causes of pain in the thighs and how to relieve it

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The thighs are made up of different types of structures: muscles, nerves, blood vessels, fatty tissue, bones … It is, therefore, understandable that pain in that area can be due to many different causes, from musculoskeletal injuries to blood clots to problems on the nerves.

If you are wondering what the causes of pain in the thighs are and how to alleviate it, you will be interested in the article that FastlyHealbrings you on this occasion.

Muscle and tendon problems

The thighs are made up of different muscles, and tendons of important muscles such as the buttocks or the psoas (which come from the abdomen) are inserted in areas close to it. This makes muscle and tendon injuries one of the leading causes of thigh pain.

Muscle strain

If the discomfort appeared after intense exercise or without adequate warm-up, there might have been an inadequate stretching of a muscle or tendon.

This causes immediate pain that increases over time. This worsens when trying to exert yourself, and it can become chronic if the proper treatment is not carried out.

Muscle strain

muscle tear is an acute injury to the leg muscles. The hamstrings are the most affected by this problem. They are located in the back of the thigh.

Sudden pain can go from the hip to the knee and prevent simple tasks such as walking.

Iliotibial band syndrome

It is the inflammation of a tendon that runs from the hip to the back of the knee. It is a common injury in people who cycle, spin, or run, especially when they make a great effort and have not warmed up correctly or are not prepared for such exercise as part of the shoelaces.

The pain is usually more important when starting to exercise, and it subsides when the area is already warm. But if it is not corrected in time, it can become a chronic problem that causes pain even at rest.


Inflammation of a tendon, for example, in the knee, causes movements as simple as walking to be disturbed by pain. This generates an unstable footprint that compromises even the other leg due to poor position.

Due to tendinitis, inflammation may be noted in the affected area and worsens with exertion. This may be due to an overload of effort, performing an activity incorrectly, or exaggerating.

A particular case is public, mainly affecting footballers or those who perform sudden accelerations and decelerations. The pain can be confined to the pubis, but it can also be felt in the upper thigh.


Muscle and tendon injuries mainly require two measures:

  • Rest.
  • Rehabilitation.

Once a muscle or tendon injury has been diagnosed, it is important to follow medical indications. Taking adequate rest is usually enough for the inflammation to disappear, and the problem does not become chronic.

If the discomfort is many, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, and apply hot or cold compresses (depending on the case) can be taken.

On the other hand, performing Kinesio and physiotherapy are essential to return to activity slowly and adequately. It is not only about massages to relax the area, but a professional can give you the advice to return to your normal state.

Bone pathology

A fracture causes acute pain and hardly goes unnoticed. But osteoarthritis has a slower and covert evolution. This is one of the causes of thigh pain. It is usually accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Rigidity.
  • Greater sensitivity.
  • Loss of flexibility.

It is favored by bad eating habits, excessive use of some joints, or inactivity.


In these cases, a professional consultation is recommended to identify the cause of the problem and correct exercise and eating habits.

Taking pain relievers will only cover the discomfort. If bad habits are perpetuated, the disease is expected to worsen.

Sedentary lifestyle

An excess of physical activity is just as bad as a lack of it. Spending many hours a day sitting or lying down generates a variety of bone, muscle, and tendon disorders and even compression of such noble structures as nerves or blood vessels. It is one of the causes of thigh pain.

A sedentary lifestyle not only favors this type of discomfort, but it also leads to other problems such as:

  • Obesity.
  • Cardiovascular disorders
  • Varices.
  • Metabolic issues, among others.


All people should perform at least half an hour of movement daily. Everything within the physical level of each one. He walks, does yoga, swims, dancing. Anything goes as long as you move. As the body gains training, the intensity or amount of exercises can be increased. The important thing is to start.

Nerve injuries

Nerve pathology can also cause quite intense pain in the thighs:

  • A problem with the sciatic nerve, for example, can cause pain in the lower back, buttock, and running down the back of the thigh and leg.
  • A systemic disease such as diabetes can affect several nerves, causing numbness or pain. It can affect only the thigh or other areas of the body.

Another type of nervous problem is compression of the same. In the thigh, there is the case of meralgia, which is the compression of the external femoral nerve. It is common in people who wear tight clothing, are pregnant, and with overweight problems. There is numbness in the lateral thigh area and sometimes pain.


Usually, the correction of the problem that causes the nerve involvement is required:

In the case of sciatica, it is necessary to correct postures, make the spine more flexible, and improve eating habits and physical activity. There are exercises to relieve sciatica.

If there is a systemic disease such as diabetes, it is essential to correct habits: eat better and exercise. Without this, you will be limited or limited to taking medication for life and waiting for the complications of the disease to arrive.

The case of meralgia is easily reversible if compression is decreased. Wearing loose clothing, losing weight, or waiting for the birth will be enough to improve the discomfort.

In some cases, vitamins or medication to combat pain may be indicated, but you will only be covering symptoms if the cause is not corrected.

Vascular conditions

Blood vessels in the thigh area can be affected by a clot. This condition is known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and can be caused by excessive rest, after surgery, or after a very long flight. People who are obese, sedentary, or already have vascular disorders are more easily affected.

Sudden pain usually appears, and other symptoms may be noticed in the leg, such as:

  • Color changes (more bluish)
  • Swelling.
  • Tenderness in the leg.

It is a medical emergency since the clot can dislodge and go to a more delicate area such as the lungs or the brain, absolutely complicating the situation.

Another possible reason is an arterial condition known as intermittent claudication. In that case, the artery carries less blood than it should. This causes pain, fatigue, and cramps when walking or exercising.


The solution is usually to change the habits that caused the problem. It is typically linked to smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and a poor diet.


It is an infrequent cause. Both the growth of benign and malignant tumors can cause thigh pain. They can cause discomfort:

  • Bone tumors
  • Muscle tumors
  • Cysts

Depending on the size and location, they can cause other symptoms such as:

  • Numbness
  • Bulging
  • Lesions on the skin.


Treatment depends on the tumor. Surgical removal or treatments such as chemo or radiation therapy may be required.


It is about the pain in different body areas with no apparent cause. It has been classified as an inflammatory disease, an autoimmune disease, and even an emotional disorder. The truth is that the cause is not known.

You can consult more information about this unknown disease in Fibromyalgia: symptoms, causes, and treatment.


This disease has been linked to stress, depression, and poor eating habits. Improving these factors usually leads to an improvement in symptoms.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Causes of pain in the thighs and how to relieve it, we recommend entering our category of Bones, joints, and muscles.

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