Causes of lump on my leg

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The first thing you get when researching a lump on the leg is that this is usually a symptom of cancer, something really alarming for anyone who is wanting to know everything about this topic.

Although its causes certainly include soft tissue sarcoma which is a type of cancer, there are many other related causes that can be overlooked, such as lipomas, post-traumatic lumps, cysts, boils, warts and abscesses. Each of these lesions have specific manifestations that allow them to be differentiated from the others.

If you have a lump in your leg and you don’t know what it is, in addition to going to the specialist, we invite you to continue reading this article by FastlyHealin which we answer in detail the question of why I have a lump in my leg.

I have a lump on my leg – what can it be?

Among the causes of a lump in the leg, we can find the following:

Soft tissue sarcoma

Certainly, this is considered one of the probable causes for which a lump may appear on the leg.

Normally, it originates in the arms or legs but no part of the body is exempt. The first sign of a sarcoma is a painless lump .

Specifically, a sarcoma is a type of cancer that can start anywhere in the body including fat, muscles, fibrous tissues deep in the skin, blood vessels, and nerves.

Medically, there are different types of sarcoma, however, at this point a medical evaluation is important to determine if it is really a soft tissue sarcoma through a physical examination and some tests, such as X-rays, CT scans and MRIs.

Fortunately, statistics published by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) on soft tissue sarcoma state that survival rates are higher when sarcoma originates in one arm or leg than in other ones. body parts. The overall survival rate for sarcomas is around 65% 1 .

Lump in leg from blow

On the other hand, another reason why there may be a lump on the leg is trauma.

A direct blow to any part of the leg can, in addition to manifesting itself with severe pain, rupture or injury, contusion, immediately cause the appearance of edema or lump and remain even for a few days after the trauma.

The presence of this edema is due to plasma spillage at the impact site and adjacent tissues. Most of these injuries will heal on their own. Otherwise, the specialist’s assessment will be necessary.


A lipoma is a slow-growing collection of fat cells located between the skin and the muscle layer.

In most cases, lipomas are non-painful, move easily, and are benign. Although its cause is not completely defined, genetic factors and age are believed to play an important role.

The doctor will indicate to remove them only in case they grow too large or begin to be painful and annoying.

Baker’s cyst

The Baker cyst is a kind of bag with liquid content generates a bulge or protrusion just behind the knee.

This cyst is commonly called the popliteal and is related to knee joint problems or cartilage problems.

Although Baker’s cyst usually goes unnoticed, in some other cases it can be noticed by the presence of a lump behind the knee, pain, and an inability to flex the joint.

Baker’s cyst can be easily detectable after medical evaluation, however, the specialist may sometimes request ultrasound, MRI or X-ray.

Fortunately, in most cases, this cyst usually goes away on its own. If there is pain, the doctor may indicate some drug treatment with analgesics and steroids, the drainage of the fluid that is behind the knee and, finally, physical therapy.

Other possible causes of leg lump

There are other injuries that can be related to the appearance of a lump on the leg or rashes that can be mistaken for a lump. Among them, we can mention:


These are nothing more than small bumps on the skin, medically defined as benign epidermal lesions, usually caused by the human papillomavirus.

They can appear anywhere on the body, however, those that appear on the legs are often called flat warts and are more common in females. They are small, soft and smooth unlike the rest.

In this case, do not try to apply home remedies to eliminate them, they usually disappear with the passage of time on their own. If not, your GP should indicate the best way for them to disappear including the application of pharmacological agents, such as salicylic acid, cryotherapy, electrocoagulation or laser removal.


It is an inflammatory and infectious process that affects a hair follicle and the surrounding tissue caused by Staphylococcus aureus .

This generally occurs through a wound or insect bite that represents a gateway for the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, where some risk factors such as immunodeficiency, poor hygiene and the presence of diseases such as diabetes mellitus may also influence.

Boils can appear anywhere on the body, however, it is common to show them on the face, buttocks, armpits and thighs. They appear as a red bump that can enlarge in a few days and fill with pus. It is usually quite painful and a yellowish tip may appear in the center, which over the days will break and allow the pus to drain.

In case it does not drain on its own, worsens, fever appears and it has not been completely cured in one or two weeks, it is necessary to consult with your GP.

In the following article, we explain in detail How to cure a boil .


Last but not least, there are lumps on the leg that may be related to the presence of abscesses, a collection of pus in some space within the skin.

Like folliculitis, abscesses are often related to the causative agent Staphylococcus Aureus. They manifest with reddened areas, pain, local heat, redness and swelling. In addition, fever and severe complications may appear if it is not treated properly and on time by the doctor.

Treatment may indicate oral or intravenous antibiotics depending on the severity and surgical drainage.

When to see a doctor if I have a lump on my leg

It is necessary to take into account all the possible manifestations that may be associated with the appearance of a lump on the leg. See a specialist immediately if:

  • The lump on the leg increases in size rapidly.
  • Pain appears that does not subside with the administration of analgesics.
  • If the normal mobilization of the leg is limited.
  • Fever appears.
  • Boils or abscesses get worse.

How quickly you are assessed, diagnosed and treated will have a positive impact on your health. Do not rule out any cause until you have been evaluated by your GP.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why do I have a lump in my leg , we recommend that you enter our Bones, Joints and Muscles category .

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