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Care after inserting the contraceptive implant

by Alivia Nyhan
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Contraceptive implant

The contraceptive implant is one of the most effective methods for preventing pregnancy since it avoids remembering if a pill has been taken or if a patch has been changed in time, making it one of the most chosen lately.

Do you want to know what requirements you must meet to be able to use a contraceptive implant, how it is placed, what care you should take into account after it is placed, and what side effects can you expect? So, continue reading this FastlyHealarticle in which we explain all this to you in detail.

Requirements to put on the contraceptive implant

The contraceptive implant contains substances that act on the female sexual cycle preventing ovulation, releasing hormones progressively for up to 3 and 5 years, which is how long the implant can remain in place (this time varies according to the brand used ).

If you want to know if you can be a candidate for a contraceptive implant, then pay attention to the following list of requirements :

  • Women between the ages of 18 and 40.
  • Not being pregnant (must be ruled out before implant placement).
  • I do not have an allergy to progestogens.
  • We do not have bleeding outside of menstruation without a diagnosed cause.
  • Have no personal or family history of breast or ovarian cancer.
  • Have no liver problems.
  • I did not have the thromboembolic disease.
  • In cases of obesity, it may be necessary to change the implant before three years of age.

How the birth control implant is placed in the arm

A contraceptive implant is a non-biodegradable rod 2 mm thick and 4 cm long, placed subcutaneously, under the skin. Some brands contain only one implant, others two to place simultaneously.

The placement of the subdermal contraceptive implant must be carried out by a medical professional. Generally, it is placed by gynecology specialists, who have received training (not only about the procedure itself), but who are trained to know if You can use this contraceptive method, solve possible complications, side effects, and be able to remove it when necessary.

The following should be considered when placing a contraceptive implant:

  • Placement site: the implant is placed on the inside of the upper arm that is less used, below the channel between the biceps and triceps muscles. It is placed under the skin (subcutaneous), and the place must be precise because, in the area, there are fundamental structures such as blood vessels and nerves, which can be injured with incorrect placement. Also, if placed deeper, it may not be later palpable and found for extraction.
  • Timing of insertion: This will depend on whether the woman was using another contraceptive method or not if she gave birth or had an abortion. In general, what is tried is that there is no possibility of pregnancy in that period. Then, it must be placed immediately after stopping another method. If none were being used, it is placed in the first days of menstruation. If she has given birth, it will be three weeks after delivery. If an abortion occurs, it will vary between 5 days and three weeks, according to the moment of the pregnancy in which the loss occurs.

The steps that must be followed to place the contraceptive implant correctly are:

  1. Know ideally the efforts to place and remove the implant.
  2. The professional should be placed on their side to observe the area well throughout the procedure.
  3. Handwashing. Take into account the appropriate aseptic conditions.
  4. The woman should lie on her back on the table, with her arm flexed at the elbow.
  5. Identify the exact place where the implant will be placed.
  6. Two marks should be made with a surgical marker with the placement kit: a pattern where the device is inserted and another for orientation.
  7. Clean the area with antiseptic from the center to the periphery.
  8. Place anesthesia in the place where the implantation will take place.
  9. Take the applicator and remove the protection from the needle.
  10. Stretch the skin and place the hand just below the skin.
  11. Angle the applicator so that it is parallel to the skin and insert the hand entirely.
  12. Slide a tab, allowing the implant itself to slide into the incision.
  13. Check that the implant is in the correct position and make sure the woman also knows where the implant was placed.
  14. Clean the area.
  15. Place gauze over the incision site and then a compression bandage.

Care after subdermal implant placement

After a professional has placed the contraceptive implant in the arm, they will give you a series of tips that you must follow so that the procedure is without complications. Among these recommendations, it may indicate that you should:

Keeping the incision area dry

The place where the implant has been placed will have a small scar that you must take care of so that the water does not touch it. Three days after the implant placement and removal procedure, this should be the case.

Caring for bandages

The area where the implant was placed will have two bandages:

  1. External bandage: The gauze bandage compresses and can be removed 24 hours after being placed. Remove it carefully so as not to detach the gauze on the implant area.
  2. Gauze: The small bandage can be removed as soon as the incision has healed, usually taking 3 to 5 days. You will notice because, in the place, you will only see a line that may have a scab. If the gauze is stuck, you can moisten it with a physiological solution or clean water.

Do not expose the area to the sun.

In the first days, you should avoid the implanted arm being in the sun; the heat can swell and make healing difficult. Do not expose the wound to the sun when removing the bandage because the healed skin may darken.

Don’t hit the zone

Avoid all kinds of trauma or friction with the implant area since any inflammation is not convenient.

Control any possible infection

Check that the area where the implant has been placed is not red, swollen, warmer than the rest of the skin or that it hurts intensely.

Also, consult your doctor if you have any significant symptoms such as fever, body aches, chills. You must know how to locate your doctor or someone on their team for any complications. Respect their indications as much as possible, even if something does not coincide with what has been exposed here, since sometimes there may be different criteria for post-implant management.

Contraceptive implant side effects

Among the adverse reactions that can occur after the placement of a subdermal implant are similar to those caused by other hormonal methods, some being frequent while the majority are sporadic:

  • They are bleeding between menstrual periods.
  • Absence of menstruation.
  • Mood swings
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Headache, worsening of migraines.
  • Alteration of glucose levels in women with diabetes.
  • Liver problems: jaundice, cholestasis, hepatitis.
  • Changes in vision
  • Acne.
  • Hair loss.
  • Breast tenderness
  • Dizziness

If you have any of these symptoms or any other out of the ordinary, see the doctor who placed the implant. If it is something urgent, go to the nearest health center while you get in touch with your GP.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Care after putting the contraceptive implant, we recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.

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