Home Bones, Joints and MusclesKnee Injuries and Diseases Care after a knee replacement operation

Care after a knee replacement operation

by Alivia Nyhan
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The knee is one of the parts of the body that is most exposed to various alterations and, in fact, it is a joint that suffers numerous disorders and injuries and, in many cases, the use of prostheses is required, which may be due to different factors such as old age, being obese, playing sports considered high impact or performing daily tasks that can endanger knee health.

When a prosthesis is required, the patient must undergo a surgical procedure, which does not usually carry great risks, however, it is important to go to a trusted medical center. If you are going to undergo this intervention, in the following FastlyHealarticle, we detail some care after a knee replacement operation .

Care after a knee replacement operation

Once discharge is received, it is essential to strictly follow the professional’s instructions. For home, the doctor may strictly recommend taking the prescribed medication, be it pain reliever or any drug, so that the patient feels more comfortable and calm after treatment.

The patient should not drive until the professional indicates it, so it is important that you try to seek help so that someone can transfer you in the car. Likewise, it is essential that you do not drive under any circumstances if you are taking pain relievers that contain narcotic content.

If there is inflammation of the leg or knee, which is usually quite frequent and normal after having been in the operating room, it is advisable to always keep the leg in question high, however, you should never place a cushion or an object similar below the knee.

It may happen that a recently operated patient feels discomfort in the area at night. For these cases, it is recommended that the person get up and walk a little to activate more circulation and, in this way, relieve pain.

The wound will carry a few stitches for approximately 2 weeks, although it depends on the specialist’s considerations. During this time, it is necessary to keep the wound clean and perform the healings indicated by the doctor.

The use of compression stockings may be advised to help control inflammation in the treated area. Likewise, it is important to wear comfortable and closed shoes to avoid falls that damage the prosthesis.

If the person who undergoes a knee replacement operation is overweight, it is advisable to lose weight to avoid damaging the prosthesis and stay healthier. At the same time, it is essential to see a doctor as soon as possible if signs of infection are observed in the wound .

Take care of the movements during the postoperative period of knee replacement

During the first weeks, after the knee replacement operation, it is important that the person take care of the prosthesis, so it is necessary to be careful with movements that are usually very common. One of the most common cases is dressing, an action that is performed daily, however, after the operation it is advisable to put on the pants while sitting , since doing it standing requires putting a lot of weight on one leg, so the Treated knee may be affected.

Walkers or canes may be used for the first few weeks after the procedure to facilitate mobility and help the patient gradually regain balance and stability.

In addition to not exerting effort with the treated leg, it is important not to exceed the weight that is carried, either in a bag or a backpack. At the same time, care must be taken when organizing the house because the person should not bend down or look for objects in high places so as not to cause damage to the treated area.

In addition to the above, it is essential to condition the house to avoid falls , for example, it is recommended to use rugs for the bathroom since it is easy to slip and, even if you do not fall, it can be harmful to the leg with surgery.

While stairs should be avoided, there are certain cases where this cannot be avoided. In these situations, it is important to start climbing a ladder with the leg that has not undergone surgery, while if you have to go down, you should start with the leg that does have the operated knee.

Other tips for knee replacement recovery

The wound that remains with stitches after surgery must be properly cleaned on a daily basis. This involves monitoring to see that it does not swell, redden, over-tender, or ooze. Likewise, the bandages should be changed so that the wound is always clean, so it is necessary to avoid exposing the area to various threats, such as handling the scar with dirty hands.

When sitting, it is recommended to look for chairs that are high, that is, that the hips are above the knees and, if possible, with armrests to make the force with the upper extremities when getting up. While the patient is sitting, it is important to alternate the knee posture, a while stretched out and a while flexed. Despite this, it is advised not to sit cross-legged.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Care after knee replacement surgery , we recommend that you enter our Bones, Joints and Muscles category .

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