Home Skin CareSkin health Blue moles on the skin: causes and treatment

Blue moles on the skin: causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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All people have moles on the skin; these appear from the moment of birth to adulthood, with different shapes, textures, and colors, which range from black, dark brown, gray, or even blue moles, which is about this article.

Moles, also known as nevus, are present anywhere on the body, and their color will depend on their location on the skin. Moles must be monitored by the dermatologist. Blue moles, like the others, should be checked and observed with some frequency.

In this FastlyHealarticle, you will find all the information about blue moles on the skin: causes and treatment .

Blue polka dots

Blue moles are defined as a type of nevus, specifically melanocytic nevus. Blue moles on the skin are a benign proliferation of cells derived from melanocytes, responsible for producing melanin that gives the skin its color. Therefore, they are not malignant moles despite their distinct coloration.

They are blue nevi because they acquire the color when they are located in the dermis, one of the deep layers of the skin. Moles can appear all over the body and in different layers, creating the color of each nevus.

According to the coloration of the mole, it will be possible to know the location in the layers of the skin: the more superficial, the darker its coloration :

  • If the mole is in a superficial layer, it will be seen as black.
  • On the other hand, a brown mole will be seen if it is a little deeper.
  • When the mole is more profound, it will appear blue, giving rise to the melanocytic nevus.

Causes of blue moles

Blue moles originate from incomplete migration of melanocytes from the neural crest. Specifically, the blue color of the mole is due to an optical effect known as the Tyndall effect; this occurs when light is scattered according to the depth at which the mole is located.

As we have already mentioned, blue moles are found in the dermis, one of the deep layers of the skin. Below you will learn about the most common causes that give rise to the appearance of these moles:

  • Prolonged exposure to the sun: sunlight directly influences melanin; excess skin without any protection can cause the appearance of new moles on the skin.
  • Genetic factors: certain moles are passed from generation to generation; they are often considered a family brand.
  • Weakness of the immune system: Diseases of the immune system can trigger the appearance of spots or moles on the skin.
  • Bad eating habits hurt the skin, giving rise to the appearance of moles.
  • Consumption of some medications: antidepressants, antibiotics, and hormones can stimulate the appearance of moles on the skin as a side effect.

Find out more about the appearance of new moles in Why do new moles appear on the body.

Characteristics of blue polka dots

In addition to coloration, blue moles on the skin have characteristics that identify and differentiate them from other nevi. Here are some of the main features:

  • Blue moles appear in the shape of a macula, papule, or bluish-colored, solitary, and smooth plaque.
  • They are usually round or oval.
  • Melanocytic nevi are approximately 0.5 to 1 cm in diameter.
  • The blue color can vary: it can range from shades of blue to gray.
  • They are frequently located in the distal extremities, such as the back of the hands and feet; simultaneously, they can be present in areas of the arms, legs, buttocks, face, or scalp.
  • They can also be present in other parts of the body, such as the oral and genital mucosa in women (cervix and vagina) and the prostate in men (spermatic cord and lymph nodes).
  • Blue moles can appear at any age, but it is rare to see them at birth or during the first two years of life. They usually appear in late childhood or adolescence.

Treatment of blue moles on the skin

Although blue moles are a benign growth, they require great attention due to their high susceptibility to becoming malignant moles. The ideal is to go to the dermatologist before the appearance of new moles to carry out a comprehensive review of the moles. Its shape, location, and color will determine the conduct to be followed with each of them.

If blue moles are located on the scalp, it will be more challenging to maintain control of their development due to their location. The doctor will recommend its removal as a precautionary measure in these cases.

Blue nevi should be studied histologically when:

  • Blue spots are more significant than 1 cm.
  • They change their appearance.
  • They are new moles in older adults.

It is essential to rule out melanoma or pigmented spindle cell nevus in these cases. For this, a histological study of the mole must be carried out.

Generally, blue moles can remain on the body throughout life, as long as they do not present any changes from the moment they appear.

It is important to remember that when you have a mole of any color, it is necessary to monitor its appearance and if it proliferates. A color change is an indication that it should be seen by the skin doctor.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Blue moles on the skin: causes and treatment , we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair and nails category .

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