Home Teeth and mouthOral health Bad taste in the mouth: causes and remedies

Bad taste in the mouth: causes and remedies

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

It is entirely expected that every day when we wake up, we have an unpleasant taste in our mouth, and this occurs because while we sleep, the bacteria that usually inhabit our mouth reproduce and release acids and gases that produce this characteristic taste. . However, there are certain situations other than these in which we can feel unpleasant flavors, and that can be related to a wide variety of causes. We invite you to read this article by FastlyHealabout a bad taste in the mouth: causes and remedies in FastlyHealso that you learn more about the subject.

Bad taste in the mouth due to poor hygiene

Usually, the most common cause of bad taste in the mouth is poor hygiene, and this is also often accompanied by bad breath ( halitosis ). The proliferation of bacteria in our mouth is the leading cause of this condition, which is due to the release of gases by its metabolism. In addition, there are other causes of bad taste in the mouth related to poor oral hygiene:

  • The accumulation of plaque and calculus caused by poor hygiene leads to gingivitis and later periodontitis—the gums of people affected by periodontitis forming periodontal pockets. Bacteria can grow more quickly in these bags, and the food is packaged and decomposed, producing a sour taste and odor.
  • When tooth decay gets deep enough to reach the pulp of the tooth and infect it, the tissue begins to decompose and produce a rather characteristic foul odor, which may be accompanied by a sour taste.
  • In the two previous situations and other cases, such as during the eruption of third molars (wisdom teeth or wisdom teeth), abscesses can release pus into the mouth, which has a sour taste. These conditions can also cause bleeding, therefore detecting the taste of blood in saliva.
  • Some people who use prostheses for excessive periods or have a compromised immune system, for example, in cases of HIV / AIDS, there may be a proliferation of fungi in the mouth ( Candida albicans, in general) that cause a terrible odor. In the following article, you will find all the information about fungus in the mouth: symptoms, causes, and treatment.

Bad taste in the mouth due to respiratory conditions

Diseases that affect the nasal passages in one way or another can alter taste because smell contributes in part to the detection of flavors. The most common situations in which this occurs are colds, allergies, and sinusitis.

Sinusitis can many times is accompanied by a bacterial infection, which can produce the feeling of a foul taste in the mouth.

Diseases that cause a bad taste in the mouth

Some diseases can produce unpleasant tastes due to the alteration of standard functions:

  • Kidney failure: because a component of urine called urea cannot be eliminated, it travels through the blood to the digestive tract, where it breaks down and produces an ammonium taste.
  • Liver problems: Alcohol and fat abuse can cause excessive bile release under certain circumstances. When there is too much bile, vapors can be released that reach the mouth and produce a sour taste.
  • Gastric reflux: It is common for stomach acids to reach the mouth in people who suffer from constant reflux. These acids have a bitter taste and are usually accompanied by a burning sensation.
  • Diabetes: one of the characteristics of this disease is dry mouth (xerostomia), which is usually accompanied by a metallic taste.
  • Hormonal alterations: it is characteristic in women during menstruation or pregnancy. The distinct flavor in these cases is metallic.

Bad taste in your mouth from medications

This is also a prevalent cause of a bad taste in the mouth.

  • Some prescription medications produce a bad taste in the mouth because they are partially excreted by the salivary glands. Some examples are antibiotics such as tetracycline, allopurinol, antidepressants, heart medications, and medications that cause dry mouth.
  • Excessive use of vitamins produces a metallic taste in the mouth because these medications often contain copper or zinc. This also happens with iron or calcium supplements.
  • Patients who undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy as part of cancer treatment often experience a metallic taste in their mouth.

Bad taste in the mouth: remedies

Because bad tastes in the mouth are generally related to systemic conditions, treating these conditions often removes terrible tastes. However, some of these alterations are not easily solvable.

  • When a bad taste in the mouth is caused by conditions of the gum or teeth or conditions related to them, it is necessary to consult a dentist for cleanings, root canals, removal of cavities, and patient instruction on how to improve oral hygiene. Tongue brushing, flossing, and baking soda rinses can significantly enhance the taste.
  • If the sour taste is a consequence of dry mouth, the consumption of citrus fruit juices is recommended, as this stimulates saliva production.
  • The sour taste in the mouth caused by nasal or upper airway diseases is temporary and disappears entirely after the resolution of the disease. In the case of sinusitis, it is necessary to consult an ENT specialist for treatment.
  • In cases of kidney failure, a bad taste in the mouth is more difficult to solve as it is linked to this difficult-to-resolve condition. Protein intake can be decreased to decrease urea production. The bite usually improves after dialysis.
  • In liver problems, you should reduce the consumption of fats and junk food and avoid large meals.
  • When it is the consumption of drugs, and if it is very uncomfortable, you should consult with the doctor who indicated the drugs to assess the possibility of substitution by another and verify the number of vitamins consumed by the patient to avoid excesses.
  • In cases where the taste persists, and the causative condition cannot be treated, the consumption of peppermint candies or fruit juices is recommended to improve the sensation. You can also chew cinnamon or cloves or add them to food.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Bad taste in the mouth: causes and remedies, we recommend that you enter our category of Teeth and mouth .

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