Home Immune systemAllergies Allergic cough: symptoms and how to get rid of it

Allergic cough: symptoms and how to get rid of it

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Do you suffer from a cough continuously and do not know what is happening to you? Does your throat, nose, or eyes itch? Do you have sneezes one after the other and clear secretions like water? It is then possible that you have an allergy.

An allergy is a particular reaction of some people towards certain substances. On the other hand, harmless. Your predisposition to allergy can cause you to suffer this type of reaction with a specific allergen or several at the same time.

Do you want to know if you suffer from an allergic cough? We invite you, then, to read this FastlyHealarticle, where you can find the causes and symptoms of allergic cough and practical tips to eliminate it once and for all.

Causes of allergic cough

An allergy is an overreaction of the body to certain substances that do not cause problems for other people. These substances are known as allergens.

An allergic cough can appear as an airway inflammatory response to a specific substance with which you have been in contact. The reaction can be immediate, or it can take time to occur gradually.

When an allergic cough always appears at a particular time of the year, it is a seasonal problem. It is usually linked to microscopic elements that float in the air, such as pollen from certain flowers.

This reaction can also occur when the rooms are poorly ventilated or in the bedroom. Some elements accumulate mites, such as stuffed animals, books, blankets, rugs, or feather pillows.

There are people allergic to the hair of dogs or cats. In that case, the cough may begin if you have shared a closed environment with them.

An allergic-type cough may appear after inhaling an environment with fungus or mold.

Some chemicals or cleaning products can also cause an allergic cough in a person who is sensitive to them.

Continued exposure to smog and smoke can also cause allergic airway reactions. The same happens in people who suffer from frequent or permanent exposure to agro-toxic substances. It is a disease of the city and the countryside as well.

In other cases, although less frequently, an allergic cough may appear after:

  • The ingestion of a food to which the person already has allergies, such as peanuts or shellfish.
  • The bite of an insect.
  • Contact with latex or chemicals.

Certain rare allergic-based diseases can mainly affect the lung:

  • Hypersensitivity pneumonitis, also known as extrinsic allergic alveolitis. It is produced by the chronic inhalation of organic vegetable bags of dust (wood, feed, grain, hay) or animal (proteins from their secretions or excretions). It can be considered a disease associated with the work carried out by the person.
  • Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. In this case, the allergen is the Aspergillus fungus.

Symptoms of an allergic cough

Allergic cough has specific characteristics that can differentiate it from a cough of another origin. Among these peculiarities are:

  • Dry cough or with scant secretions.
  • Irritative cough.
  • Clearing his throat
  • Itchy throat.
  • A sensation of swallowing mucus.
  • I am feeling short of breath.
  • Shortness of breath due to physical exertion.
  • Cough after physical activity.
  • Cough when being in an environment with an allergen.

It can also be accompanied by other allergic symptoms such as:

  • Itchy eyes
  • Tearing
  • Conjunctival irritation.
  • Itchy nose.
  • Repetitive sneezing.
  • Clear nasal discharge, like water.
  • Nasal obstruction.

If there is also fever and general malaise, it is probably not an allergic reaction. If the secretions are greenish, brownish, or yellowish, the cause may not be of allergic origin either.

Do you have to be allergic to have an allergic cough?

If the cough is determined to be allergic, it is because the person has that tendency. Frequently, a substance allergy can begin at a certain point in life and not necessarily in childhood.

When an allergy diagnosis is made, it is due to a person’s predisposition to react to a particular substance. This is diagnosed with special tests carried out by specialists in allergy and immunology.

Certain habits promote body inflammation and a person’s reaction. Among them are:

  • Dairy excess.
  • Yogurt consumption.
  • Consumption of processed products (rich in colorants and preservatives).
  • Quantity of refined products, especially flour and sugar.
  • Bad sleep habits: sleeping excessively (6 to 8 hours at night) or napping.

Allergic coughs can often be confused with other types of coughs.

Non-allergic cough

Among the most common diagnoses that must be differentiated from an allergic cough are:

How to get rid of an allergic cough fast

As a first step, it is essential to establish whether the diagnosis is allergic cough. For this, the interview and review by a doctor or a doctor are crucial.

As the first step in a person with an allergic cough, they mustn’t continue to have contact with the substance that generates the allergy, which is why it is necessary to identify it. Sometimes, it is straightforward because symptoms always appear in certain circumstances, for example, when entering a room with mold on the walls. It’s key:

  • Ventilate the rooms.
  • Wash sheets and blankets frequently.
  • Remove books, stuffed animals, and rugs from the bedroom.

At other times, it is more challenging to know which allergen is causing the reaction, and it may be necessary to perform a test to find out which substance you are allergic to. On the other hand, it is also essential to carry out blood studies to determine the degree of allergy and lung capacity tests to establish the involvement of this organ.

Once the complete study has been carried out, some drugs such as anti- allergies, anti-inflammatories, and corticosteroids may be indicated, but these drugs do not cure the allergy. They only make the symptoms do not appear or do it more gently.

There are allergy vaccines, which consist of desensitizing the person to the allergen that causes them to react. To do this, minimal amounts of the allergy-causing substance are ingested or injected, depending on the case. These amounts gradually increase until the person tolerates them, but you should know that this does not cure that predisposition to allergy either.

To bring your body back into balance, it is essential to adopt healthy eating, resting, and exercise habits. Otherwise, that cough may disappear, but other symptoms will inevitably appear that your body will ask for your help.

You can also turn to natural remedies for allergic coughs, such as:

  • Ginger tea: it is an excellent anti-inflammatory of the airway.
  • Inhalations with eucalyptus steam also reduce irritation and inflammation in that area.
  • Honey: reduces laryngeal and bronchial secretions, is anti-inflammatory and is excellent in case of allergy. It is essential to consume it at room temperature and not heat it.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Allergic cough: symptoms and how to remove it, we recommend that you enter our Immune system category.

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