Home Immune systemAllergies Home remedies for pollen allergy

Home remedies for pollen allergy

by Alivia Nyhan
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The flowers are distinguished by being male or female, and the males produce tiny grains called pollen which dissipate in the air and have the purpose of reaching the females to multiply. Each plant can make many pollen grains that are generally not visible to the naked eye when dispersed in the air.

The time when they increase the most in quantity is when spring arrives, which closely relates this time of year with an outbreak of allergies in people sensitive to pollen, which is usually a relatively high number of people. Because of this, in this FastlyHealarticle, we want to introduce you to different home remedies for pollen allergy.

What is a pollen allergy?

Some people perceive pollen as a harmful agent, which makes the immune system, which is in charge of acting when it considers a foreign agent in our body, respond to pollen and release a defense mechanism against it.

The immune system manifests itself when pollen comes into contact with the skin, the respiratory system, or the eyes, which causes the body to release a series of chemical substances, specifically in the bloodstream, such as histamine. Who produces a series of clinical manifestations.

Pollen allergy can generate a variety of symptoms produced by the presence of histamine, which are:

  • Tearing
  • Redness in the eye area and swelling.
  • Inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
  • Hay fever or allergic rhinitis.
  • Sneezing
  • Headache.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Fatigue.
  • Irritability.

Its reaction in allergic people is almost inevitable since its particles are dispersed in the environment and moving and floating through the breeze, so you do not even need to be near a plant to experience the reaction.


The nettle is a medicinal plant for its excellent therapeutic properties. One of them is against pollen allergy since this plant has an effect. It blocks the action of histamine, the neurotransmitter that regulates allergic reactions, thus improving various symptoms such as mucus and the cough produced by an allergy. You can prepare an infusion with the plant and take it at least once a day, although it can also be ingested in soups, puree, and oils, among other forms.

Green tea

Green tea is a popular beverage globally for its excellent properties, especially in medicines. Among its properties, a component known as EGCG blocks specific mechanisms responsible for producing the allergy, such as histamine, and therefore, reduces the symptoms of the condition.


It has components that help alleviate the symptoms of pollen allergy. Peppermint has been used for allergies for a long time, as it acts as a decongestant and has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. It has a good smell and taste and can be taken through an infusion or by inhaling its vapor to refresh and calm irritation of the sinuses. It should be taken into account that steam can generate a sensation of suffocation in children, so its use is preferably in adults.

In the following FastlyHealarticle, we will talk about the medicinal uses of mint.


Honey is a substance with high protein content and ideal properties for our body. It contains a series of mineral salts, potassium, calcium, and vitamins, and it is also a cleansing and antioxidant substance. Some studies show that consuming honey will benefit people allergic to pollen because pollen is found in its components but small quantities. If it is consumed regularly, you would be exposed to this component, favoring your immunity and reducing the allergic reaction.


It is a plant widely found in humid places near rivers. It has been increasingly used to counteract allergic problems because, within its properties, there is an antihistamine effect that suppressing its activity will not generate the symptoms that appear when released. This substance. It is recommended to prepare an infusion with plantain and take it at least two or three times a day.


It is a plant located in humid places, and it is formed by a stem, leaves, and flowers. It has medicinal potential because within it and in its bark, there are excellent therapeutic properties such as analgesic, antipyretic, and sedative. Anti-inflammatory properties can be used to alleviate inflammation caused by pollen allergy.


Onion is a vegetable widely used in food and well known to all. You probably don’t see that it turns out to be a beneficial remedy for certain conditions, one of which is allergy. Within its composition, significant amounts of vitamin A and C are obtained, which helps us strengthen our immune system and, therefore, makes it more robust against irritants.

Likewise, onion has antihistamine components, which block the presence of histamine and prevent the appearance of allergy symptoms; in turn, it is used to relieve allergy symptoms such as nasal congestion or obstruction, which is anti-inflammatory. You can eat it alone or peel it, cut it into pieces and leave it in a glass of water for 5 minutes. Once the time is up, you line it up and drink it.

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds are fruits from fennel; they have a sweet taste and are brown. It provides vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immune system. It is excellent for alleviating specific allergy symptoms, such as eye irritation. For this, you must prepare baths with this seed and apply them. It also counteracts itching, redness, or inflammation.


It is a plant used for some time to fight against a series of conditions such as coughs, fever, and allergies. It has anti-inflammatory properties, and thanks to this benefit, it is used for allergy symptoms, which turns out to be an excellent option for pollen allergy. In addition, it has a property in which it is possible to relax blood vessels, and that is why it is used in other diseases, such as asthma, rhinitis, and hay fever. It is recommended to prepare an infusion with this plant and take it at least two or three times a day.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Home remedies for pollen allergy, we recommend that you enter our Immune system category .

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