Home Skin CareSkin diseases Why does my belly button smell bad

Why does my belly button smell bad

by Alivia Nyhan
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There are different areas of the body that, due to their disposition and shape, have a certain tendency to smell bad. The genitals, armpits, or navel are clear representatives of these areas that, if they are not washed regularly and correctly, can end up causing a bad smell.

But not only hygiene, or the lack of it, is behind a possible stench in your belly button. Many underlying diseases and conditions can manifest in this way. Do you wonder why my belly button smells terrible? Do you want to know the reason for this bad smell? In the following FastlyHealarticle, we will give you the answer so that you can act quickly and end this annoyance once and for all.

Poor hygiene: the leading cause of the foul odor

Due to the shape and nature of the navel itself, depending on what cases, especially when its body is more profound and narrower, it is possible that its cleaning is obviated or difficult. On the other hand, although it is cleaned carefully, there is always the possibility that moisture remains inside. Whether there is not good hygiene or if you wash, but there is moisture inside, the navel may make a bad smell.

Anyway, if this is the reason for the foul smell of your belly button, you are facing the most straightforward case to overcome. You have to pay more attention to the hygiene of your belly button. To do it correctly, you must use one of those swabs usually used to clean the ears and, later, dry it thoroughly with a clean towel.

You must be clear that proper hygiene of your navel is necessary to prevent it from smelling bad, but it is also a way to prevent infections in the navel.

Omphalitis: infection in the navel

Omphalitis is a problem that appears more in children than in adults, although in the latter, it is still quite frequent. It is an infection in the navel characterized by redness and swelling of the navel and surrounding area. It is usual for there to be drainage and a bad smell. The exuded fluid is usually clear or yellowish, and pus may occasionally appear.

The most common cause of omphalitis is poor hygiene or inadequate hygiene. In adults, it is usually a fairly localized and slowly evolving infection. In newborn babies, omphalitis occurs, best known to all, and is due to a disease of the cord and umbilical area. To treat omphalitis, you must have proper hygiene in the navel, dry very well after each bath and then apply an antiseptic.

If you have discomfort that does not improve in 3 or 4 days, you should see your doctor rule out significant problems and take action as soon as possible. If the doctor deems it appropriate, he can prescribe an antibiotic cream and even an oral antibiotic in cases of more severe or persistent infections. In extreme cases, surgery (similar to operations for fistulas and cysts) may be necessary.

Recurrent omphalitis

Omphalitis can occur even when proper hygiene is followed in the navel. This type of omphalitis is usually recurrent, and the doctor must study the existence of health problems behind these infections.

The most common causes of recurrent omphalitis are:

  • Uracosinus is a genetic disease characterized by an incomplete closure of the urachus (a tube that connects the bladder and the umbilical cord in the fetus and that closes naturally after birth).
  • Umbilical hernia
  • Endometriosis
  • Epidermal cyst

Bad smell in the belly button due to bacteria

As we have already explained before, people with deep navels may find it challenging to clean them. The fact is that the accumulation of sweat in the navel causes bacteria to grow inside it and causes this undesirable odor. It should be noted that obesity is a factor that increases the risk of suffering from a bad smell in the navel and can prevent the proper cleaning of this area.

The consequence is that bacteria will increase in that hole, which may, in addition to the foul smell, end up causing pain, discomfort, discharge, and even the appearance of a wound. The key to avoiding this is always keeping your belly button dry, both when you get out of the shower and when you exercise. Be that as it may, proper navel hygiene is essential.

I have fluid coming out of my belly button: possible umbilical fistula.

Many people may not know it, but the reality is that the navel is directly connected to the intestine. The primary function of the navel when we are in the womb is to be a tube through which our mother feeds us. Once we are born, and the umbilical cord is cut, making the knot that will form the navel, this duct should be sealed. However, on some occasions, an intestinal fistula may be created, a connection between the intestine and the navel that causes some of the substances that make their way through the digestive tract to discharge from the navel.

This could be one of the causes that the navel smells terrible, a prevalent symptom in addition to suppuration and pain in the area.

The belly button stinks: it could be fungus.

Yeast infection, which is popularly known as a yeast infection, is an infection that primarily affects young adolescents or young children. However, it is also possible to pass it on to an adult. It is also possible for a newborn to develop this problem; in these cases, it is due to the mother’s exposure to vaginal fungi during childbirth.

The Candida Albicans, the fungus that causes these infections, is an organism that develops in warm, moist environments, so the navel becomes the perfect environment for infection. When this happens, different symptoms appear, such as:

  • The belly button smells bad even after cleaning.
  • There are yellow secretions.
  • There may be pain along with the discharge.

How to clean the belly button

When the foul smell in the navel is due to bacterial proliferation, for example, when there is not adequate hygiene or when the sweat is not removed, there are a series of natural remedies that we have at our disposal to clean the navel and be able to alleviate it. We will explain them to you below:

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is one of the remedies that can clean the navel profoundly and effectively. Also, the way to do it is straightforward. You only need a little cotton swab dipped with a couple of drops of oil before you go to bed and wait for it to take effect overnight.

Lavender oil

Another natural remedy for a bad smell in the navel at your disposal is lavender oil. In addition to helping to heal, a remedy is capable of perfuming the area and ending the bad smell. All you have to do is mix a few drops of this oil with water and, dipping it on a cotton ball, clean the area a couple of times a day. In the following FastlyHealarticle, you can learn about the properties of lavender.

Rosemary alcohol

Rosemary alcohol is an excellent remedy to eliminate the bad smell from the navel and make it smell wonderful. By washing it with this alcohol, you not only perfume the area, but it does not harm your skin’s pH and does not cause any health hazard. In the following article, you will be able to read more in-depth about rosemary alcohol: what it is for and its contraindications.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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