Chilblains are lesions that occur under the skin in areas exposed to cold. The hands, feet, and ears are usually the most affected.
Those people who usually suffer from them should be careful in prevention, covering the areas most exposed to the cold and favoring the conservation of heat in the body.
If you want to know why chilblains appear in the ears and how to cure them, continue reading this FastlyHealarticle in which we give you all the information about it.
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Why do chilblains come out?
Chilblains, also known as erythema pernio, occur from intense or continuous exposure to cold in some people. The extremities ( hands and feet) and ears are usually the most affected areas. Tiny vessels reach them, which in the intense cold contract and inflame. Thus, the arrival of blood is difficult.
When this happens, different symptoms begin to appear, such as:
- Redness of the skin of the ears.
- Itching in those areas.
- Inflammation.
- Ardor.
- Blisters
- Ulcers.
- The skin may turn dark red or purplish.
The exact cause of its appearance is not known in scientific medical practice. According to Germanic medicine (which links specific emotional conflicts with particular health problems), chilblains occur in those who have suffered a significant separation and who have not been able to overcome or understand.
Medical treatment of chilblains in the ears
One of the principal axes to take into account in those who suffer from chilblains is to avoid exposure to the cold or, at least, to do so by covering the affected area well.
Chilblains usually last between 2 or 3 weeks, and so that the duration of the lesions is the minimum possible, some simple measures are traditionally indicated, such as:
- Stay in dry and heated environments so that they are warm.
- Keep the affected area dry.
- Cover the affected area to keep it a little warmer.
If there are injuries, such as blisters or ulcers, these must be cared for to avoid infection. An infected lesion may feel hotter. There may be drainage, a lot of pain, and even malaise and fever. In the case of disease, antibiotics are usually indicated.
If chilblains do not fully heal, drugs to improve circulation, such as nifedipine or corticosteroid creams, may be indicated. They do not solve the problem. They only modify the symptoms.
Home remedies for chilblains in the ears
To improve symptoms, the following home remedies for chilblains can be of great help:
Walnut infusion
Walnut flowers and leaves are used at 20 g per liter of water. It can be used in two ways:
- I was drinking 3 or 4 cups of infusion a day.
- I was applying it to the lesions.
Potato poultice
Potato is peeled and grated and placed on cheesecloth. It is kept in the area where there are chilblains from 1 to 3 hours a day.
Turnip poultice
It proceeds in the same way as potatoes, unlike turnips that must be previously cooked (boiled or roasted).
Sesame oil
Sesame oil promotes circulation in different areas of the body. You can apply it directly with gentle massages on the affected area.
Special foods
It is recommended that a person suffering from chilblains in the ears (or other areas) consume certain foods that promote blood circulation in the body:
- Fruits in general: it is recommended to eat one type without mixing them (only oranges, or only strawberries, or only banana, for example) and away from other foods, that is, half an hour before or 3 hours after other meals.
- Carrot: eaten raw, as it is easily digested.
- Consume stews and hot, buttery meals.
- Avoid processed, refined preservatives.
On the other hand, according to the vision of Germanic medicine, finding the cause of the emotional conflict still in force is essential to be able to deactivate it.
According to this scientifically proven view, a sudden separation conflict lived alone that is not correctly identified or accepted can cause pain in the extremities with a cold sensation. It corresponds to the active phase of the competition. The conflict loses importance by placing it or talking about it with someone else. It begins the post-conflict phase, which is the beginning of the resolution of the problem and the disappearance of the pain in the extremities. You may also feel the heat in the areas previously affected by the cold.
When the person does not adequately resolve this problem, they may notice that the sensation and discomfort return each time they are exposed to the cold. Therefore, to avoid chronicity, it would be good to address the problem not only from the physical. A persistent lesion that does not heal, especially in someone with underlying disease (such as diabetes), should be consulted with a trusted doctor to rule out complications or other pathologies that cause ulcers, infections, or tumors.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Chilblains in the ears: why they come out and how to cure them, we recommend entering our category of Skin, hair, and nails.

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.