Some people say they feel pricks when breathing, other lashes, needles in the chest, cramps, electricity, and even pinch when inhaling; the truth is that these different manifestations appear suddenly, prevent correct breathing, and awaken fear in people who suffer from them. About to have a heart attack. The truth is that this symptom is much more common than we think, and it is likely that we all experience it at some point in life, but why is it? Is it dangerous? We invite you to follow this article by FastlyHealwhere we answer one of the most common questions: why do I get pins and needles when I breathe?
Table of Contents
Stitches when breathing: why is it?
Many of us have felt pricks when breathing, that unexpected sensation that prevents us from finishing our breath and alerts us to the possibility that something is wrong. Although this symptom is prevalent and does not always represent a health risk, it is essential not to ignore it because it can signal our body to warn us that anxiety and stress are beginning to take their toll.
Yes, if you have wondered why I get pins and needles when breathing, it may surprise you that one of the causes of this symptom is emotional, but it is the most common cause of feeling pangs in the chest during breathing. In general, when we are anxious or stressed, we are not always aware of it; that is, we are so submerged in the bubble of worries, work, fears, or sadness that only when we leave it do we realize how a situation has us. Affected and its consequences.
The moment we find balance, we relax and become aware that our body understands that “the danger” that had it alert has passed. Still, it cannot calm down and reacts by producing a series of symptoms, including punctures when breathing, increased heart rate, headache, mental blocks, dizziness, and even blurred vision. When we are stressed or anxious, our body sets off a kind of alarm because it believes it is in danger, which in turn causes the production of the hormone cortisol to increase. When the cortisol level is very high, the symptoms above appear.
In general, it is when we are relaxed, at rest, or resting that this pinch appears unexpectedly during breathing, which may be due to excess muscle tension during stress that suddenly prevents us from breathing correctly. Likewise, when we have dizziness, tachycardia, and sweating, our heart rate may be so accelerated that it prevents us from living well, and the puncture occurs.
A problem in the heart?
Prickles when breathing are mainly caused by anxiety and stress; however, sometimes, some suffer them before having a heart attack. The truth is that the symptoms of a heart attack cover much more than this manifestation, so you must know them so that you know how to act quickly and know when you should worry and when not.
The first thing you should know is that there are people who have a higher risk of heart attacks, and they are those who have the following risk factors:
- Suffering from hypertension.
- Have high blood cholesterol.
- Being overweight.
- Family history of heart disease.
- Be over 50 years old.
- To live a sedentary lifestyle.
- Maintain an unhealthy diet.
If you have more than three risk factors, having a heart attack is much higher. On some occasions, heart attacks are silent; others nevertheless present the following symptoms:
- More than a pinch when breathing, deep pain is felt in the chest on the right side, preventing us from living correctly. This pain can last up to 15 minutes, go away, and then return. Some people say they feel like an elephant is standing on top of their chest.
- Breathing is limited, and shortness of breath.
- Nausea, vomiting and feeling faint.
- Excessive sweating
What to do when breathing punctures?
The first thing you should do is calm down and eliminate from your thoughts any negative ideas that make you believe that something is wrong. As you calm your mood, you can also think more clearly and analyze if other symptoms indicate it is necessary to see a doctor. To find calm, it is best to carry out abdominal breathing to bring the air from the lungs to the diaphragm. To achieve this, follow the instructions below:
- Lie on your bed with your back straight or sit comfortably.
- Place both of your hands at navel level.
- Take a long breath through your nose as you watch your abdomen swell, and your hands move in time with your breathing.
- Hold the air for 10 seconds.
- Let the air go slowly, blowing as if you were paying for a candle.
- Repeat one more time.
- Blow deeply four times.
Once you have regained your calm, you should check your heart rate. If your heart is still beating very fast, the pinching during breathing persists, and you feel pain in your chest that may radiate into your arms, then seek help and go to the nearest medical center.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Why do I get stitches when I breathe, we recommend that you enter our Lung and respiratory tract category .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.