Home Women's HealthNatality control Tubal ligation: procedure, advantages and disadvantages

Tubal ligation: procedure, advantages and disadvantages

by Alivia Nyhan
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Tubal ligation is a permanent method of sterilization, especially recommended for those women who believe they have already had enough children and do not want a pregnancy in the future. With this alternative, hormonal or other contraceptives are not necessary. Only using a condom will be required to avoid the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, as there is no risk of pregnancy.

This method is usually permanent and can only be reversed in particular cases without ensuring the possibility of a natural pregnancy. Therefore you must be entirely sure of the decision before taking the step. If you want to be a mother again in the future, assisted reproduction is the alternative. However, you must have the resources to pay for this procedure.

Do you want to know more about this sterilization method? At FastlyHealwe, explain everything about tubal ligation: procedure, advantages, and disadvantages.

What is tubal ligation?

Tubal ligation, also known as tubal ligation, is a procedure final sterilization can prevent pregnancy by the natural method in the future.

Every month, a matured ovum is released from the ovary during the fertile days, which must travel through the fallopian tubes to meet the sperm and thus be fertilized. Once this fertilization occurs, the oocyte will go to the uterus where, if implanted correctly. The gestation process will begin.

Tubal ligation is an operation in which the fallopian tubes are cut or obstructed to prevent the egg from descending through this canal, thus preventing pregnancy naturally. It is a surgical sterilization procedure.

This is a simple procedure performed laparoscopically or hysteroscopy and takes about half an hour. It is an outpatient procedure. Therefore a stay in the hospital is not required. This operation can be performed after delivery or during cesarean section, always with the prior acceptance of the mother.

Tubal ligation is indicated for :

  • Adult women already have the desired number of children and do not want to have more.
  • Women between the ages of 40 and 50 with a family history of ovarian cancer wish to reduce the possibility of suffering from this condition. In this case, removing the fallopian tubes can be very beneficial.
  • Patients whose health does not allow a correct pregnancy or for whom pregnancy could represent a significant danger.

Methods used to tie the tubes.

When undergoing this definitive sterilization procedure, it is essential to know all the methods that we have at our disposal to choose, together with the gynecologist, the most appropriate for our condition. The methods used are:

  • Cut the fallopian tubes to tie them later and prevent pregnancy. This is the most popularly used method.
  • Cauterize the tubes by using heat that is, burning them.
  • Block the fallopian tubes using a ring, clip, or staple, a procedure that would prevent the egg’s passage into the canal. This is the only case in which the surgery can be reversed in the future; however, the reversal technique does not have guaranteed success as it will depend on the point where the obstruction has been placed, the health of the tube, and the woman in general, of the age and also of the functioning of the ovaries at the time of reversing the procedure.
  • Blocking using the Essure method, in this case, a metallic device is inserted that produces inflammation in the canal. This will promote healing in the fallopian tubes causing the scar to end up obstructing them. It does not require intervention or anesthesia. However, the method takes about three months to be effective, so contraceptives must be used during that time.

Advantages of sterilization

  • It is a definitive contraceptive method with effectiveness of around 99%. There is a 1% risk of failure associated, especially with incomplete closure of the tubes during surgery.
  • It is a good option for those women who do not want to have more children and do not want to use other contraceptive methods such as pills or the IUD.
  • Helps reduce the chance of future ovarian cancer.
  • It is a quick, simple, and outpatient intervention that will not affect our body at the hormonal level or interfere with sexual desire.

Disadvantages of this procedure

  • You must be entirely sure of your desire not to have more children since reversing the tubal ligation is not possible in most cases. In those scenarios where it is possible, natural pregnancy is not guaranteed.
  • It is not recommended for young women, as there is a high risk of regret in the future.
  • Suppose you want to have a child in the future. In that case, you must opt ​​for an assisted reproduction method such as in vitro fertilization, which is very expensive and without a complete guarantee of success.
  • Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure; therefore, there is a moderate risk of bleeding or injury to adjacent organs as with any other operation.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

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