Although thyroid disorders are a much more common problem in women than in men, it should not be forgotten that they can also suffer from thyroid problems, something that causes notorious physical and psychological symptoms, some serious. The thyroid gland produces and secretes two very important hormones: thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3), which act on the organs and tissues of the body, controlling the speed with which they consume energy and the speed with which they grow.
Thyroid problems in men affect their fertility and reproductive capacity, in fact, up to 30% of cases in which a couple is unable to get pregnant is due to some type of alteration in the function of the thyroid gland. By excess or by default, hyperthyroidism alters the structure of the sperm and hypothyroidism reduces their quantity, making conception extremely difficult. It is for all this that from FastlyHealwe bring you the following article on thyroid problems in men: symptoms and treatment , so that you know what their manifestations are and how to combat these conditions.
Table of Contents
Symptoms of high thyroid or hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism in men is an alteration in the thyroid glands that generate a large amount of hormones. Consequently, the metabolism accelerates too much, burning energy too quickly, something that manifests itself through different symptoms in our body. These symptoms occur both physically and mentally, on a physical level we find the following:
At the level of physical appearance:
- Sudden weight loss
- Increases appetite
- Tendency to feel hot
- Excessive sweating
- Diarrhea
- Increased frequency with which you go to the bathroom
- Increase sed
- Tremors
- Feeling weak
- Diplopia or double vision
- Bulging and irritable eyes
- Thyroid inflammation or goiter
- Breast enlargement
- Weak muscles in the shoulders and hips
- Tiredness from minimal physical activity
- Increased blood pressure
- Irregular heartbeat
On a mental or psychological level, it can be noted:
- Anxiety and nervousness
- Trouble concentrating
- Mental fatigue
- More irritable character
- Insomnia problems
Hyperthyroidism in men: consequences
The symptoms that we have just explained can alert us that there is something in our body that is not working well. If we meet some of these symptoms, it is time to visit the doctor for an evaluation and determine if we may suffer from hyperthyroidism, otherwise, if we ignore thyroid problems, in men, it can lead to the following complications:
- Heart problems : Heart complications are one of the most dangerous complications of hyperthyroidism. These complications include accelerated heart rhythm, atrial fibrillation, and heart failure. Although these are reversible alterations if given proper treatment, all of them can cause serious health problems.
- Bone fragility : If hyperthyroidism is not treated, over time, osteoporosis can develop as the thyroid hormone interferes with the absorption of calcium, weakening the bones.
- Eye problems : Graves’ ophthalmopathy, also known as thyroid ophthalmopathy, is a series of eye symptoms including bulging eyes, redness, blurred or double vision, and swollen eyelids.
- Redness of the skin : in some cases, men with hyperthyroidism can experience redness of the skin, especially on the shins and feet.
Hypothyroidism in men: consequences and symptoms
Unlike hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism is a thyroid problem caused by low hormone production. In men, in 90% of patients, hypothyroidism is associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis , an autoimmune condition in which the body itself generates antibodies that affect the thyroid gland, affecting and destroying its function and structure. This hormonal decline causes the body’s metabolism to slow down, causing the following symptoms :
- Skin, hair and nails are broken
- Hair and facial hair grow slower
- The person does not sweat
- Feels colder than normal
- Loss of appetite
- Even if you eat less, you keep getting fat
- Constipation
- Fluid retention
- Inflammation of the thyroid gland
- Eyelids and swollen face
- Feeling drunk even with very little alcohol
- Less heart activity
From the mental point of view , the man with thyroid problems may feel:
- Mental fatigue and drowsiness
- Loss of mental abilities
- Memory problems
- Depression
- Mood disturbances
Thyroid in men: treatment
First of all, you should know that thyroid problems, especially when it comes to hypothyroidism, have a cure, so a quick diagnosis can alleviate how much of the symptoms that this alteration causes. Diagnosis requires an evaluation of the thyroid profile, which includes TSH, T3, T4, and anti-thyroid antibodies. With these results, the doctor will be able to assess what your condition is and what treatment is best suited to your case.
Treatment of hypothyroidism in men
Since all its symptoms are caused by a low hormonal production, the treatment against hypothyroidism is based on a replacement of this production. The best way to achieve this is through the administration of the thyroxine hormone (T4), with the doctor in charge of establishing the necessary doses for each case.
In the vast majority of cases, this treatment will last for life, since with a few exceptions, hypothyroidism is a chronic condition. Despite this, with the appropriate dose the patient can lead a completely normal life without any limitation.
We have previously talked about the importance of making an early diagnosis, this becomes even more important in the case of children. Hypothyroidism in the early stages can lead to problems in physical development as well as mental, so it is necessary to start treatment as quickly as possible.
Treatment of hyperthyroidism in men
There is no single treatment for hyperthyroidism, depending on your age, health status and severity of the condition, one treatment or another can be used. Here we explain the most widespread today:
- Radioactive iodine : administered orally, radioactive iodine is absorbed into the thyroid glands, causing them to shrink and eliminate symptoms 3 to 6 months after starting treatment. Since it causes a decrease in hormonal production, it is possible that at some point, thyroxine replacement drugs should be taken, as in the case of hypothyroidism.
- Anti-thyroid drugs : gradually reduce symptoms between 6 and 12 weeks. In some cases they resolve it permanently, while in other cases there is a relapse when the treatment is finished. Another disadvantage is the damage that these drugs can cause to the liver.
- Beta-blockers: these drugs do not work at the thyroid level, in fact, they are the drugs used to treat high blood pressure. However, since this is one of the main symptoms of hyperthyroidism, they help to control it until adequate hormonal levels are restored.
- Surgery: in cases where the person does not tolerate hyperthyroidism medications, they can undergo surgery, an operation called a thyroidectomy . In these cases, which are really few, a large part of this gland is extracted and subsequently levothyroxine is administered chronically to regulate the levels of this hormone. Among its possible complications we find affectations in the vocal cords and parathyroid glands, which is why it is always better not to have to reach this point.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Thyroid problems in men: symptoms and treatment , we recommend that you enter our Endocrine system category .
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.