Home Ear, nose and throat Symptoms of vegetations in children

Symptoms of vegetations in children

by Alivia Nyhan
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Vegetations are typical in children whose first characteristic is inflammation in the pharyngeal tonsils, also known as adenoids. The alteration can also be called adenoiditis, that is, swollen adenoids. These affected organs are primarily protecting the body from various microorganisms present in the environment inhaled with the breath, so they are considered part of the immune system. They must function correctly.

These vegetations can be very frequent in children between four and six years of age because they are more prone to colds and various respiratory disorders that can cause inflammation in the tonsils, known as hypertrophy. If you want to know more about this alteration, in the following FastlyHealarticle, we detail the symptoms of vegetation in children.

Changes in breathing, a sign of adenoiditis

The symptoms of vegetation in children begin when the size of the adenoids becomes so large to cover the child’s nose, which can be total or partial. Still, in both cases, it is pretty noticeable and annoying for the patient, so in this event, the most characteristic symptomatology of the pathology is derived.

When the nose is blocked without being able to breathe normally, the child will begin to breathe through the mouth. This happens even if the tamponade is total or partial since the little one will feel it annoying to live normally and will use the oral cavity to do it.

Dry mouth, a consequence of swollen pharyngeal tonsils

Another of the main symptoms of vegetation in children is dry mouth, which is closely related to the stuffiness of the nose and constant breathing with the mouth. The little one will feel a dry mouth and need to drink liquids constantly more frequently than usual.

A prevalent factor in those who suffer from dry mouth can derive from this symptom: bad breath or halitosis. Although it is not a direct symptom of vegetation in children, it is possible that it also appears when a child has a permanently dry mouth.

Difficulty swallowing, another discomfort from swollen adenoids

Another prevalent symptom in children who suffer from vegetation is the appearance of swallowing difficulties, especially when feeding. This is due, especially to the dryness in the mouth that irritates the throat due to not being adequately hydrated; even if the intake of liquids increases considerably, this and various points of the symptoms will not be able to be counteracted.

Breathing constantly through the mouth will always cause dryness, irritation, and discomfort, so it is essential to see a doctor to give the correct treatment. Beyond the therapy ordered by the doctor, it is advisable to give the little one food of a soft consistency that is not difficult for him to swallow.

Sleep apneas due to vegetation in children

The disorder known as sleep apnea is pervasive and characterized by breathing being interrupted or becomes very shallow while resting. Although interruptions can last a few seconds or a few minutes, they could occur around 30 times per hour.

Young children who suffer from vegetation and, due to this pathology, changes in breathing or nasal congestion can also suffer from sleep apnea. When the child is sleeping but cannot breathe normally, these respiratory interruptions may appear, causing the child not to be able to rest properly at night, which is why their daily performance may decline.

Other symptoms of adenoiditis in children

All symptoms of vegetation in children are related to inflammation of the tonsils. Therefore, most of its symptoms appear in the throat and upper respiratory tract:

  • Snoring when sleeping
  • Nasal congestion, increasing the stuffiness in the nose.
  • They increase the infections suffered since the pharyngeal tonsils are considered a barrier for pathogens. Not functioning correctly, the body cannot protect the patient from numerous threats, so it will be more common for them to suffer alterations such as otitis.
  • Dry, irritating nighttime cough that can make other symptoms worse.
  • Colds, by not enjoying the correct functioning of all the respiratory system organs, children with vegetation will regularly have colds.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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