Home Ear, nose and throat Swollen adenoids: symptoms, causes and treatment

Swollen adenoids: symptoms, causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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Adenoids are lymphatic tissue found in the back of the nasal cavity and throat and are responsible for manufacturing antibodies that allow our body to deal with infections. Inflammation of the adenoids is also known as vegetation, and in more medical terms, it is known as hypertrophy. It is a condition that generally affects children between four and six years old, and it is normal for these to disappear almost entirely in adolescence. At FastlyHealwe explain the symptoms, causes and treatment of inflamed adenoids.

Symptoms of swollen adenoids

The inflammation of the adenoids is produced by the germs that enter the body; while it struggles to avoid them, the swelling begins. These symptoms cause children not to sleep well and the hours that correspond to them, leading to problems at school, restlessness, and fatigue during the day. Some of the symptoms are:

  • Constant nasal congestion
  • Breathe through the mouth
  • Night snoring
  • Sleep apnea
  • Bad breath
  • Sinus symptoms
  • Dry mouth
  • Ear infections
  • Night cough

Causes of swollen adenoids

The causes of swollen adenoids can be natural, as they enlarge while the baby is in the womb. Or they can become swollen from infections caused by viruses and bacteria that we breathe in a while breathing. In case the pediatrician detects that the child may suffer from this condition, he will ask questions about the state of his nose, throat, and ears; in the same way, he can request some X-rays to help him have a more detailed view and diagnose if these are swollen adenoids. If an infection causes swelling, antibiotics should be given by mouth.

Treatment of swollen adenoids

The treatment for enlarged adenoids depends on the symptoms manifest. Generally, it may be that the adenoids have swollen from an infection, and with a course of antibiotics, the inflammation goes down. However, it is normal for the adenoids to deflate as the child grows.

If the inflammation is persistent and symptoms worsen over time, leading to inflammation of the middle ear and sinus infections, a surgery called an adenoidectomy would be necessary. This surgery consists of removing the adenoids, and if the tonsils also cause problems, they can be removed in the same operation.

Care before and after adenoid surgery

Some care must be taken before surgery:

  • Do not give your child blood-thinning medications a week before the operation. Including aspirin and ibuprofen.
  • Your child should not eat or drink anything the night before surgery.
  • Make sure your child takes all the medications prescribed by the doctor before surgery.

After the surgery, the care will be:

  • The length of stay in the hospital is approximately 5 hours. So the child can go home the same day.
  • The recovery period is one week.
  • The pain will decrease.
  • The intervened area will heal on its own, so there is no need to extract stitches.
  • Symptoms usually disappear immediately.

Home remedies for swollen adenoids

Although in severe cases, it will be necessary to remove the tissue, in those that are milder, we can use some natural remedies that will improve nasal congestion. Remember that you should still consult your doctor to make the correct diagnosis. Here are some home remedies for swollen adenoids :

  • Steam baths: put hot water in a container, bring your face closer and cover your head with a towel so that the steam concentrates. Do these inhalations twice a day; you can add essential oils such as eucalyptus or some dried eucalyptus leaves for a more decongestant effect.
  • Honey and lemon: Take a tablespoon of honey with a bit of lemon juice between two and three times a day. The antibacterial properties of lemon and the antibiotic power of love make it a very effective remedy.
  • Garlic: Garlic also has antibiotic properties, strengthening our immune system. Make garlic, parsley and oil dressing and add it to meals.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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