The salty taste in the mouth is a sensation that tends to be unpleasant, starting with the fact that the food is not tasted enough to the ignorance of what causes it. This sensation is not due to a specific cause but can be caused by multiple conditions that can occur in anyone without any particular time. Some claim to have this taste for days, and on other occasions, it lasts longer than that.
In the following FastlyHeal article, we will explain the causes of salty taste in the mouth, how it is produced, and its possible treatments.
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Dehydration refers to the loss of fluid from the body. It is that sensation of thirst or a salty taste in the mouth that occurs due to vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating, or fever. A salty taste in the mouth can be the first indication of a significant dehydration condition.
The best treatment for a person suffering from dehydration is water consumption to compensate for this need and avoid any drink containing alcohol or caffeine. Expand this information by consulting the article Dehydration: symptoms and treatment.
Many medications reduce salivary flow, and the lips are also dry by lowering it. When the tongue is passed over the lips, the salty taste remains inside the oral cavity, and this unpleasant sensation tends to be felt.
The treatment for this case is to consult with the treating physician, comment on what is happening, and ask about the possibility of replacing the medication since saliva has important functions within the mouth that must be preserved. Examples of this type of medication are antihistamines, antidepressants, and antihypertensives.
Salivary gland disorders
It is also necessary to include within this classification the possible causes of salty taste in the mouth alterations of the salivary glands, which can be affected by different conditions, including syndromes. One of them is Sjögren’s syndrome, a disease that causes the salivary glands’ destruction, which produces dryness.
The treatment for this syndrome is to control discomfort, at least dry mouth, require constant hydration, use artificial saliva, and avoid medications that produce a more significant reduction in salivary flow.
Another possible cause of feeling salty in the mouth is tearing since they are salty, but when the person cries, the tears will travel a path that begins at the nasal level and then flows into the back of the mouth, thus giving rise to a salty taste. For this, there is no possible treatment, if not prevention.
Nasal secretions
Like the previous one, a condition that produces drainage in the back of the nostrils can make a salty taste due to mucus. The most common example is allergic rhinitis or the product of a cold. Still, it can also occur in the case of a sinus condition, such as maxillary sinusitis.
In the case of allergic rhinitis or a common cold, the salty taste will last for a short time since the secretions stop with the remission of the condition. However, when there is a sinus condition, a specialist should be consulted to indicate the appropriate treatment to improve the infection of the paranasal sinuses.
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy
In the more advanced versions of diseases such as cancer, especially those of the head and neck, which require chemotherapy and radiotherapy, one of the side effects that can be perceived is the decrease in salivary flow. This causes an alteration in the taste sensation, and the patient may notice a salty taste in the mouth.
In this case, to improve this sensation and other conditions associated with these treatments, you can resort to the remedies to reduce the effects of chemotherapy that we indicate in this article.
Neurological disorders
Neurological alterations are added to this long list of possible causes of a salty taste in the mouth because the brain helps perceive flavor. It can produce different sensations inside the mouth if it presents any alteration, such as a salty taste. Although not very common, this possibility should not be ruled out, especially when there is no other possible explanation.
In general, people with alterations of this type have alternative treatment to control their condition, such as epileptic people requiring their anticonvulsants.
Mouth bleeding
We often tend to confuse the salty taste in the mouth with a metallic taste, and the latter is due to bleeding inside the oral cavity. We must differentiate both sensations to determine the cause of origin and control it. For example, when it is spontaneous bleeding or due to the passage of an object, it may be due to gingivitis, and the affected person may also perceive a salty taste. Similarly, it can be treated for other conditions such as periodontitis, dental or gingival abscess, ulcers, or necrosis.
In most cases, the indicated treatment is dental cleanings because periodontal problems usually cause them. However, a complete evaluation should always be done first to identify any causative condition and apply the appropriate treatment.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any kind of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Salty taste in the mouth: causes, we recommend entering our Teeth and mouth category.

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.