Some people suffer an alteration in taste when they consume drinks or food due to a metallic taste in the mouth. It is one of those phenomena that can happen, and, since it is not something familiar or has heard nothing about it, questions come to mind about what the reason will be. In the first place, the metallic taste in the mouth should not be conceived of as a disease but as a symptom that indicates some change in the organism that is warning us about some damage or alteration. When we speak of an alteration in the taste of the mouth, we refer to dysgeusia. In this FastlyHealarticle, we will explain the causes of metallic taste in the mouth and its treatment.
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What is dysgeusia
We call dysgeusia an alteration in which the taste of the mouth is abnormal. This change in taste takes place permanently and can alter the taste of food or drink and saliva when fasting. Some people with dysgeusia describe the difference in taste as metallic, while others experience a bitter, salty, or rancid taste.
It is likely that when you have dysgeusia, the smell is also affected by its relationship with the taste buds. Here we explain why you can experience the metallic taste in your mouth.
Dental problem
One of the causes that could explain the metallic taste in the mouth is some dental problems. Proper oral hygiene plays a fundamental role in good oral health and avoids the accumulation of plaque that can damage the gums and teeth. Some of the following problems may be responsible for the metallic taste in your mouth:
- Gingivitis. It occurs by accumulating bacterial plaque between the tooth and the gum, forming tartar.
- Periodontitis results from gingivitis that has not been treated, so the bacterial plaque damaged the bone, leading to significant problems such as the loss of teeth.
- Caries.
- Xerostomia . Dry mouth
Hormonal disorders
A woman experiences many physical changes during pregnancy, and some of them may have symptoms. During the first three months of gestation, some hormonal changes occur that can lead to taste alterations and, consequently, the appearance of metallic taste. In addition, some women have a heightened sense of smell and are rejected by some aromas and flavors that were previously pleasant to them, such as fish, meat, or even coffee.
Respiratory problems
When we suffer from a common cold, allergy, or any other problem in which the respiratory tract is affected, some change in taste and smell can occur. This is because the nerve endings of the tongue can become irritated, generating alterations in the taste. In the case of allergies, histamine may be behind the changes in taste. The metallic taste in the mouth disappears once the problem that causes it has been treated.
Take some medications
The consumption of certain medications can lead to the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth as a side effect. It may be that it does not appear with the first intake, but appears after a few days, but disappears when the treatment ends. Some of the medications behind the taste alterations are antibiotics or chlorhexidine.
Systemic diseases
Although we should not relate it directly, the metallic taste in the mouth can alert you to some diseases such as cancer, diabetes, liver problems, hyperparathyroidism, Sjögren’s syndrome, or kidney failure. These diseases can bring a metallic taste to the mouth, becoming one of the signs or symptoms that alert us. However, you should not be obsessed with or hastily associate this symptom with any of the named diseases without going to a doctor.
Other causes
In addition to those mentioned above, other causes could be behind the metallic taste in the mouth. The first is food poisoning, especially that caused by eating spoiled fish. Second, a taste alteration can occur as a problem with the number of vitamins and minerals. Thus, an excess of iron can lead to a metallic taste sensation.
Metallic taste treatment
The treatment to be applied is not focused on treating the metallic taste but on combating the disease or damage that is causing it. Thus, if someone suffers from a cold, they should follow a treatment that helps fight its cause and alleviate their symptoms. In addition, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene.
However, some home remedies can be carried out to alleviate the metallic taste in the mouth:
- Rinse with water and salt.
- Eat citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, and vegetables, since they stimulate the secretion of saliva.
- Chew on a mint or licorice candy to remove the metallic taste.
When to go to the doctor
At first, the metallic taste in the mouth should not worry us excessively since it usually disappears in a few days. However, we must try to detect what is the cause that could be behind this symptom. We should visit the doctor if we witness other symptoms that accompany the metallic taste or if the metallic taste lasts for an extended period.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Metallic taste in the mouth: causes, we recommend that you enter our category of Teeth and mouth.

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.