Home Bones, Joints and Muscles Nasal spur: symptoms, causes and treatment

Nasal spur: symptoms, causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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spur is defined as the extra growth of bone tissue that protrudes from an existing bone. This malformation develops when your body perceives that one of your bone structures is weak or damaged, for example, due to a muscular injury, so it activates a series of actions to repair it. Mainly, it consists of a large amount of calcium being sent to the damaged bone through the blood flow, favoring its accumulation and forming the calcium deposits that will give rise to the spur.

This malformation can be present in any bone structure, even in the nose, giving rise to a nasal spur, especially since the nose is exposed to injuries or different pathologies. This type of spur commonly develops on the surface of the nasal cavity or along the maxillary crest.

Depending on its condition, the spur in the nose could cause you some discomfort. Although sometimes it may not be serious, if you suspect that you suffer from it, you must go to a specialist to do the necessary studies and corroborate this condition. Meanwhile, at FastlyHealwe want to help you solve some doubts regarding nasal spurs: symptoms, causes, and treatment.

Table of Contents

Primary symptoms of nasal spur

As in most cases of nasal spurs, it is possible that you do not suffer any symptoms or discomfort about this bone malformation, so it could be several years without noticing this condition unless you undergo a study by another affection on the face and so you find out.

On the other hand, if you have symptoms of a nasal spur, you may suffer from nosebleeds, difficulty breathing because it could obstruct the airways, intense headaches that are often confused with migraines, pain in the nose if the spur is huge that touch or push the walls of the cavity. Sometimes you can see your eyelids and face swollen.

Suppose you suffer from the symptoms of a spur in the nose. In that case, it is recommended that you go to the otolaryngologist as soon as possible so that he can make the correct diagnosis and alleviate the discomfort as best indicated.

Some Causes of Nasal Spur

That you present a nasal spur is due to your body’s attempt to correct some bone weakness, frequently due to the fracture of the nasal bridges or cartilage, whether you have suffered from an injury by a car accident, playing sports, fighting, when colliding with something too hard and even if you have a congenital malformation. However, the fact that your nose is broken does not necessarily mean that you will develop a spur, but if you have discomfort, we suggest that you go for a check-up with your doctor.

The most common cause of a spur in the nose is if you have a deviated septum, as it results from the constant pressure that this osteocartilaginous wall exerts on the bone of the nasal cavity as it is not centered. This displacement of the septum is widespread among the world population, most of it is caused by trauma, and although as an adult you have not suffered it, it may be due to an injury in childhood that you did not take importance to; it is also possible that it is congenital when compressed your nose during childbirth or if you suffer from connective tissue disorders, such as homocystinuria or Marfan syndrome.

Treatment to combat nasal spurs

If you suspect that you have developed a spur on the nose or are suffering from its most representative symptoms, do not waste any more time and consult your doctor or directly with an otolaryngologist to carry out the relevant studies and rule out any other condition with similar indications. Although in many cases, it does not represent a situation with serious complications, it is always better that you try to alleviate the discomfort and lead an everyday life.

If you have been diagnosed with a nasal spur but do not present symptoms, some type of treatment is not usually necessary. Still, you should be aware of any discomfort and perhaps reviews with the specialist to keep a check.

When you have discomfort due to the spur in the nose, the treatment can be based on the relief of these and not precisely on the bone malformation, since many times it is not necessary and would be counterproductive unless you have severe respiratory failure, using drugs such as anti-inflammatories and analgesics you will notice an improvement.

On the other hand, when developing severe symptomatology that is causing you high adverse effects, the specialist will have to analyze the situation and request surgical intervention, if he considers it so, to eliminate the additional bone tissue. After this procedure, it is likely that you will suffer from other discomforts while you are recovering and that they will disappear in a short time; for this, you must ask your doctor about what reactions are normal; However, if you have any doubts, you should go to him immediately and check the symptoms.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Nasal spur: symptoms, causes and treatment , we recommend that you enter our Bones, Joints and Muscles category .

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