Home Medication and medical testsAnalgesics Morphine patches: dosage and side effects

Morphine patches: dosage and side effects

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Morphine is a substance obtained from the seeds of the opium or poppy plant, whose scientific name is papaver somniferum . It is known for its high analgesic power, that is, for its help in relieving or eliminating any pain in the body. Therefore, it is used in medicine for the treatment of different conditions, either in its presentation as pills, injections or patches, according to the needs of the patient.

Its use as a patch has been very practical and provides greater pain relief, however, its administration should be evaluated by the doctor. Also, it is important not to confuse this with other products made from synthetic opioids, which may also be called morphine patches. Both products, in high doses and without the guidance of a medical professional, can be fatal. If you are interested in learning more about morphine patches: dosage and side effects , in this FastlyHealarticle we inform you about it.

What are morphine patches used for?

Making use of morphine patches is very easy, they are simply placed on any area of ​​the skin, especially on the back or abdomen, and their effect can last approximately 3 days. During this time, morphine is gradually released through the skin into the blood vessels, to circulate with the blood to other parts of the body. As its effect is continuous and it is not necessary to be administering morphine through injections or tablets, it provides greater relief.

Although it is a substance widely used in medicine, morphine is classified as a dangerous drug, which is why its application in patches is recommended in particular cases, mainly in people who suffer from intense pain that has lasted for a long time, for For example, when suffering from degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis or those who have cancer, also to treat neuropathic pain caused by some pathologies on the peripheral nerves, such as sciatica or trigeminal neuropathy . Likewise, it is used in people who have recently undergone some surgery or in those that conventional painkillers have not worked.

What dose of morphine patches should I use

There are several presentations of morphine in patches according to the amount they contain of this substance and the preference of one or the other is according to the requirements of each person. Likewise, there is no single treatment, so the dose of morphine and the time to be applied is based on a personalized analysis of the general health of the patient, the disease he suffers, and the degree of it.

Because a mishandling of morphine patches could cause serious complications and even be fatal in an unprepared body, the use of the product can only be prescribed by a trained professional , following the directions given and under continuous supervision, you should never resort to self-medication.

Main side effects of morphine patches

Like most drugs, morphine patches are not exempt from producing certain adverse symptoms, although in some cases they do not appear or only appear in the first days of treatment; however, the absence or intensity of them also depends on the predisposition of each person. In any case, if you notice any discomfort or abnormal situation since you started using this product, it is important that you go to your medical professional for a review and, if necessary, change the dose. Among the side effects of morphine patches are:

  • Dizziness and nausea : due to the effect of morphine on the structures of the nervous system that stimulate these symptoms.
  • Dry mouth .
  • Drowsiness : morphine is known as one of the strongest sedatives, making it necessary that you do not perform activities that require greater attention, especially when driving or operating heavy machinery.
  • Constipation : when morphine comes into contact with special receptors found in the digestive system, it causes a slow peristaltic movement.
  • Abdominal cramps .
  • Hypoventilation : can occur due to the sedative effect of morphine when the pain has been relieved and the excess is not used, generating slow or insufficient breathing. However, this usually requires high doses of this substance or a very long treatment.
  • Dependence : the probability of this happening is low, especially if the doctor’s instructions are followed.

Contraindications of morphine

The restriction in the use of morphine patches will be analyzed by the doctor to determine if it is suitable or not, however, it is contraindicated especially in the following cases:

  • Being allergic to morphine.
  • During pregnancy or lactation.
  • In children under 5 years of age.
  • Having a respiratory disease.
  • Other medications are given, such as tranquilizers, antihistamines, muscle relaxants, or blood thinners, as morphine enhances their effect.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Morphine patches: dosage and side effects , we recommend that you enter our Medication and medical tests category .

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