Home Digestive systemDigestive health Intestinal gas: causes, treatment and diet

Intestinal gas: causes, treatment and diet

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Gases are the usual way in which our body expels air; however, when they occur excessively, frequently, and in the form of flatulence, accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal swelling and discomfort, then it is time to identify some habits and foods that could be causing this condition. At FastlyHealwe give you all the information you need to discover the causes and treatment of intestinal gas, along with some practical nutritional recommendations.

Why do we produce gases?

Gas is produced in our intestines due to the air we swallow and the process of digesting food. They are made up of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane, so we expect to expel around 14 gases a day between belching and flatulence. However, when they are increased, they have a terrible smell and produce other symptoms such as abdominal swelling, pain, and discomfort, then they can become a big problem.

The presence of gas can be increased by different factors such as eating habits, the type of food we choose in our daily diet, and also some gastrointestinal conditions that can increase the sensation of inflammation and discomfort.

Bad habits that can cause gas

It is essential that at the time of eating, we do it in a pleasant environment, calmly and quietly, and it is the state that we find when eating food has a significant influence on the digestion of the same and the presence of gases.

Some of the habits that increase intestinal gas are:

  • It is swallowing a lot of air during a meal, a condition known as aerophagia. This occurs when we eat too fast, talk too much during dinner, or become very nervous and stressed during food intake.
  • Not chewing food properly is another cause of heavy digestion and abundant gas. The better we chew what we eat, the easier it will be for our body to process it.
  • Intake of carbonated beverages such as soda, sparkling water, or beer can also increase its presence.
  • Lying down after eating is another habit that affects digestion and can also interfere with gas production. It is best to walk 10 minutes gently after eating to promote good digestion.
  • Chewing gum is also a frequent cause of gas as this habit encourages air entry into the stomach.

Foods that cause more gases

Having a lot of gas is related to our eating habits and the type of food we eat. Due to their high presence of fiber, fructose, or gas, some ingredients notably increase flatulence, so consumption in excess may be causing this problem.

The foods that cause the most gases are:

  • Legumes such as chickpeas, kidney beans, beans, or lentils.
  • High-fiber vegetables, especially cabbage, broccoli, or cauliflower.
  • All kinds of whole grains.
  • Foods such as corn presentation, mushrooms, or mushrooms are also often difficult to digest, thus increasing flatulence.
  • Whole dairy products and their derivatives often cause gas, especially for those who do not digest them well.
  • Vegetables such as onion, asparagus, artichoke, or turnip tend to increase gas.
  • In the same way, fructose, present in all fruits and large quantities in foods such as plums, apples, pears or melon, sweets, and some sweeteners such as sorbitol, can also increase gas and even cause diarrhea in those who do not process them properly.
  • Carbonated drinks such as soft drinks or beer also increase gas, and your intake should be controlled.

Gastrointestinal conditions that can cause gas

In some cases, the presence of gases is not necessarily because we produce a greater quantity than usual, but instead to a greater sensitivity to gases, accompanied by frequent abdominal inflammations and gastric discomfort or pain. This picture is usually due to certain gastric disorders that can promote the appearance of flatulence or bloat.

Some of the diseases that can cause gas are:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Dyspepsia.
  • Food intolerances.
  • Celiac Disease.
  • Constipation.
  • Slow and heavy digestions.

How to avoid gas?

There are several recommendations that we can follow to avoid gas and minimize its presence; by changing our habits and adjusting our diet, we will achieve significant improvements, so it is convenient:

  • Eat-in a calm environment, free of stress, and slowly and deliberately. Chewing food properly is very important.
  • Avoid accompanying food with carbonated drinks, as these will increase the presence of gases.
  • It is recommended to suppress the habit of chewing gum, which causes significant gastric discomfort and excess belching and flatulence.
  • Consume gas-producing foods in moderation; it is essential to alternate them in your diet and not abuse your fiber intake. If you detect any food that does not suit you, do not hesitate to remove it from your diet to promote your well-being.
  • Avoid lovely fruits and consume dairy products, preferably lactose-free, as they will be easier to digest. If the fruits do not suit you, try drinking them without the skin.
  • Make legumes more straightforward to digest by opting for low-fat preparations flavored with spices like cumin or anise, which are highly digestive. Letting the legumes soak or consume them in puree increases the chances of digesting them better.
  • Do not go to bed if you just finished dinner; it is best to spend at least two hours between your dinner and your bedtime.
  • Exercising frequently will help to significantly improve your digestion and intestinal transit and reduce stress, which is often responsible for gastric disorders.

If, after making all these changes, you continue to notice discomfort and a significant presence of gas, it is best to visit a gastroenterologist for a complete check-up to determine the presence of any intolerance or gastrointestinal problem.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Intestinal Gases: Causes, Treatment and Diet, we recommend that you enter our Digestive System category .

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