Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas. It performs various functions, including its intervention in the metabolism of carbohydrates, regulating the amount of glucose present in the blood, and transporting it to the cells to be used as a source. Of energy in the various synthesis processes.
Therefore, it is expected that after eating, insulin is at high levels in the blood since the pancreas secretes this hormone to process food. But this high concentration can also be due to other more severe causes. If you wonder how to lower insulin quickly, we invite you to read the following FastlyHealarticle, where the best alternatives to lower this hormone are offered. However, they should not be considered a substitute for medical treatment if it is due to disease, and it is recommended that the specialist approve their consumption in these cases.
Table of Contents
Causes of High Insulin
Some of the factors that promote insulin spikes in the blood are:
- The high-fat diets.
- Diets are rich in carbohydrates.
- The sedentary lifestyle.
- Sleep a little.
- Constantly suffer from stressful situations.
- Anxiety and nervousness.
All these factors harm the state of health of the body and cause an increase in insulin. This is because there is a more excellent supply of glucose and the pancreas has to produce more insulin for its metabolism and regulate its concentration in the blood.
In turn, the lack of physical activity and alterations in the mental state such as stress prevent insulin from carrying out its functions correctly, so the body stimulates an increase in the release of this hormone to transport more glucose to the cells and be used.
However, when these episodes of elevated insulin in the blood are frequent, it is appropriate to go for a medical check-up since it could be an indication of the development of a severe condition of the body that requires specific treatment and constant control, being resistant to insulin, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome the leading causes of high insulin.
Apple cider vinegar lowers blood insulin.
The consumption of apple cider vinegar has reflected several benefits in the body, either as a way to prevent any condition or to favor its treatment, which is why it has been widely used to help lose weight, in relieving congestion and sore throat, reduce joint discomfort, maintain the correct cholesterol level, control glucose and insulin, among others.
The effect of apple cider vinegar to regulate glucose and insulin is to slow down the process of transformation of food to glucose, making its absorption little by little, in small amounts, and not found in high levels in the blood or that it increases suddenly, which favors that there is not an increase in the release of insulin and this remains in average amounts.
Drinking a glass of water mixed with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar during or after eating helps prevent blood glucose from rising and insulin not being high. Drinking this mixture before sleeping benefits by regulating the insulin level the next day. However, although it is a method to lower insulin quickly, it should be considered an occasional alternative and not a substitute for medical treatment since its consumption in excess can be harmful to health.
Lower insulin naturally with cinnamon.
The composition of nutrients such as chromium and its essential oils make cinnamon a natural remedy for lowering insulin quickly, especially for patients with type II diabetes. Its contribution to chromium favors a better metabolism of carbohydrates, making them, when transformed into glucose, enter the cells faster and be used as energy. As there is a reduced amount of glucose in the blood, the insulin level, in turn, decreases because its action is not necessary.
To achieve this benefit of regulating high insulin, you can choose to prepare an infusion with half a cinnamon stick in a cup with hot water, letting it rest for about 5 minutes before drinking it. You can add a few drops of lemon for a better effect if you want. Other options are to chew half a cinnamon stick for a few minutes, half an hour before eating, or sprinkle a little cinnamon on the fruit or coffee without sugar.
Insulin-lowering foods: soluble fiber
Soluble fiber has numerous benefits in the body when consumed, such as reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood, improving bowel movement and relieving constipation, producing satiety, being useful in people who want to lose weight, avoiding the reabsorption of toxins, maintaining better control of blood sugar levels and one of the ways to lower insulin quickly.
During digestion, soluble fiber attracts water and turns into a gelatinous substance, which traps glucose and prevents a large amount of it from being absorbed. The remainder slowly passes into the bloodstream, decreasing insulin levels and improving at the same time the sensitivity and function of this hormone.
In addition to eating foods rich in soluble fiber when you have high insulin to help lower it, if you include them in your diet, you will improve this condition throughout the day, either as part of meals or snacks. Some sources of this nutrient are:
- The beans.
- The lentils.
- The applesauce.
- The pears.
- Broccoli.
- The carrots.
- Raisins
- The oats.
- Flax and chia seeds.
How to avoid insulin spikes with exercise
If you still doubt how to lower insulin quickly, exercising is one of the best options, which also helps the body physically and fights mental states such as stress and anxiety. High insulin is generally due to high blood sugar levels, and more of the hormone is released to regulate glucose.
The effects of exercising to lower insulin increase sensitivity to it. The body will not need to release more of this hormone to transport glucose to the cells, and its concentration will decrease. Also, during physical activity, muscle contraction activates a mechanism in which cells take in more glucose as an energy source, causing less sugar in the blood and insulin to reduce its level.
The most recommended is regular exercise and alternating between aerobics, for example, walking, running, or cycling, and resistance, such as free weights, Pilates, squats, or push-ups. However, the best combination of both is swimming. However, sedentary people should start gradually and consistently to avoid muscle discomfort. On the other hand, 20 minutes after meals are favorable to prevent a high level of glucose and insulin in the blood.
Some tips to prevent high insulin
Beyond everything we have already explained to you, these tips to prevent high insulin can be handy when it comes to regulating the levels of this hormone:
- Low carbohydrate diet. The high consumption of carbohydrates favors a more significant presence of glucose in the blood and an increase in the amount of insulin.
- Eat what you need. Consuming food all day, especially in large quantities, causes the pancreas to release more insulin to process what is ingested.
- Reduce or avoid the consumption of sugary products that require more excellent insulin release to process.
- Include in the diet the consumption of fish rich in protein and omega 3, especially sardines, herring, and anchovies.
- Control episodes of stress and anxiety. These mental states favor an increase in glucose levels in the blood and consequently also that of insulin.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to How to lower insulin quickly, we recommend that you enter our Endocrine System category.

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.