Back pain and those linked to its health are one of the diseases that most afflict today in society, due to the lifestyle with little physical activity and inadequate postures that many people still maintain, regardless of age, especially in urban settings.
In this FastlyHealarticle we will address specifically what sciatica is and how long it lasts , in addition to mentioning factors that intervene in its rapid recovery, since it is one of the most common conditions and that can reach a very high intensity in the pain it produces, but in turn, it can be prevented or treated with simple habits available to everyone.
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Sciatica: symptoms and definition
The sciatica is the term popularly used to refer to pains related to the sciatic nerve , which extends from the sacral lumbar intervertebral spaces (specifically from S1 to L4) to the toes. This pain can begin in the lower back and extend down the leg to the extreme periphery of these extremities, depending on its severity and its origin.
Symptoms of sciatica
The symptoms that stand out in sciatica are pain, as well as tingling, numbness, weakness and decreased reflexes in one or both extremities. It is important to understand them to differentiate sciatica well and to know the possible recovery time. Here is a description of the characteristics of the possible symptoms of sciatica :
- Pains : the sensation of pain in the lower back, one or both buttocks and / or in the straight line that runs from the sciatic nerve to the feet. The pain is sharp and stabbing. It is most often present when standing for a long time, or when standing, especially after sitting for a long time. The intensity of the pain usually causes the need to lie still for a few seconds, and in some cases lie down.
- Weakness: the feeling of general weakness (throughout the limb) or in specific areas and situations, such as when lifting the heels off the ground and / or standing on tiptoe.
- Numbness of the limb
- Specific numbness: in the spaces between the toes, especially between the big toe and the second toe
- Decreased reflexes: patellar and achilles
- Tingling sensation
Symptoms that go beyond pain occur in specific cases of sciatica, when it has already advanced considerably in severity. Among these symptoms, we especially highlight tingling, numbness and decreased reflexes. The location of the pain is important to differentiate sciatica from other diagnoses that will require other treatments and recovery times.
Sciatica: causes
The most frequent reasons for the appearance of sciatica are:
- Lumbar impingement , stenosis and compressions of the nerve : mainly due to sedentary lifestyle, poor movements, chronic stress and the adoption of inappropriate postures for too long. Even sitting right starts to be detrimental after 30 minutes. They can also occur due to accidents and trauma.
- Damage , wear and tear and malnutrition of the nerve : its main causes can be poor diet, inadequate training, errors in surgical interventions or neurological diseases.
- Dyscarthrosis : wear and tear of the intervertebral discs and the underlying joints.
How long does sciatica last?
As in the great variety of conditions similar to this, the estimated recovery time will be proportional to the severity or degree of advancement of the sciatica:
- A sciatica with little advance , with pain in specific positions or after a long time of staying in them, should disappear after, at least, a month of daily practice of therapeutic exercises of the legs, back and abdomen, reducing the inappropriate postures that obstruct recovery, generally promoting a more active lifestyle.
- If the sciatica has worsened to pain with greater frequency, intense and even disabling, and where additional symptoms such as tingling or numbness are present, it will be necessary to attend a suitable professional and include physiotherapy sessions for recovery, in addition to exercises and indications suggested initially. This recovery can take up to 15 weeks .
- In advanced cases of sciatica where reflexes and numbness are decreased and even loss of sensation in it (anesthesia), recovery can take more than 4 months , especially if surgery is applied, and can extend to more than 6 months.
It is necessary to take into account that sciatica is a condition that involves many elements in its appearance: muscles, nerves, bone health, as well as lifestyle. It is essential to be constantly active, with appropriate exercises to not only recover but also to avoid the recurrence of the problem.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to How long does sciatica last? , we recommend that you enter our category of Bones, Joints and Muscles .
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.